1: When the PMO says that is what the citizens want that itself is clearly a lie, a distortion, for what portion of the citizens are they referring too? the easterners, the westerners, or Albertan rednecks?While we may be one big family Canada Canada is made up of clearly diverse, distinct groups of persons, regions, with significant religious differences as well, and the province of Quebec included. Even related to the application, enforcement of the law, included a difference in the letter of the law approach versus a spirit of the law approach. Protestants and Catholics tend to also see the same Bible in a very different perspectives even in Canada too.Protestants tend to emphasize more leadership, personal assertiveness while Catholics tend to emphasize personal submission, collectiveness, community approach. And the valid personal submission is still reciprocal, voluntarily and unenforceable.
While many persons today would like to believe that Quebec has totally abandoned it's Christian Catholic history, upbringing, and is a secular society we actually still also do know for sure this is not so. The Catholic church still plays a significant role, influence in Quebec even though it might not be directly visible. Unlike many westerners Quebecers are very familiar with Christian teachings. But Quebec has undeniably also had has a direct connection historically with France and the French Revolution where the practice of a real democracy, liberty, equity, freedom, free speech, servant hood were part of the revolution's cornerstones too.
Stephen Harper's own overly non democratic, assertive WASP approach, management style is seen by many persons in Quebec as a warlike aggressiveness, a false, hypocritical Protestant, Tories' approach ( though it is very much supported by Alberta's rednecks) is to many persons clearly also characterized also by Harper's visible lack of humility, lack of servant hood, maturity, selected discriminations, and even false partialities.
Thus as a direct result Harper and his party now are rightfully, undeniably and clearly today not appreciated especially in Quebec and is the main second reason, next to Harper being seen as warmongering in Afghanistan is another reason that Harper's popularity in Quebec too is really slipping. You would be really surprised as to how most people in Montreal now do have no use for him at all.
Harper's political party and is a management style is really foreign, contrary to the non existent Christian socialist democratic party that many Quebecers would rather still support. Such is the reality.
"Quebec tribunal to hear prayer complaints Tue, 28 Mar 2006 CBC News A Laval tradition of starting city council meetings with a prayer will be investigated by a Quebec human rights tribunal after a complaint by an atheist who argues religion has no place in state institutions. Danielle Payette said she asked city council more than two years ago to refrain from holding a short prayer session before each meeting. When she attended, she would sit while others stood briefly for a prayer at the start. The teacher and atheist says she feels it's embarrassing and that beliefs should be personal and private. The Quebec Human Rights Commission asked the city to drop the prayer by February 2004 after her complaint, but Laval council has refused. The 27-word prayer asks the Lord to provide them with His grace and the knowledge to run the city well. The commission has now brought the matter before a human rights tribunal, which is expected to hear the case Thursday and Friday. The commission has advised council to replace prayer sessions with a moment of silence. Laval officials say the city has received only one complaint about their prayers. "
"Tories' plan to restrict media access ratchets up negative attention in Ottawa, Quebec Toronto Star Ottawa (Mar 29, 2006) The escalating controversy over Prime Minister Stephen Harper's tough new communications strategy is threatening to hurt him in Quebec, the province where the Tory government most wants to gain in the next election. A recent series of political missteps -- the latest of which revolves around a clampdown on access to cabinet ministers -- is spoiling the Conservative image in Quebec and provoking opposition ire in Ottawa. Harper's staunch defence of Canada's offensive combat operations in Afghanistan has raised eyebrows in Quebec, as have the government's lukewarm stance on the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, the failure to deliver on a promise to help fund a cash-strapped public zoo in Quebec City, and the decision to scrap a day-care deal that was to bring $806 million to the province over the next five years. And now the government's tough new communications strategy is drawing fire in a province where the Tories are desperate to make gains. The government recently took steps to keep the media away from cabinet ministers, including a plan to no longer indicate when the cabinet meets. Yesterday, cabinet met without any public notification and Harper entered Parliament through a service entrance. The government also recently said it will no longer automatically provide public notification of meetings with foreign dignitaries. Senior officials have dismissed criticism of the policy as media petulance. As the Tories began two days of caucus meetings to prepare for next week's resumption of Parliament, sources in both Ottawa and Quebec City say the Tories have experienced delays in reaching a deal with Quebec on its role at UNESCO, the world cultural and education body. It had been hoped that a deal would be signed before the April 4 Throne Speech, but now officials in both governments say an agreement -- which will give Quebec a formal role, but no veto, in determining cultural policy and provide the province with an office within Canada's UNESCO delegation -- will likely have to wait until next week at the earliest. The UNESCO promise is a key symbolic commitment