The Provincial politicians should get a pay hike, says federal Treasury Board President John Baird. He said it's "ridiculous" that, with the proposed pay hike, a backbench MP will make almost as much as the premier of Ontario. Considering half of them too are immoral persons, pretentious and liars they now are even also overpaid then.Clearly a Big talker Conservative Minister John Baird should now stop worrying about the salaries of others but he should firstly do the work he is getting paid for himself firstly and that means improving immediately, firstly the performances of al of those too many no good, useless, pretentious and incompetent civil servants.It was a good reason I had written to you all and I had said that this Harper Government will be a short lived Minority Government and the next one will be a minority Government and trying to be nice to any of them is a waste of time.. as long as all the federal political parties realistically do not see that they have to show their real concern for all of the Canadians, especially the 80 percent balance of poor and middle class Canadians, and not just try to please the influential rich persons.. but I guess they have to walk in the poor man's shoes first to appreciate the poor man's concerns too.."I think that MPPs are underpaid and I think there should be a fair process to determine it," Baird said in an interview yesterday.I know firstly that the poor people in Canada now, especially the social welfare recipients are really underpaid in Canada, and Mr. Minister John Baird do also really firstly start to care about them before you find yourself on the streets now too and your Conservative government as well.Is this now what the clearly useless MPP of Ontario deserve a raise for? Never!"Social assistance rates have been increased twice. But even with the increases, social assistance beneficiaries will be worse off when the latest increase takes effect, once inflation is taken into account, than they were when the McGuinty government was elected.Thanks to the Harris government's cuts, benefits are scandalously low. A single person is expected to get by on $547 even after the increase in the March budget, a single disabled person on $980 a month, and a single parent with two children on $1,184 a month. There is no relationship between these benefit levels and what it actually costs to meet basic needs in Ontario.Even the Liberals' promise to end the Harris government's clawback of the national child benefit from social assistance beneficiaries has evaporated. The Ontario budget focused on the $550 per year in benefit increases for a single parent with two children that has been passed through since 2004. It failed to mention that the more than $2,700 in child benefits clawed back by the Harris government is still being clawed back from the most vulnerable citizens. For every dollar in child benefits that the McGuinty government has chosen to pass through, $5 is still being clawed back.Just as important is the government's retreat from its plans for early childhood education. In the face of the Harper government's announced cancellation of the national child-care funding agreements, Ontario has simply folded its tent. Funding for 2005-6 is to be spread out over three years and its plans have been scaled back to fit, leaving parents, child-care providers and municipalities scrambling to figure out what to do next.The government's response to the federal child-care cuts is pathetic. Child care is Ontario's responsibility. The government's First Start early childhood education plan was in the Ontario Liberals' election platform in 2003 — before there was a federal program. And the crisis in child-care availability in Ontario has nothing to do with the federal government; it was created by cuts imposed by the previous Ontario government."Telling any news reporter that you think the politicians need more money was especially a stupid thing to do for they are certainly often underpaid themselves and will rightfully not listen to or support your false priorities, concerns too..
Another useless, pretentious Conservative federal Minister who says that the" Public servants should stop searching for reasons not to release government documents and honour the original spirit of the Access to Information Act, " Treasury Board President John Baird. Another useless, pretentious Conservative federal Minister needs to learn that Actions speak louder than wordsForget the useless talk pretentious Mr. Baird for you as a federal Minister are being paid for the job of dealing effectively with these matters now. Simply do Fire any and all immediately the federal civil servants who refuse to comply with providing the access or you will be fired yourself next. It is as simple as that. Actions speak louder than words.
