President Stephen Harper

The spin doctors in Canada sadly are alive and well and are still at work lying, distorting, spinning.

 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.(Prov 27:2 KJV) 
The PM "Harper was holding  expansive news conferences in Ottawa until the press gallery began setting up its own microphones at Harper events and lined up to ask questions. " In my summation the PM S Harper as well wrongfully does not like to practice mutual submissivness nor the Bible  it seems also. (1 Pet 5:5 KJV)  Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble(1 Pet 2:17 KJV)  Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,  and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Prov 22:1 KJV) 
 The federal Conservatives under the professing Christian Evangelical S Harper are starting to look like bigger liars more and more, every day.  It seems we cannot trust the politicians to keep their promises, especially even the Conservatives ones and this is really unacceptable.  It has also always amazed me and I have said it before how those hypocritical Conservatives in Alberta were so ready to change things in Ottawa but had not cleaned their own house firstly, and they still wrongfully have not done it even too.

The clearly rednecked rebel  Conservative PM Stephen Harper's  method of attaining political wins is being run against him  by  the opposition politicians who are pointing out to all that the Prime Minister's general route is a short cut around Parliament.  Just read or listen to the news in Canada and you will clearly note that our PM Stephen Harper is not mature enough to try to work with others, he dictates, threatens, bullies instead. There is more here than meets the eye initially too. Playing games instead of leading, management is another sign of  the PM's  clear incompetence.

The reality today still is that Stephen Harper PM is quite an easy person to understand in fact, so is his PMO link, for Stephen Harper has yet not matured too, and thus  he still is not qualified to be 
The President of a firm
The General manager of a firm,
A Departmental manager even,
Or a Supervisor,
for rather all he still really  is,  is an assertive  loud mouthed Foreman who takes orders from others and dictatorially  gives it to others.
He is over his head in his present job as PM and it shows..
He has to develop more his submissions, listening and assertive skills firstly.
Of course for many liberals as well Harper's approach  is rightfully unacceptable, undemocratic approach, but dictatorship management style a common right wing approach where the end justifies the means.  It may be fine way to treat children but not the adults for sure.

Like I have said before I am also really getting really sick and tired  of these no good, lying pretentious politicians who when they were in the opposition party they complained about having a more effective and honest government and begged for us to elect them instead, but no sooner than they are elected they really show themselves to be not much better, the same liars, abusers of tax payers money. This is never acceptable and they too should be immediately now kicked out too. For the good of all the citizens now too. 
 In my summation the PM S Harper as well wrongfully does not like to practice mutual submissivness nor the Bible  it seems also. (1 Pet 5:5 KJV)  Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble(1 Pet 2:17 KJV)  Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
Also Mr. S Harper still even does needs to mature, he firstly needs firstly to care, to  love and to treat all persons equally firstly before he will earn any respect, or a reelection as well. Otherwise I cannot see how he even becomes a PM in the first place right now.  Learn a lesson from History. Ex PM Brian Mulroney was not known at the end of his term as a prime minister in touch with the people and his whole Party paid the price, it ceased to exist as a political party next too. History often repeats itself. 

As a professing Christian the still obviously spoiled pampered child S Harper clearly does not read or know the Bible too.. clearly he has not learn sufficiently personally from it also.

(1 Ki 12:6 KJV)  And king Rehoboam consulted with the old men, that stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, and said, How do ye advise that I may answer this people? 7  And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever. 8  But he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him, and which stood before him: 9  And he said unto them, What counsel give ye that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter? 10  And the young men that were grown up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou speak unto this people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins. 11  And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. 12  So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the king had appointed, saying, Come to me again the third day. 13  And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the old men's counsel that they gave him; 14  And spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke: my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. 15  Wherefore the king hearkened not unto the people; for the cause was from the LORD, that he might perform his saying, which the LORD spake by Ahijah the Shilonite unto Jeroboam the son of Nebat....(1 Ki 12:16 KJV)  So when all Israel saw that the king hearkened not unto them, the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: to your tents, O Israel: now see to thine own house, David. So Israel departed unto their tents... 19  So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day.

(1 Tim 5:8 KJV)  But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (Mat 7:3 KJV)  And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?4   Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 
Tell me who your friends  are and I can tell you what you are like. Now there is only one body of Jesus Christ, only one true Church universal, but there are many different local flavors, various categories of churches, denominations for a start, and thus also there are many false ones there as well. And for certainty not all of them are positive ones. Just as in the various Catholic Churches, I have been shocked to discover how even the Evangelical churches can differ significantly in their beliefs,  theology, practice, and managerial styles too. 
Our PM S Harper was predefined before he became Prime Minister, and his behavior is very typical of the despotic leaderships I have encountered for many years in His church, the Canadian Christian Missionary Alliance church, CMA where the head of the Canadian Christian Missionary Alliance Church in Canada is called a President, not a servant? so no wonder S Harper who is CMA tries to act like a US President too. THE CMA is a  dictatorial ministry, a one man ministry approach, as opposed to a plurality of elders, or a Presbyterian approach. 
   As you know the new testament approach is based on a plural and equal church elders, submitting one to another and all of them running all of the churches. The churches were also named by the city it was in. For example it would be the Church of Calgary, and not the Pentaostal or the CMA, Alliance  church too.
The CMA, Alliance   uses a secular or old testament pyramidal dictatorial approach too for managing the CHURCH, MISSIONARY business. The CMA, Alliance Chuch to me uses a switch and bait suckers approach, they uses their emphasis of missions to collect money but use most of the donated money is used for church empire building in Canada mostly as one alliance president had  told to me. So Harper is true CMA, Alliance   in is behavior 
 I had become closely familiar with some of the CMA, Alliance Church pastors and their district superintendents of the CMA churches now too including Stephen Harper's Calgary's First  Christian Missionary Alliance Church which clearly, rightfully  to me is a non Christian church, and it is a false community that supports the rich and despises the poor people, and it now also would reflect part of Stephen's Harper's own management style tooand  all the additional Facts do not deny the truths that I had posted.

1)  I was personally there in Calgary in the 1980's when disgruntled Calgary pastors got into politics and helped to form the Reform party, which is illegal under Canadian law as well.I had written to Brian Mulroney the then PM and had told him what they were doing, but he disregard it.,.. and we know how they replaced his party.

2) Please note the American Christian Missionary Alliance had a histrorical split and one part went to Canada and formed the Pentecostal Assembly of Canada and the other became the Canadian Christian Missionary alliance group these groups are really different now as well..

3) The CMA. Alliance  is still a false reorganization that idolizes, worships men, upholds men, as your exemplary writing indicates, Tozer and Simpson included .

(Jer 17:5 KJV) Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

4) The Canadian CMA, Alliance Church is a pretentious and hypocritical organization, and I can go into much personal detail..

When my local CMA, Alliance pastor was fired from his job I volunteered next to have a farewell party for him and I could not help to notice that he was very embarrassed about it too. Years later had found out that the same pastor had been fired from his job because in jealousy of me he had tried to kick me out and instead he got fired. By the way his successor robbed my local church of money next.