for a Tory government that is hungry to make gains in Quebec, but the list of potential political stumbling blocks in the province is lengthening. The controversy over Harper's confrontational communications plan has also won him the kinds of attention the party has striven to avoid in the francophone press. Le Devoir made the imbroglio its front-page story, and the populist Journal de Montreal dedicated a two-page spread to stories headlined "Harper muzzles journalists" and "A 30-year setback for news." The TVA television network, which has the highest ratings in the province, also gave extensive coverage to the affair, as did Radio-Canada. Senior Tory officials have made it plain to ministers not involved in the five priority areas that they are to keep new initiatives to a minimum, and they've also issued an edict that requires all communications plans, announcements and interviews to be cleared with Harper's staff. Liberals, who held a meeting of opposition critics, said the Tories information-control schemes show they don't trust the media or Canadians. Interim Liberal Leader Bill Graham accused the Conservatives of anti-democratic information control. In a fiercely partisan, election-style speech to his caucus and staffers, Harper put a heavy emphasis on his key governing priorities and wasted no time in levelling a broadside at the Liberals. "To hear the Liberals talk, you'd think they're still entitled to be in power. You'd think that the recent election in which 70 per cent of Canadian voters called for change had never occurred or if it did occur, people should vote again and get it right," he said. "Well, that election did occur. Canadians ... don't want to vote again. They want us to deliver change and that is what we are going to do." Using some of the same stock phrases that peppered his stump speech during last winter's election, Harper said he will focus on his initial five priorities when Parliament reconvenes. The priorities are a new federal accountability package, tougher penalties for violent crime, a GST cut, direct child-care subsidies for parents, and a care guarantee for patients. He then added a sixth that was a campaign staple and will surely be highlighted in next week's Throne Speech: protecting Arctic sovereignty and bulking up the military. Graham, for his part, compared the Harper government to foreign regimes that limit the free flow of information to gain control over their constituents. "We've all seen other governments that have not wanted to have press conferences," Graham said, wading into the ongoing dispute over access to cabinet ministers that is pitting Parliament Hill reporters against the PMO. "All I can say is that in Canada that is not our tradition." Rather than be kept out of sight, cabinet ministers should be encouraged to talk to the public so that Canadians understand government policies, Graham added. "A government that won't do that clearly is indicating it is intending to govern in a way that is not familiar for Canadians. And I don't think Canadians will put up with that." Speaking with reporters, Graham brushed aside Harper's suggestion that the Grits were trying to operate as though they didn't lose the election. While planning to work constructively in Parliament, he said, the Liberals are going to be just as tough on the Conservative government as Harper and his colleagues were on former prime minister Paul Martin's minority regime. Yesterday, Liberal House Leader Ralph Goodale said the Tory fixation on five priorities was a sparse, right-wing agenda meant to manipulate voter attitudes by setting low expectations. The policies, he said, amount to "neo-conservative light." "
2: a good example of Albertan distorted news reporting.
"Alberta attracts many new businesses" but does not specify the kind of business being attracted, small large, oil and gas, hotel industry or manufacturing?.. nor does it state how many of them had failed in the last 5 years for example. most?"An ordinary truck driver can make 80 k per year"? working how many hours, and he has to supply his own 80 K truck or more? and how many truck drivers do even made that kind of money as well. Rare."It's due to strong economic prospects, it's the low-cost environment and the quality of life," said Adam Legge, director of research for Calgary Economic Development. Alberta has a low costs enviremonet. The Salaries are higher and personal ineffectiveness too. Do now don't make me laugh.. reality after Vancouver it Calgary is one of the most expensive places in Canada to live with plenty of high hidden costs.
"It's a fine line -- we have to celebrate our success, yet be humble in that it comes from the sacrifices from other parts of Canada," said Legge ignoring the reality that too many existing Alberta rednecks undeniably today and too often do propagate hatred towards the Easterners, and Canada and state they are not accepted as real Albertans
Calgary 's growing pains have been predictable and unending too.. g owing pains cause urgent calls from Calgary's Mayor Dave Bronconnier for a larger share of tax revenues to fund badly needed infrastructure. .. the population surges placed his institution and others in a vise with schools face school also enduring student access pressures, school transportation problems and crumbling infrastructure.
This above all is a good example of distorted news reporting. A good example of the lying Calgary that I have been personaly familiar with too.It is the same immoral approach as taking an isolated verse of the Bible out of full context. For example "Thou salth not kill, animals included, is a great Biblical lie and distortion. God always had and has permitted killings, even of animals, but he clearly specifed he did not permit the murder of people. ( Abortion is OK but not killing Seals -Really how false and hypocritical here as well)As far AS THE distorted news reporting STOP IT NOW! GET HONESTY BACK INTO THE NEWS MEDIA