REGINA (CP) - A Saskatchewan government social worker who was fired after more than $1 million in welfare money disappeared from the Community Resources Department has been charged with fraud. In a report released last year, provincial auditor Fred Wendel detailed how the money disappeared. According to the report, 16 fictitious welfare recipients were created over 12 years ending in 2004. Just over 900 emergency payments were made to the non-existing people during that time. The money was listed as going toward things such as emergency repairs and travel for funerals, but it all ended up in the same bank account. The Community Resources case, along with another one which surfaced at the same time in Saskatchewan Environment, focused questions on issues of government accountability and financial irregularities within the civil service. An administrative assistant was fired from the Environment Department after more than $500,000 disappeared between 1999 and 2004 through phoney invoices. Brenda Oates has been charged with fraud and break and enter. Her case is currently before the courts. In both cases it was revealed that the two employees allegedly involved had previous convictions for fraud. The government confirmed that Hynes was convicted in 1984 when she worked as a loans officer at a bank in Newfoundland. She applied for and received a pardon for that crime and was hired as a social worker by the Saskatchewan government in 1989. Oates was convicted in 1986 for defrauding a Regina clothing store. The cases led the government to widen its scope when it came to checking the criminal histories of perspective employees. It also led to a government-wide review of financial irregularities within the public service. The results of that review, released last month, showed taxpayers were bilked out of nearly $2 million by rogue civil servants 43 times over the last three years. The government promised there will be public disclosure of all cases involving more than $500. Since then, the government-run electrical utility, SaskPower, has revealed that an employee is currently suspended after about $100,000 was discovered missing from the Crown corporation." That was years of fraud too.Just the tip of the iceberg, for how many more fraudulent civil and public servants do we also still wrongfully have in the rest of Canada too? The too often incompetent, Pretentious cabinet Ministers have to take much of the blame for all of this still too.
(Prov 22:1 KJV) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.The nice thing about bad politicians is that what they are cannot be hidden for too long of a time.. it eventually gets exposed, and their bad deeds too.As a general rule, the Citizens and especially the news media don't like losers. Losing football, basketball and baseball coaches are fired at the drop of a penalty flag on the field. Nobody sheds any tears when they exit the sports arena. The same principle applies in politics. When the politicians acts as a loser and their loser traits are revealed, these Losers next do not promote newspapers buying generally, and they do not generate communication significant media interest. When the news media next deliberately stops giving the losers politician free news media support they tend not to get elected, even because personally paying for advertising is very costly.
I remember when the Conservatives had said elect us and we shall show you what we can do.. they are showing themselves just as useless, just as incompetent, just as pretentious and the same liars as the Liberals these days too.. Fire them all, recall and replace them and put someone else in who will get the job now done. They are just Hirelings, prostitutes for hire it seems too.(John 10:12 KJV) But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.I have said it for years Canada's cheap and pretentious Provincial and federal politicians by their very poor inaction have hurt our beef industry and the matter is getting worse and not better..R-CALF: Half of Canadian BSE Cattle Born After Feed Ban What the Americans are saying.. "Billings, Mont. – Canada announced on Sunday yet another case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), this time in British Columbia, in a dairy cow born in mid-2000. This is a significant development because it confirms that BSE in Canada is not confined only to Alberta, and BSE in Canadian cattle obviously is not restricted to animals born before Canada’s 1997 feed ban was implemented to prevent the spread of this disease. More worrisome is that this latest incident is Canada’s fourth detected case in a little more than a year, and that Canada continues to test significantly fewer cattle compared to other BSE-affected countries. “Because the facts demonstrate Canada indeed has a significant BSE problem, R-CALF USA is reinstating its call for the closure of the Canadian border until the full scope of the problem can be scientifically quantified, and until Canada has successfully controlled its disease outbreak, which must be confirmed over many months of increased surveillance with no new cases of BSE,” Kiker asserted. R-CALF USA calls on USDA to place a moratorium on the importation of Canadian cattle and beef at least until Canada adopts the minimal risk mitigation measures practiced in other BSE-affected countries that have identified BSE cases in cattle born after the implementation of a feed ban. Such measures include: Significantly increase testing of Canadian cattle to mirror the testing programs of other similarly affected countries. Close the loopholes in Canada’s feed ban, acknowledged by the Canadian government since 2003. Remove all specified risk materials (SRMs) from all cattle over 12 months of age, currently recommended by OIE for countries with an undetermined risk for BSE. In addition, USDA should immediately require all beef and beef products imported from Canada to be clearly marked with a label indicating Canadian origin. After the above measures have effectively been implemented – and this has been confirmed by real-world data – USDA should continue labeling requirements that denote the origin of all beef products."