Incidentally that has happened three times to me with pastors, even 2 other founding church pastors next were fired for trying to kick me out of their church, for falsely saying things to me like " this is my church and if you do not like it get out" and what a lie, for Jesus is still the head of the church and it is all his church.

A senior Calgary First Alliance Church pastor as I had witnessed used to love to lie and bash others, he would pretend to love and work with the Pentecostals in Calgary but when they had left he would bad mouth them to me and others and to me that was unacceptable. I had told his whole congregation openly what an unacceptable bad and lying pastor he was as well. Most Alliance pastors i met were hirelings, money hungry persons worried about their pensions as well. I also had often met Rev G Whishart the basic Canadian founder, of 72 Alliances churches in Canada, too

The Canadian CMA Alliance church in general and locally really does not understand what real spirtual life is, especially the gifts of the Holy Spirt too, and that was I was often called by the local Alliance church pastor to help in the local minstry.

They are too often made up of the rich who despise the poor people too in Canada."

Also Mr. S Harper still even does needs to mature, he firstly needs firstly to care, to  love and to treat all persons equally firstly before he will earn any respect, or a reelection as well. Otherwise I cannot see how he even becomes a PM in the first place right now.  Learn a lesson from History. Ex PM Brian Mulroney was not known at the end of his term as a prime minister in touch with the people and his whole Party paid the price, it ceased to exist as a political party next too. History often repeats itself. 

It was no big secret that the Conservative and S Harper's secret agenda was a majority government. Stephen Harper personally had by his won free will accepted the job of being a prime Minister of a minority Government beforehand knowing that it was a minority government and he had said he would work with the oppositions. But it now seems he wanted to be a Prime Minister of a minority government while acting as a Majority government and that is impossible, a sure reason his government will fall and face reelections before the end of his term. The Conservative and S Harper's based mainly also on his recent incompetence, his own unacceptable dictatorial management style, his showing false partiality, his neglecting the poor persons in Canada,  as well we all can thank God he and the Conservatives now did not get a majority government for sure. Also I gave said even before the least federal elections no political party will firstly have a majority government really unless it really cares equally about the good welfare of all Canadians, young and old too, equally  in all parts of Canada, the rich and the poor ones as well. So far we do not have such a political party and is why we are also in minority governments
Since I do not kiss ass, for it suits no one by anyone doing this, there is a clear difference of my view of Harper's 100 days in office and some of the news reporters, My summary is the mature, honest one. Harper and his mostly bad cabinet got their copy of it already. But you can pass it on to them again. A big laughable circus it what we seem to have on Ottawa still. There still really is no such thing as an effective Conservative government still if mostly no one is really being held accountable for their poor acts.. join the civil -public services, governments and get off Scott free for all the buck passing, cheating, lying , stealing you wants seems to be the norm! 
They all, the Civil and Public servants, Politicians,  Professionals still need to be regularly supervised too. That is why we need and do have the auditors, News media, Opposition parties, concerned citizens to do this too.. and it still generally is not enough as we can all see. Better management, and Public exposure and exemplary prosecution of the major guilty is also a fact of life, that serves the good welfare of all the persons In Canada. Too many civil and public, civil servants, politicians, professionals still do think they are above the laws and are unacceptably not being held accountable still in Canada today. This includes now also having a real, fair, honest, uniform Canada wide laws and justice system in Canada, that treats everyone equally, fairly, all persons, citizens, professionals as well. That includes having fully independent regulating bodies, judicial legal appointed authorities, for the RCMP, police, lawyers, accountants, doctors, civil and public servants, politicians included, to honestly, fully investigate and to deal quickly, effectively with any, all of the wrong doings now too  
It was no big secret that the Conservative and S Harper's secret agenda was a majority government. Stephen Harper personally had by his won free will accepted the job of being a prime Minister of a minority Government beforehand knowing that it was a minority government and he had said he would work with the oppositions. But it now seems he wanted to be a Prime Minister of a minority government while acting as a Majority government and that is impossible, a sure reason his government will fall and face reelections before the end of his term. The Conservative and S Harper's based mainly also on his recent incompetence, his own unacceptable dictatorial management style, his showing false partiality, his neglecting the poor persons in Canada,  as well we all can thank God he and the Conservatives now did not get a majority government for sure. Also I gave said even before the least federal elections no political party will firstly have a majority government really unless it really cares equally about the good welfare of all Canadians, young and old too, equally  in all parts of Canada, the rich and the poor ones as well. So far we do not have such a political party and is why we are also in minority governments
In Canada today, the federal and provincial governments   they all Harper now included   "really needs to take a look at their  own poor persons and human rights record before starting to criticize any of the others," To do this they have to continue also to monitor, to stop the abuses of the tax payer's money, and to stop the individual's human rights abuses,  by our civil and public servants, professionals, PM as well.

The fish stinks from the head but many cut the tail of first..  the news reporters.. the poor people. That also seems how the governments wrongfully does  respond to   abuses and the poor people too now rather than firstly dealing with all of with the major crooks, the real tax abusers too..  Also Mr. S Harper still even does needs to mature, he firstly needs firstly to care, to  love and to treat all persons equally firstly before he will earn any respect, or a reelection as well. Otherwise I cannot see how he even becomes a PM in the first place right now.  Learn a lesson from History. Ex PM Brian Mulroney was not known at the end of his term as a prime minister in touch with the people and his whole Party paid the price, it ceased to exist as a political party next too. History often repeats itself. 

