----- Original Message -----
martin.paul@parl.gc.ca My member of Parlaiment
Sent: Friday,
March 24, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: Racial, undemocratic, illegal abuses by
professing Conservatives in Calgary Alberta on the internet
I get replies
and results to my letters of complaints often but here on this issue
neither the federal nor the Alberta Governments, or the Alberta Human rights
commission again had bothered to firstly acknowledge my letter and why is that
now too?
RSVP Especialy since I live in your riding and you know
what I can do already.----- Original Message -----
From: "Ministre" <Ministre@mels.gouv.qc.ca>
Sent: Friday, March
24, 2006 5:41 PM
Subject: Rép. : The Western Standard (Message
Nous accusons réception de votre courriel et vous
remercions d'avoir communiqué avec le ministre de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du
Sport. Nous vous assurons que votre demande sera traitée avec toute
l'attention qu'elle mérite.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations
Le cabinet du ministre de l'Éducation, du Loisir et
du Sport
1035, de la Chevrotière
Marie-Guyart, 16e étage
Québec (Québec) G1R 5A5
: (418) 644-0664
Télécopieur : (418)
>>> themailbag 24/03/06 17:39 >>>
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Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 5:39 PM
Subject: The Western Standard
I clearly had supported the Western Standard right of printing
the cartoons under their right of free speech. But now I personally find out
that their Internet site deliberately not only promotes hatred towards Canada,
specially easterners but in an unfair and undemocratic process it deletes the
unfavorable messages, towards Alberta too, such as this own below. This is
both hypocritical and unacceptable on their parts. Please do Deal with it
propelry now.
" Western Standard's invasion of other people's computer
is an illegal invasion of one's personal privacy. - Comcast High-Speed
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
http://www.comcast.net/terms/use.jsp .. we will "access any other
person's computer or computer system, software, or data without their
knowledge and consent; breach the security of another user; or attempt to
circumvent the user authentication or security of any host, network, or
account. This includes, but is not limited to, accessing data not intended for
you, logging into or making use of a server or account you are not expressly
authorized to access, or probing the security of other hosts, networks, or
accounts; " Scary scary stuff. Let the Alberta Human rights
commissioner, Justice department also know that know this is illegal now for
the other parties did not consent to this in writing. "
Clearly here too the Conservatives are still the big
hypocrites who themselves do not keep the laws they preach to the
I think EC has said it all well. "It is clear as crystal that
by most of the hateful, spiteful statements made here, the
supposedly wealthy Alberta is a racist's, redneck's place. The New
Alberta. According to Statistics Canada, 80% of Albertans are urbanized.
Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Red Deer, and Lethbridge are still the only
cities in Alberta it seems as well. But nothing has changed in Alberta today.
Even Calgary, Edmonton are really still bland and boring, banal, gray,
uninspiring, strip malls and redneck infested. So many of us divert the focus
to the sole great beauty, the Rockies. Calgary which has the largest municipal
park in Canada within its borders still this does not help it's blah image
too. What makes all of these Albertan places quite boring also is you can
drive through these towns in less than 10 minutes and seen all there is to
see. But Vancouver, now there is a beautiful flowered city.
And it is still the same rural, untamed persons, the cowboys who lead the
Canadian image of Alberta as the redneck capital of North America. An Alberta
that still needs to buy people, foreigners, wetbacks to come to Alberta to
mainly generate more money for the select few still. Generating more money for
the select few is a main Albertan priority of it's governments. Thus Albertans
and their Government using the pretentious term loosely are more than content
to let social underclasses come in. Alberta's enemies are not those outside
it's borders nut the enemy that is far stronger and more destructive than many
outsiders realize. Alberta has many Racists who practise both a race-based and
a non raced based hatred for any persons not born and raised in Alberta.
Racism isalso believing that there are different races of people in
Alberta and that one one particular race in Alberta is inherently superior.
Too many Albertans feel compelled to protect these backward living rednecks
and why? If I think all Torontonians are superior to all Montrealers,
does that not make me also a discriminatory racist? Even the regionalist are
racists too. These soley white redneck Albertans are still racists by any
reasonable facts. When things turn bad next it is always these foreigners, or
the minorities in Alberta who are constantly on the reciving end of redneck
crap and are the persons that have been made to feel like aliens in the
province that they also contribute to day in and day out. These Rednecks are
the persons who ave no qualms to hypocritically tell everyone else they are
lazy, tax-siphoning bastards that should not have come to Alberta. A racists
mentality ,attitudes are the dirty underside of the Albertan juggernaut. So,
if you're coming to Alberta best to make sure that promised milk and honey
aren't past their "best buy" date.
Eventually, Alberta will experience a recession, a VERY troubling sense
of foreboding, something that scares these rednecks beyond shitless hence
their strong declarations of self-reliance yet no tangible evidence of such a
thing.. Apparently thus Alberta is an abmonination and is not longer a Bible
belt, God's country and God will smite all Alberta one day again. Albertans
should now be really concerned with who will be there for them when the chips
are down. Albertas has got to do some serious soul-searching. But it has to
have a soul firstly which it visibly ain't got yet. As we all can tell if we
want too. For too many Albertans still do bring out the dark underside of
Alberta and show it to the rest of Canada.What's the point of being an
immigrant in Alberta if they nver next will accept you, if this is what
welcomes you. And how is Alberta going to attract people from other countries,
other parts of Canada if they know they don't have a chance to be accepted? By
telling them more lies. Alberta is a mouse trap, luring in the unsuspecting.
Your entire Albertan arguments are still crap. Where as in Eastern Canada
Michaele Jean is a perfect example where a black woman from Haiti with all her
citizenships, cultures, language, past it did not prevent her to now rise to
greatness, inspiring many others through the diversity of her existence, for
in contrast to Alberta the rest Canada is a much better place than Alberta
today. Itoo have been been shocked at some of the anti-immigrant , anti
canadian sludge I've seen on to many conservative blogs and how much hatred
they are carrying around. They are not only racists, terrorists nuts but
they are criminals who should be jailed now. This is the type of Alberta I
want All to see?
I am a great Canadian although the rest of you Albertans appear to have
forgotten what that means. It is us Canadians who should stop the train and
let you bad Albertans get off. All you jerks who deliberately derail the train
just to be selfishly heard too. There are many good Canadians picking shrapnel
out of their skin because of what you stinking manure, gas producers wrongfuly
have done here too. Canada is better off without you.The rest of what you say
is meaningless still too. Damned Ablertan rednecks." Get rid of them.
Posted by: Pierre | 24-Mar-06 9:33:43 AM
Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty serves
everyone's best interest. And I shout abuses loud from every street
corner I can. I do it 7 days a week and make it a full time event too. You
don't want to let me continue to do it too. I have been writing before the
Reform party was formed, helped to make sure Kim Campbell rightfully lost her
elections and may other federal cabinet ministers now too. I mail out
thousands of letters a week to the right parties for their further actions,
news editors now included. Now please do deal with it and RSVP Thank