"The Conservative obsessiveness about control will backfire since to the larger electorate   it revives fears about Harper's "hidden agendas" and his clearly disrespect for the good care and  will of the people and of Parliament itself. It is also an affront to democratic principles. Harper essentially put a motion in front of the House of Commons, then promised not to abide by the results of a democratic vote should it not go his way. While arguing that we must participate unquestioningly in Operation Enduring Freedom to bring democracy to Afghanistan at gun point, our Prime Minister clearly signalled that democracy in Canada is secondary to his own partisan wishes. Harper’s defence of his undemocratic posturing is that the Liberals didn’t have a vote on Afghanistan at all. Apparently he aspires to be just as bad as the Liberals. He’s accomplished that, at least. "
"Harper's battle with media heats up  Wed, May 24, 2006  By CP  OTTAWA -- About two dozen journalists walked out on Stephen Harper yesterday after he refused to take questions, the latest chapter in an increasingly unseemly spat between the prime minister and members of the national media.  Reporters boycotting a prime ministerial news conference was a first, Parliament Hill veterans said.  It resulted in Harper being forced to make his announcement on aid to Darfur to a small handful of reporters, photographers and camera operators outside the House of Commons.  The impromptu boycott was the latest move by journalists in their tug-of-war with the prime minister over control of news conferences.  The Prime Minister's office insists on choosing who gets to ask questions based on a list it compiles. Officials say they're merely trying to bring order to the often chaotic ritual of parliamentary news scrums.  But the parliamentary press gallery is concerned Harper wants to freeze out journalists or news organizations he dislikes. "
"There is an aspect of Harper's style that is far more threatening: his intense partisanship, an approach Andrew Coyne of the National Post describes as "tribal." For Harper, politics is about helping your friends and harming your enemies -- a blood sport in which no quarter is asked, and none offered. Tribalism, unfortunately, tends to militate against any sort of principled politics. Policies, programs and even institutions are supported or opposed not because they are good or bad for the country, but because they are opposed or supported by the other side. "
"  Stephen Harper just can't shake that hidden agenda. Back when he was a scary Reformer, the big worry was that he was a closet Alberta separatist pining for the return of back-alley abortions. Now that he's Prime Minister, the accusations are a touch more polite: apparently, Harper wants nothing more than to be President of Canada."
The PM's hand-picked choice Gwyn Morgan was unsuitable and tells us what the PM S Harper is like now too. The proposed Patronage watchdog was a patronage appointee too.. and what an oxymoron  contradiction.. Harper also can pin the failure of this accountability plan on nobody but himself once again too. More disconcerting is Harper's inability to face and recover from his own fiasco making. Our spoiled child the PM S Harper once gain took  "my way or the highway" approach. "What on earth ever happened to making a minority Parliament work? Or a respect for the democratic process he decried former prime minister Paul Martin for routinely rebuffing?" " The prime minister's initiative gets rejected by a group of MPs, but instead of respecting their decision, he curses it and proclaims he'll ram through his own decision anyway, at another time or by another means. Stephen Harper used to rail against this ugly tactic when he was in opposition and saw Liberals doing it. Now, he's doing it himself." and then there is those ugly threats.." we'll obviously be looking for a majority mandate from the people of Canada so we can proceed with our work in this area." when will Stephen Harper stop being now so self serving and start serving all of the good people of Canada is what many citizens care about firstly to..  Gwyn Morgan , this same man and all of his colleagues should never ever have a job, a role, a function in the government looking after the good welfare of all Canadians as well. If this is what the Conservatives and the PM are really like now too, fire them , now get rid of them all out of office rightfully as well. ASAP.
" In Harper's few short months as PM, this has become a familiar pattern: he's happy to pander to special interest groups, as long as they are his special interest groups. He is not opposed to wasteful government redistribution of income, as long as he's the one doing the redistributing. An inefficient and messy tax code is no big deal, as long as it is his mess. An appointed Senate is fine when it is a Conservative Prime Minister doing the appointing. And so on."

The Conservatives are in power, but the danger is not that we have elected someone who wants to be George W. Bush. It is that we have elected someone who has no problem with a benign dictatorship, as long as he's the dictator, for whom principle and politics are like church and state, if not oil and water. We have re-elected Jean Chrétien. "

And now, as Prime Minister Stephen Harper  he has had a sterling chance to show that he knows the difference between being a politician, and being a loser. He failed at it and is another loser.  Yes, the federal Conservatives got elected on promises of accountability, on being honest in government, and bringing a business-like approach to governing. But now it seems we have to kick them out as well for discrimination, partialities, playing politics, not observing or upholding the laws of the country, and finally for being just big liars like the Liberals too.  and it seems I too will have to be writing about the same old issues, also about the governmental inadequacies, concerns to the newt new federal cabinet which hopefully will do a lot more, be more honest too. Sad isn't it?

We can clearly all new see the new government of honesty, decency, maturity, ethics  promised by Harper and the Conservative was just  another unacceptable  big political lie.

I got news for S Harper and his Conservatives, you cannot hope even win re-election with out the news media support, and the news media does not support the obvious losers, and daily more and more reporters are wrting negative articles about S Harper and his government as well.
(Prov 13:20 KJV)  He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.(Prov 24:6 KJV)  For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.(Luke 12:57 KJV)  Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right? 58  When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate, as thou art in the way, give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison.59  I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.

On wrongfully Replacing one perverse dictator by another...

But I also  rightfully do  take great objection to the absurd view  that the News media is the acting king on behalf of  the people and that the citizens should not be expect to be heard directly by the MPs. MPs were elected to represent directly the wished and  the needs of the citizens and not the news media. I got news for you the News media and the MPs are both direct servants of the people firstly and always. And do also tell them to not to let their jobs or positions go to their big heads now or we will have to fire them.
"Straight talk KEN ALEXANDER  editor, The Walrus magazine Toronto -- Ian Brown's portrait of the Harper government's attempt to muzzle the press and to severely limit access to Conservative members of Parliament should concern all Canadians, regardless of which political party they happen to support (In Harper's Regime, Big Daddy Knows Best -- May 13). Keeping "on message" is one thing, but all members of Parliament are elected by the people and sit in the House of Commons at their behest. While it is unreasonable to expect direct access to our political representatives, in a functioning democracy it is absolutely necessary that political representatives be available to the press." and the citizens as well

Anyone being still nice to the wicked person is still committing an immoral and wasteful act.. for if the evil persons are rather not chastised, rebuked, punished they will not learn to do rather good even for the good benefit us all.   All it takes for evil person now, a person note, to prosper is for the good person to do nothing about him or her. If the evil persons do not face real negative consequences they will have no reason even to stop their wrong doings, and  change now as well. 

Everyone in the Public, civil service, Municipalities, provinces still do wants more money but what about the proper fiscal management of it firstly that is still too often needed in reality..  and the related accountability too... and no I do not trust even the Aldermen, the appointed Ministers, never mind their subordinates  to do this and rightfully as well to even properly manage it. Nor can we now even clearly trust the RCMP to do this.. sad isn't it..  The Conservatives and the NDP better get their accountability act together very shortly otherwise they will lose many voters the next election too. In the undeniable perverse Canada today it is mostly the too often even perverted, immoral professionals, politicians, civil and public servants who have rights, and  their rights now enforced, but not the ordinary citizens of Canada mostly still, and this is really unacceptable as well. Our politicians clearly do still do need to  take a more serious, real, valid managerial responsibility, personal accountability, valid actions even at  the federal and provincial levels too even when it comes to the good welfare, health of all Canadians in any issue. Yes  too  many of the civil and public servants, their managers, Ministers, politicians  they have merely gotten used to mostly lying and now are rather to incompetent to bring forth valid, positive, real effective  results still. Real Public exposure and prosecution of all of the guilty persons here too serves everyone's best interest. Jail and firings now too for judges, lawyers, civil and public servants, politicans are still some of  the best prevention programs now too.    

It is also clearly undeniable that the Canadian gun registry made social,  legal, judicial sense, just as driving licenses now do as well, and the gun registry should include all guns, riffles, shotguns as well.. but the root problem was not the gun registry laws but the actual operating which clearly it seems included the  ineffective manner of the people who ran it, the cops included. Gun registry like driving licenses for security reasons should also not be privatized? " 

What worries many of us, and what should concern all voters, is Harper's early tendency to ignore or flip-flop on some of his key campaign promises and statements that he made while he was Opposition leader. The federal Conservatives had said before they were elected, elect us and we will show you what we ill do instead.. well they have now next showed us, too many of them including S Harper they are they are following in the bad steps of the bad Liberals so far. Unacceptable. We certainly now did not elect Conservatives to Ottawa so that the Conservatives can next  have a good time there at the paid for by others, free to them, sporting events, or to get richer. There can be no doubt about it, Harper only had won his office this year cause he had clearly, repeated, had often  promised in contrast to the Liberals he would have only  a clean, honest, different governmental style, and not one rather that now next is really the same old bad thing, with the Conservative politicians and Conservative lobbyists trying to get rich from the  existing offices of the federal government. Such presently clearly unacceptable discrediting Conservative acts, behaviors now even offends both the Conservatives  supporters and the non Conservatives ones.

As the news media Keeps on Harping, our PM Stephen Harper has reportedly made a tactical decision between the 2004 and 2006 elections: that rather than trying to be liked by a selected , he would rather try to look for all of Canadians' respect. Dream On. For  that all important value of respect,  when you abuse even one person, that includes one citizen, one reporter too, you immediately lose it all, you lose any you had to start of with too, you as the exemplary leader do firstly have to earn the respect, it cannot be self appointed, enforced, delegated by Mr. S Harper not so much whether he Harper is receiving it, but whether he and his team do firstly have any respect for any of those as well that they see as mere obstacles to getting their own way. These false Power struggles even between politicians and the press are  an indication as to how Harper and the PM view the basic, ordinary citizens as well  and this unacceptable attitude  in the capital is quickly building to an unworkable situation for Harper, as evidenced by the fact the PMO communications team is no longer able or willing to impart even the most basic information to the media. Visibly Mr. S Harper still even does needs to mature, he firstly needs firstly to care, to  love and to treat all persons equally firstly before he will earn any respect, or a reelection as well.  
It is absolutely indefinable that our PM Stephen Harper  is a liar and a hypocrite, for while he Stephen Harper had promised before being elected that he and his party would be different than the Liberals, he Stephen Harper himself just before that last federal election had also complained that the then Prime Minister Paul Martin had been using his resources, his political office to campaigning for the next reelection, and now he Stephen Harper  is clearly doing the very same thing that he had bashed Paul Martin for. He is Stephen Harper campaigning across Canada for a maybe soon federal election and the Government of Canada Internet sites are promoting the supposed accomplishment of Stephen Harper now too. The Conservatives had said put us into office and we will show you what we can they do, they and Stephen Harper have showed us they are liars who even now do the same thing the had condemned others for doing while they were in office, they themselves are real hypocrites.
"Let's give Harper an easier job May 25, 2006. 01:00 AM    Journalists stage  boycott of PM's press conference    May 24.  No wonder the voting public  distrusts politicians in general and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in  particular.  Without a managed and cowtowing media how would these "leaders"  of our nation disseminate the propaganda? The person responsible for making  decisions that affect the lives of 32 million Canadians won't answer  reporters' questions because they might be too tough. Let's give him an  easier job. Apparently, Wal-Mart is looking for greeters. And he'd get to  wear the Tory blue.  The response by the press gallery was totally  appropriate and the Star should have joined them.    David Matoc, "
In his federal election victory speech the new PM Stephen Harper mentioned Democracy, but I do  really believe he does not understand what Democracy really is, it seems to him it is his right to do what he wants, disregarding of course the rights of others too. It amazes also me if Harper clearly cannot manage the reporters now in Ottawa how can he even mange the rest of the country, his full responsibilities now  as well.
How the PM Mr. Stephen Harper still wrongfully discriminatorily  treats anyone at all, even one person, in Canada  is still being watched by all, the civil and public servants, other reporters, and the citizens too, for in reality in the real world even in main street Canada  the PM now forcing the  Ottawa journalists, now who are only doing their proper  jobs too,   to now  become martyrs only makes the PM look more inhuman, uncompassionate, out of touch, aloof and really disrespectful and also makes  Mr. Harper, and his staff, Party, cabinet  undeniably really look as they are hopelessly unable to rise to any level of Maturity.
A real incompetent person, loser takes bad advice from the others still..

This real Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hide Mr. Stephen Harper is clearly upset by the reality of the bad news media coverage he gets, and contrary to the lying spin doctors, my neighbors have expressed dismayed, shock, upset over Stephen Harper now and his dark side, his not keeping his own promises, Stephen Harper his not doing anything even about the gas price increases as he had mentioned before he would. Once a liar always a liar. What a reputation to have now too Canada wide.

Prime Minister Harper and the media Globe and Mail,   The story provoked a strong reaction with more than 300 comments, pro and con, posted on

"Media curbed at public's peril    As the eyes and ears of the nation, it is imperative that the parliamentary press gallery not become obedient lap dogs for Stephen Harper or any other prime minister. Covering Parliament Hill is not a popularity contest.  The row between Harper and reporters began when the PM stopped disclosing times of cabinet meetings, barred media from hallways outside meeting rooms and muzzled ministers and MPs.  It escalated when his staff tried to impose a list of reporters who could ask questions at news conferences -- thereby giving the PMO the opportunity to avoid journalists likely to broach embarrassing issues. It blew up in Harper's face this week when reporters walked out on him.  A petulant Harper said in London he would ignore the national media and go on the road to talk with local reporters. He accused the press gallery of bias and said he couldn't imagine a Liberal PM having this problem.  If Harper thinks the Liberals had an easy ride, he has a short memory. It was a Toronto newspaper -- not the Commons opposition -- that exposed the sponsorship scandal, and it was the media collectively that kept the story alive for years. It played a major role in the end of 13 years of Liberal rule and Harper becoming prime minister.  He certainly didn't complain then that the gallery was acting as the opposition.  Controlling questions through lists is borrowed from the Bush regime, which did its best to discredit reporters and academics who questioned the Iraq war. It worked for awhile, long enough to get the U.S. into a war on false pretenses that has resulted in a staggering national debt, left Iraq in chaos and tens of thousands dead. Silencing dissent had a horrific price.  The media is not perfect, but it is better for the public that it be too aggressive than too timid.  That assertiveness is to ensure accountability and transparency in government. Isn't that what Harper told us he wanted? "

"Harper's media mess May 26, 2006. 01:00 AM   Prime Minister Stephen Harper fought an election on open and accountable government, and many Canadians liked what they heard. The Conservatives won a slim minority and are now high in the polls.  Yet as he settles into office, Harper risks creating a perception that he is playing favourites with the media, muzzling ministers and denying reporters access to military news events. That is regrettable.  This week, Harper accused the Ottawa press gallery of adopting "an anti-Conservative view." He threatened to bypass them, taking his message to the regional media, which he may see as more pliable.  Harper arbitrarily changed the rules governing press conferences, insisting his staff decide which journalists pose questions. That is a dubious American practice to which the Ottawa media rightly objected. Then Harper blamed the press.  For decades, a member of the Press Gallery has run the press conferences, to depoliticize exchanges between the media and government. That moderator can be held accountable for playing favourites. If the PM's staff gets to decide who may ask questions, there is legitimate apprehension that reporters who are deemed unsympathetic may be frozen out. Harper's insistence on doing it his way prompted reporters to walk out this week, leaving him talking to a near-empty room.  Earlier this month, Harper abruptly cancelled a press conference when  reporters balked at this system.  And there's more.  Harper has curtailed the practice of holding "scrums" after cabinet and caucus meetings, where reporters used to be able to question MPs on the fly. At the same time, he is keeping ministers on a short leash, with tightly scripted message tracks.  And in another mimicking of U.S. practices, he has barred the media from covering the arrival in Canada of soldiers killed in Afghanistan.  The Conservatives aren't the first party to try to control the media. Far from it. Moreover, it is still early days. But battle lines are being drawn in a contest that is more than an Ottawa tempest in a tea cup.  Canadians have a right to know what is going on in Ottawa, so they can make informed decisions. Much of Harper's Accountability Act flows from that premise. The health of our democracy rests on it. For all its shortcomings, the press serves as the public's eyes and ears.   By tightening control over information, the Conservatives will only invite people to question what they are up to behind closed doors.  It is a self-defeating policy and ought to be abandoned. "
"Harper v. the press In his Dr. Jekyll mode, Stephen Harper is everything you would hope a prime minister to be: smart, articulate, knowledgeable, focused, decisive. Then along comes Mr. Hyde. When this side of his character takes over, Mr. Harper seems to believe that the whole world is against him. The result is a churlishness that was unbecoming in a leader of the Opposition and is downright strange in a sitting prime minister. The latest appearance of Mr. Hyde came after a clash between Mr. Harper and the media. The Prime Minister's Office wants to decide who asks questions at news conferences, a privilege the parliamentary Press Gallery would like to keep for itself. When Mr. Harper refused to take reporters' questions on Tuesday, two dozen of them walked out of the room in protest. Fine, he said, who needs you. Calling the media "anti-Conservative," he said he would circumvent the Ottawa press. "Unfortunately, the Press Gallery has taken the view they are going to be the opposition to the government," he told A-Channel in London, Ont. "They don't ask questions at my press conferences now. We'll just get the message out on the road. There's lots of media in the country who do want to ask me questions and hear what the government is doing." In other words: You boycott me, and I'll boycott you. This kind of petulance might be excusable if there were any evidence that the media really were out to get him. In fact, he has had pretty good press. A recent poll gave him an 18-point lead over the Liberals, hardly evidence of a media conspiracy. If he feels set upon by media hounds, he should remember that Jean Chrétien felt the same way about Shawinigate and Paul Martin about the sponsorship scandal. "I have trouble believing that a Liberal prime minister would have this problem," he said in London. Really? Can he remember what Pierre Trudeau thought of the press? The prime ministership is a pressure cooker, and it is understandable that Mr. Harper would sometimes feel besieged. Every prime minister does at one time or another. What matters is how they deal with it. The smart way is to rise above the petty quarrels. That means learning not to treat everyone who disagrees with you as an enemy with partisan motives. Mr. Harper has the potential to be an excellent prime minister if he can learn to control his sulks and stay on the high road. Dr. Jekyll, please come back. "
This immature childish fight of Stephen Harper with the Ottawa News reporters is for real cause Harper's reputation is being damaged by the exposure of what he really is.. and what makes it worse is that unacceptably fact that he is a professing evangelical Christian Missionary Alliance Christian who is both a liar and a hypocrite in his political and Christian practises now as well.

STEPHEN HARPER ALSO KNOW FOR CERTAINTY HE AND HIS CABINET CANNOT HOPE TO WIN REELECTION WITHOUT THE NEWS MEDIA SUPPORT, HE IS HOPING THE LOCAL NEWS MEDIA WILL BE DIFFERENT, The news media in BC and in Alberta may go along with him but the news media in Quebec, Ontario for certainty now does not. Paying for advertising out of one's pocket is too costly. The free bad publicity he is getting is also costly.

Harper and his Tories promised now to be different when in fact they are clearly the same bad politicians as the Liberals . That Truth Hurts everyone.
We certainly now did not elect Conservatives to Edmonton or to Ottawa so that the Conservatives can next  have a good time there at the paid for by others, free to them, sporting events, or to get richer. There can be no doubt about it, Harper only had won his office this year cause he had clearly, repeated, had often  promised in contrast to the Liberals he would have only  a clean, honest, different governmental style, and not one rather that now next is really the same old bad thing, with the Conservative politicians and Conservative lobbyists trying to get rich from the  existing offices of the federal government. Such presently clearly unacceptable discrediting Conservative acts, behaviors now even offends both the Conservatives  supporters and the non Conservatives ones.
Needed goals, ethics  pledge for all of Canada's politicians  
1: I do really believe in and will practise democracy and also will always serve the good welfare of all Canadians, rich or poor, of all ages and color too.
2: I  will increase the amount of federal  money available for legal aid even new money  for legal aid for Human rights abuses too.
3: I   will increase the amount of aid to social welfare recipients and for the pensions for seniors
4: I   will set up separate independent commissions to review all civil and public , civil servants, police, professional's abuse of tax money and/or citizens.
5: I  will not escalate the terrorist wars
6: I will not encourage the use of Nuclear energy too..
7: I will not cheat, lie, steal, abuse the tax payer's money, commit tax evasions  or become an alcoholic too.
It is generally unacceptably true that in Canada the Governmental Economic restraints as well as the lack of our governmental personal concerns  towards the poor persons are clearly also the main factors  for the false neglect of poor persons in Canada.    

The news story that does not go away

 The Public does not care said the clearly lying Stephen Harper and that is why the news story is now getting world wide attention?  Too bad Harper cannot read for he would see the truth, and now he is going to fight with all the news reporters world wide too? 

Canadian PM says he has nothing to say to media
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 5 hours ago
TORONTO: Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has declared he will not talk to the national media because they are biased against him, his latest move in a ...

PM stops talking to Canadian media
Washington Times, DC - 4 hours ago
Canada's conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper has decided to shun the national media after the Parliament's press corps walked out of his news conference ...

Canada's Leader Won't Talk to National Media
Los Angeles Times, CA - 12 hours ago
By Maggie Farley, Times Staff Writer. TORONTO — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has declared he won't talk to the national ...

Canada's prime minister says he's done with media
Winston-Salem Journal, NC - 14 hours ago
TORONTO - Stephen Harper, Canada's prime minister, has said he will not talk to the national media because they are biased against him, his latest move in a ... 

Canada's leader, media at odds
Seattle Times, United States - 12 hours ago
By Maggie Farley. TORONTO — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has declared he won't talk to the national media because they ...
"Public has no interest in media-PM feud: Harper Updated The. May. 25 2006 6:42 PM ET News Staff Prime Minister Stephen Harper says news of his rocky relationship with the national media is all "inside Ottawa stuff" that is of no interest to most Canadians.'" is another  good example of a lying spin doctor, and typical politician's lies.
Out of proportion" you would say.. facts do not agree with you.. just look at the attention this story gets on the web, news media and now world wide and why? no such thing as a little dictatorship, a little bit liar, a little bit pregnant, a little bit abuse firstly not even for the exemplary leader of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. And when you are the person personally being abused you will not think it is a small matter too. Evangelical Conservative Hypocrite kinda says it all about Stephen Harper... him clearly seeking revenge instead of turning one's cheek is unChristian still too...
Here is another real fact of Life, while BC and Alberta oppose the news reporters side and support Harper most, note 60 percent of the citizens in Canada, especially in the east do not go along with Harper, Quebec is not a Protestant, right winged background for it is leftist, catholic background, and so he Harper really cannot hope to win the next federal election as a result.. and that is why he is so angry and so how is that for a wake up call for him too? "

Ask the globe & Mail , ask anyone, this topic generates the most readers on the net so clearly and undeniably  Harper is a liar,
Reality: The fight with the National news reporters is getting twice as many Internet readers in Canada as the next most popular  Internet political topic the conflicts with the United States .. but I at least try to tell the whole truth...

Prime Minister Harper and the media Globe and Mail,   The story provoked a strong reaction with more than 300 comments, pro and con, posted on

"Media curbed at public's peril    As the eyes and ears of the nation, it is imperative that the parliamentary press gallery not become obedient lap dogs for Stephen Harper or any other prime minister. Covering Parliament Hill is not a popularity contest.  The row between Harper and reporters began when the PM stopped disclosing times of cabinet meetings, barred media from hallways outside meeting rooms and muzzled ministers and MPs.  It escalated when his staff tried to impose a list of reporters who could ask questions at news conferences -- thereby giving the PMO the opportunity to avoid journalists likely to broach embarrassing issues. It blew up in Harper's face this week when reporters walked out on him.  A petulant Harper said in London he would ignore the national media and go on the road to talk with local reporters. He accused the press gallery of bias and said he couldn't imagine a Liberal PM having this problem.  If Harper thinks the Liberals had an easy ride, he has a short memory. It was a Toronto newspaper -- not the Commons opposition -- that exposed the sponsorship scandal, and it was the media collectively that kept the story alive for years. It played a major role in the end of 13 years of Liberal rule and Harper becoming prime minister.  He certainly didn't complain then that the gallery was acting as the opposition.  Controlling questions through lists is borrowed from the Bush regime, which did its best to discredit reporters and academics who questioned the Iraq war. It worked for awhile, long enough to get the U.S. into a war on false pretenses that has resulted in a staggering national debt, left Iraq in chaos and tens of thousands dead. Silencing dissent had a horrific price.  The media is not perfect, but it is better for the public that it be too aggressive than too timid.  That assertiveness is to ensure accountability and transparency in government. Isn't that what Harper told us he wanted? "

"Harper's media mess May 26, 2006. 01:00 AM   Prime Minister Stephen Harper fought an election on open and accountable government, and many Canadians liked what they heard. The Conservatives won a slim minority and are now high in the polls.  Yet as he settles into office, Harper risks creating a perception that he is playing favourites with the media, muzzling ministers and denying reporters access to military news events. That is regrettable.  This week, Harper accused the Ottawa press gallery of adopting "an anti-Conservative view." He threatened to bypass them, taking his message to the regional media, which he may see as more pliable.  Harper arbitrarily changed the rules governing press conferences, insisting his staff decide which journalists pose questions. That is a dubious American practice to which the Ottawa media rightly objected. Then Harper blamed the press.  For decades, a member of the Press Gallery has run the press conferences, to depoliticize exchanges between the media and government. That moderator can be held accountable for playing favourites. If the PM's staff gets to decide who may ask questions, there is legitimate apprehension that reporters who are deemed unsympathetic may be frozen out. Harper's insistence on doing it his way prompted reporters to walk out this week, leaving him talking to a near-empty room.  Earlier this month, Harper abruptly cancelled a press conference when  reporters balked at this system.  And there's more.  Harper has curtailed the practice of holding "scrums" after cabinet and caucus meetings, where reporters used to be able to question MPs on the fly. At the same time, he is keeping ministers on a short leash, with tightly scripted message tracks.  And in another mimicking of U.S. practices, he has barred the media from covering the arrival in Canada of soldiers killed in Afghanistan.  The Conservatives aren't the first party to try to control the media. Far from it. Moreover, it is still early days. But battle lines are being drawn in a contest that is more than an Ottawa tempest in a tea cup.  Canadians have a right to know what is going on in Ottawa, so they can make informed decisions. Much of Harper's Accountability Act flows from that premise. The health of our democracy rests on it. For all its shortcomings, the press serves as the public's eyes and ears.   By tightening control over information, the Conservatives will only invite people to question what they are up to behind closed doors.  It is a self-defeating policy and ought to be abandoned. "
"Harper v. the press In his Dr. Jekyll mode, Stephen Harper is everything you would hope a prime minister to be: smart, articulate, knowledgeable, focused, decisive. Then along comes Mr. Hyde. When this side of his character takes over, Mr. Harper seems to believe that the whole world is against him. The result is a churlishness that was unbecoming in a leader of the Opposition and is downright strange in a sitting prime minister. The latest appearance of Mr. Hyde came after a clash between Mr. Harper and the media. The Prime Minister's Office wants to decide who asks questions at news conferences, a privilege the parliamentary Press Gallery would like to keep for itself. When Mr. Harper refused to take reporters' questions on Tuesday, two dozen of them walked out of the room in protest. Fine, he said, who needs you. Calling the media "anti-Conservative," he said he would circumvent the Ottawa press. "Unfortunately, the Press Gallery has taken the view they are going to be the opposition to the government," he told A-Channel in London, Ont. "They don't ask questions at my press conferences now. We'll just get the message out on the road. There's lots of media in the country who do want to ask me questions and hear what the government is doing." In other words: You boycott me, and I'll boycott you. This kind of petulance might be excusable if there were any evidence that the media really were out to get him. In fact, he has had pretty good press. A recent poll gave him an 18-point lead over the Liberals, hardly evidence of a media conspiracy. If he feels set upon by media hounds, he should remember that Jean Chrétien felt the same way about Shawinigate and Paul Martin about the sponsorship scandal. "I have trouble believing that a Liberal prime minister would have this problem," he said in London. Really? Can he remember what Pierre Trudeau thought of the press? The prime ministership is a pressure cooker, and it is understandable that Mr. Harper would sometimes feel besieged. Every prime minister does at one time or another. What matters is how they deal with it. The smart way is to rise above the petty quarrels. That means learning not to treat everyone who disagrees with you as an enemy with partisan motives. Mr. Harper has the potential to be an excellent prime minister if he can learn to control his sulks and stay on the high road. Dr. Jekyll, please come back. "
"PM presses on in his feud with the news media  Most people just not interested in stories about reporters' issues, Harper says at news conference  JEFF SALLOT  From Friday's Globe and Mail OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper thinks you won't be interested in reading this article because it's just "inside Ottawa stuff." Despite this, Mr. Harper, who claimed Wednesday the Ottawa press corps is biased against him, was forced to talk again yesterday about his continuing dispute with the Parliamentary Press Gallery and about how to decide who gets to ask questions at his news conferences. He was asked by a reporter in Vancouver whether the Ottawa-based press corps has become "elitist" and out of touch with the interests of most Canadians.  Mr. Harper said: "I don't think this story is really of much interest to ordinary people. I think what they are interested in is what is the government doing, and do they agree with it or do not agree with it." The news media, he continued, "will always have their opinions about government policy," but the public will ultimately make up its own mind. "
Don't let Harper confuse you with BS, for how he Harper treats the press is how his party treats the citizens now too.
To The Hon. Michael M. Fortier, P.C., Senator                        
Minister of Public Works and Government Services
Parliament Hill:  Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A4 
Department: Public Works and Government Services
Place du Portage, Phase III, Room 18A1 11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec

K1A 0S5
Telephone: (819) 997-5421 Fax: (819) 956-8382

Please note that MOORE, James,   MP.  Parliamentary Secretary Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services is abusing me, falsely denying my right of free speech to all the members of Parliament. Please deal now with him and RSVP.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: undeniably
Thank you for your reply, and not one of an one thousand Canadian  politicians and News editors that I had mailed it too had denied that what I had said there in as not being true too.
(Prov 22:1 KJV)  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.
Public exposure and prosecution of all the guilty persons serves everyone's best interest too
Like since you MPs  take every taxpayer's money you do also represent all the citizens of Canada, equally and fairly too, unless you are an immoral  discriminatory  person who shows partiality like the bad PM Stephen Harper does. Now since I have been writing letters to PM, Premiers, cabinet Ministers, news editors the last two decades everyone by now should know my name and address. I already have been doing this for 20 years, writing to key people, news editors, telling them the whole truth from a mature, honest citizens perspective. I have no ax to grind but I seek simply honesty, fairness, justice. I did the very same thing effectively to the also bad now ex PM Paul Martinas well.  I await your reply on all of these matters too. When the Conservatives MP travel abroad at tax payer's expense, eat fine food in expensive restaurants, and stay on fine hotels then they claim   then that  they  are representing all Canadians. But when  one person writes to them they are too busy to reply, deal with the matters? I am a prolific write and I can take on the whole Conservative party, I took on the whole Liberal party and beat then too already.  Isn't it amazing we have a whole federal cabinet and we do not hear much from our cabinet ministers or see much good output from them?..
Are you concerned about Harper's bad reputation now? Well I care about mine firstly and rightfully too....  Now I have rightfully complained to all the past and present perverse PM and perverse justice Ministers about this perversities for them to rightfully deal with it to no  avail? Unacceptable.
Secondly now how does it now also feel for me to use my right of free speech too to effectively write,  and to repeat world wide what the Canadian News media says,about S Harper's reputation being damaged, tarnished forever too, all about you as well? You are all paying even a bigger price.  These facts  are unrelated?  One does still reaps what one sows as you know or the lack thereof even PM and cabinet Ministers.... 
My political writings made google news this week too.. 
 in the useless, pretentious Liberal  Paul Martin MP riding.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 3:31 PM
Subject: RE: undeniably
Thank you for contacting Mr. Reid on May 25.
To assist in responding to your request, could you please write back to provide me with your home mailing address?
Due to the volume of requests for information on a daily basis in Mr. Reid’s offices, it is necessary to prioritize inquiries. Mr. Reid tries to respond to his constituents first.
Thanking you in advance,
Phil Joannou
Administrative Assistant to:
Scott Reid, MP Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington
440-C Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
>Sent: May 25, 2006 12:49 AM
To: Prentice, Jim - M.P.
Subject: undeniably
How the PM Mr. Stephen Harper still wrongfully discriminatorily  treats anyone at all, even one person, in Canada  is still being watched by all, the civil and public servants, other reporters, and the citizens too, for in reality in the real world even in main street Canada  the PM now forcing the  Ottawa journalists, now who are only doing their proper  jobs too,   to now  become martyrs only makes the PM look more inhuman, uncompassionate, out of touch, aloof and really disrespectful and also makes  Mr. Harper, and his staff, Party, cabinet  undeniably really look as they are hopelessly unable to rise to any level of Maturity. They  looks as bad as the Liberals.
Is The Media Picking on Our Prime Minister? Authored by: Me3 on Thursday, May 25 2006 @ 08:56 PM MDT
Firstly I cannot believe that anyone would admit they hate any others. That itself is wrong. And just because our bad Prime Minister Stephen Harper does something wrong does not mean we hate Him or any of the PC, Liberals , NDP now too. We are still to try to respect everyone even though respected cannot be enforced, it has to be earned generally. When any of them do do wrong rather we still firstly even talk to them but yes we do rebuke them for their wrong doing in love. (Rev 3:19 KJV) As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Dictatorship is the clear opposite of Democracy and general incompetent, immoral leaders resort to a dictatorial managerial style,

We all do love to watch the news, to be informed, it is a part of life. Face it the news media is an essential part of life if they are doing us a public service of telling us the truth as to what is happening and free speech is the corner stone, a foundational basis of any democracy too. Deny anyone their right of free speech, or try to suppress it, bully it, you yourself are doing undeinable and unfathomable amount of wrongs firstly. Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty serves everyone's best interest still too. Most every bad guy who set out to do something awful wanted to do it in secret and keep it secret so he or she unlawfully could keep their false gains too.

The citizens have a right to be informed about government actions, and nothing should be done in secret, because they do eventually concern the citizens and it is the citizens that will affected the most negatively or positively by the actions of the governments anyway. We the citizens should be allowed to know about all things that could harm our health, well being and our tax money too. Especially since these days it seems half of the politicians tend to be liars, immoral persons. Too many officials in Ottawa, and the other governments,, Civil and public services still do things that they don't want the citizens to know about. They do things they know are wrong. If our elected officials feel it is a too heavy burden for the citizens to know how they conduct business, they clearly do now need to find another career. Clearly the Citizens respect and trust of our elected leaders still relies on an open government. Secrecy moves us all down the path of distrust. Openness enables the public to trust that government and their agents, agencies are really doing the best they can now for all of the taxpayers, each and every citizen.

Openness! All elected officials should want this and all voters should and do demand openness. Sadly these days the rightful transparency in government is clouded by the false increasing Conservative government secrecy. Secrecy not only covers up mistakes, it obstructs accountability. "It is only by shining a bright light into those dark corners where the secret deals are made that the public can be assured of honest, forthright representation". Any Politicians tend to get into more trouble when they go behind closed doors to do their work. They rather sometimes do mischief. Too often when politicians cite privacy issues, they simply want to avoid embarrassment to themselves.

Too much secrecy also is rather an obstruction, and is also a challenge to fair and honest justice now as well

Most Canadian Citizens do rightfully now want, demand in our democracy even a wider window to the open government and freedom of information, both in our nation’s capital and around Canada even at all of the federal, provincial and municipal levels too especially related to the citizens good welfare and their tax payers money being used, spent. Their desire for a fully accountiable democracy is now again being clouded by the false increasing Canadian Conservative government secrecy, but nevertheless all of the citizens and it' elected officials should still purse always, continually the unhindered goal to have and to provide, to achieve even a greater access to public records and meetings, a free flow of information,full transparency in government issues and efforts.

"Information empowers and energizes a democracy.

" Political leaders have wanted to control the message and hog-tie the messenger ever since modern media first mixed with politics.. Now Stephen Harper, who campaigned on open and accountable government, is trying his hand at media control. As prime minister and chief bully of the sitting government, Mr. Harper wants to muzzle and manipulate the national news media, all to protect his infant minority from even the mildest criticism... Mr. Harper really wants to rein in the hyenas in the national press corps because they keep pointing out that his government seems as ethically challenged as the Liberal mob it displaced. ... Someone should tell Mr. Harper that manipulation won’t work because Canadians see through it. Remind the man that open, decentralized government can’t co-exist with secrecy and concentration of power. Point out that he promised transparent government and sadly, what he offers now is just the opposite." Dan Leger is assistant managing editor of The Chronicle Herald. Newsroom: email or Letters to Editor Write to:

I rarely get a Conservative to write back to me but one did today on this issue cause he knows it is a troublesome and a damaging one for the Conservatives.As far as how this media exposure conflict next plays out undeniably Harper has already lost.. he Harper showed us what a despotic dictator he really is, how immature and incompetent to lead as well, and so is his party now too, his cabinet ministers who mostly now as we can see are just puppets on a string..
and for anything Harper next tries to do against the news reporters and for any of his supposedly justifications note that two wrongs never made one wrong as well and Canada is a peace loving nation that does not support such immoral, aggressive, unkind unlovijng behavior of a professing evangelical Christian on top of all this Mr. S Harper is contrary the being a Christians? and what happened to Christ teaching about turning your other cheek? and not seeking revenge

Here are 6 undeniable and unacceptable facts still even about the Conservative political parties in Canada

1: The Federal Conservatives are now even really worse overall even in comparison to the previous Liberals we had in power, for they the Conservatives are more pretentious and more inadequate in governing even as well. They do have a hidden agenda they are pursuing firstly.

2 The Conservatives in Ottawa under Stephen Harper and those Conservatives in Alberta as well under Ralph Klein are unacceptably too now are not looking after the equal, good well being of all Canadians Canada wide, but only the minority few Canadians that hopefully will reelect them. keep them in power, and even thus their false hidden agenda is a self serving one. Many Liberals had warned us of this too and they were right.

3: The Conservatives clearly really do not care to implement or maintain a total adequate universal and fully functional health care system Canada wide as well otherwise they would have implemented real positive needed changes here already too.

4: Even the federal Conservatives for certainty now cannot be trusted to keep their election promises. We continually and unacceptably in Canada seem to elect liars as leaders, people who break their campaign promises, Premiers and prime Ministers in Canada now too. Our new PM had prime minister campaigned on a promise of open government and an accountable one. He already has failed to live up too it and it did not even take him too long to do it too.

5 We have all now also seen that the wrongful, false suppression of democracy, the practice of dictatorship now is a classical Conservative philosophy, approach of too many bad Canadian Conservative leaders.

6 More Openness in the government, and Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty serves everyone's best interest still too.

Most every bad guy who set out to do something awful wanted to do it in secret and keep it secret so he or she unlawfully could keep their false gains too.
Most of the bad power hungry dictators started out pretending to serve the good welfare of the all of people now too.

Clearly the Citizens respect and trust of our elected leaders still relies on an open government. Secrecy moves us all down the path of distrust. Openness enables the public to trust that government and their agents, agencies are really doing the best they can now for all of the taxpayers, each and every citizen. Openness! All elected officials should want this and all voters should and do demand openness. Sadly these days the rightful transparency in government is clouded by the false increasing Conservative government secrecy. Secrecy not only covers up mistakes, it obstructs accountability. "It is only by shining a bright light into those dark corners where the secret deals are made that the public can be assured of honest, forthright representation". Any Politicians tend to get into more trouble when they go behind closed doors to do their work. They rather sometimes do mischief. Too often when politicians cite privacy issues, they simply want to avoid embarrassment to themselves. Too much secrecy also is rather an obstruction, and is also a challenge also to accountability, to a fair and honest justice now as well.

The citizens always have a right to be informed about all government actions, and to even complain about them openly and freely and nothing should be done be done by the governments now in secret, even because all decisions tend to eventually concern the citizens .and it is the citizens that will affected the most negatively or positively by the actions of the governments anyway. We the citizens have be allowed to know about all things that could harm our health, well being and even our tax money too. If our elected officials feel it is a too heavy burden for the citizens to know how they conduct business, they clearly do now need to find another career. Especially since these days it seems at least half of the politicians tend to be liars, immoral persons as we all tend to agree.

Too many officials in Ottawa, and the other governments, civil and public services still do things that they don't want the citizens to know about. They do things they know are wrong. Most Canadian Citizens do rightfully now want, demand in our democracy even a wider window to the open government and freedom of information, both in our nation’s capital and around Canada even at all of the federal, provincial and municipal levels too especially related to the citizens good welfare and their tax payers money being used, spent. Their desire for a fully accountable democracy is now again being clouded by the false increasing Canadian Conservative government secrecy, but nevertheless all of the citizens and it' elected officials should still purse always, continually the unhindered goal to have and to provide, to achieve even a greater access to public records and meetings, a free flow of information,full transparency in government issues and efforts.

One of the chief functions of government is to serve the people and one way to do is to is to keep them fully informed, then it is a simple one. Aside from matters of national security, I can’t think offhand of too many instances where the state/local government shouldn’t keep the public informed of decisions and actions by elected officials. In the past I think that in most, if not all cases, where secrecy has prevailed it is for reasons that had nothing to do with protecting the public but rather to protect an individual/government body from criticism and/or embarrassment, should the public learn of it and this usually occurs when they (the officials) feel they can’t properly justify their actions.

"Openness both preserves democracy and saves money," The Citizens can use the governments 's liberal public-records laws to uncover secret documents, or keep officials from falsely meeting in secret, and doing wrongs. The secret exemptions all have one thing in common: They wrongfully do shut the public out of the public's business. Keeping the sun shining on government should be a priority of us all."The reason for open government is to prevent the consolidation of power by an entrenched few, and to prevent the abuses that inevitably follow. The reason the entrenched few want to work in secrecy is so that no one knows what they are doing, which allows them to continue abusing power. If their abuses were made known, they would likely lose power and/or have to stop the abuses and/or make restitution for what was improperly accumulated. The human temptation to abuse such unmitigated power is irresistible. Only Christ has not been tempted. So we must know what is going on, to keep the checks and balances system working properly."

The rightful transparency in our federal government now as well is clouded by the false increasing Conservative government secrecy, and a dictatorship approach. Is now "Muzzling the media, Harper style any more acceptable by him also now, next muzzling the citizens as well? No, Never. It really is the same thing.

7 It does not take a rocket scientist to know, to confirm these facts. One can easily tell who they are by what they do, have done so far. "18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7 KJV)
"Provinces won't dictate equalization, Harper says Globe and Mail -  VANCOUVER and TORONTO — Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the national equalization program falls under Ottawa's jurisdiction and none of the provinces can dictate how the money collected from taxpayers gets divvied up among poorer regions. " Amen