Justice has to be blind, it cannot show false partiality, even to the people who work for the government themselves and now none of them are above the law and the police, RCMP included. Our rightful citizen demand in fairness holding rightfully all of our civil, public servants politicians, ministers and their staff also fully accountable, and not just puting the citizens mainly, only into prisons is always a fully legitimate demand too. Let' face it white collared crimes,thefts but also white collared professional abuse is a also major unacceptable fact these days as well not just theft of the tax payers money. And as anyone can confirm that this is a specific subject that I have detailed, written abbot the last decade to the federal cabinet ministers specifically too and it deserves proper attention, resources as well.."There is a clearly unacceptable noticeable lack of good leadership today. The question -- and it deserves to be shouted -- is: 'Where is and was the government?" "Don't people have the right to hear from their elected officials?" It seems our federal, provincial leaders are too often still mainly looking after themselves, their friends once elected.. and they do still too often lie to get elected, and do lie even after they are elected." http://mywebpage.netscape.com/infonw4/"The present, ongoing need for more effective Personnel management of our Civil and Public Servants, even and even of the so called Professionals is still much needed in reality to be even implemented.
Interesting.. These two things also tend to not work in Canada
Self supervision, self regulation of the professionals, civil and public servants, politicians even such persons as the Police, Lawyers, Doctors, Judges Realtors, Pastors.
Deregulation of energy services "Our bills will not go down unless deregulation is gotten rid of," Olson said. "Deregulation doesn't work in our society."
It all apparently has something to do with their own self preservation desires, their own greed for money and the moral incompetence of the too often poorly skilled managers, and their related bad subordinate personnel involved..
Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty persons, even the bad managers and their subordinates serves as the best deterrent now to all here as well.
No such thing as a little bit pregnant too. Leave one weed in your yard untouched and your whole yard next will be full of weeds. Continually pruning of the bad weeds is a must, a fact of life. The corruption one sees, hears about is generally still just the tip of the iceberg, 1/7, there is about 7/8 still underneath that needs also to be dealt with too
Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty tends to work best for all for one still doing nothing about the bad, evil, wicked persons is to their false advantage still. All it takes for evil person now, a person note, to prosper is for the good person to do nothing about him or her. If the evil persons do not face real negative consequences they will have no reason even to stop their wrong doings, and change now as well.
Don't be misled even by the name of the political party, EVEN the title of the person you are writing to as well, OR EVEN HOW LONG THEY HAVE BEEN IN OFFICE NOW TOO. Liars and Prostitutes, pretenders still come in all sizes and shapes, different appearances as well. And the lies, corruption you see are generally only the tip of the icebergs, expect to see a lot more. But don't accept it, report it to others elsewhere."In the private sector only good people get trained, and the fools still do get fired. The same standards should apply in the governments too.They have hired too many bad guys and have dressed them as cops firstly. Secondly there are two clasess of people, those important persons, who can get police services and those who wrongfully cannot in Canada, the rest, the majority of citizens.. The Number of complaints against the Police in Canada in fact overall is really unbelievable still. The overwhelming majority of complaints against the police flow from private citizens. Ontario's judge George Ferguson had also urged a more transparent Police complaints process too. Supposedly in Toronto alone In 2004, these police complaints totaled 862 . And 335 of the 862 the police complaints went nowhere firstly and why?: they were deemed supposedly frivolous, inapplicable, rejected, or were not filed within the requisite six months. How convenient for the police the six month limitations too. Among the 527 police complaints that were investigated, accusations of discreditable conduct accounted for almost three-fifths; plus heavy-handed use of authority was the second-largest category. Incomplete data was the next majority category with more than 116 of the 527 were still outstanding when the 2004 report was written. Finally only 11/862 produced findings of misconduct, clearly now which is too low in reality., especially when you consider that the majority at least 95 percent of the police tickets issues against the citizens tend to stick next in comparison , and how many of the police next actually got a rightfully termination, firing is another unacceptable bad issue too.CBC No response to 911 call 'an error': RCMP Last updated Dec 30 2005 09:02 AM MST CBC News The RCMP are admitting they made a mistake when they failed to respond to a 911 call from a woman who was later found dead in her home. On Feb. 13, Brenda Moreside, 44, called police to report her intoxicated common-law husband was trying to break into their home. She was apparently told twice that he could not be arrested and charged because he was damaging his own property. Twelve days later, Moreside's body was discovered in the doorway of their home. Police say she died of stab wounds the day she made the 911 call. Her common-law husband has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. Thursday, RCMP Supt. Marty Cheliak provided an update into the administrative review of how the RCMP handled Moreside's call. "The administrative review confirmed management's earlier observations, that this situation falls within the guideline that requires police attendance to the source of the call. The lack of attendance was clearly an error," Cheliak said. "We are conducting additional internal investigations to further examine the RCMP's response to this 911 call. "While we have no way of determining if an alternate response would have resulted in a different outcome, we have a duty and a responsibility to ensure our service delivery meets expected standards, addresses our philosophy of safe homes and safe communities and ensures the safety of everyone we serve." Moreside's son Craig Flaata says he's glad the RCMP have acknowledged they should have responded to his mother's call. "But it won't change the face my mom's gone," he said. "They could've saved her life if they'd showed up. They couldn't be bothered to. They ignored her. "It's a pretty big error." Moreside's family wants a fatality inquiry to determine where the system failed their mother. The province will decide if a fatality inquiry into Moreside's death is warranted after the RCMP internal's review is completed. There is no timeline for the review. Jan Reimer, of the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters, supports Flaata's call for an inquiry, saying public reviews help ensure changes are made. The group is monitoring if the improved training makes a difference. She points out that since Moreside's death last spring, 40 women in shelters have reported calling police for help and not receiving any. Ten calls were to the RCMP and 30 to other police services, Reimer added. "We all know that these numbers are unacceptable," she said. "They're unacceptable because not all women go to shelters. So this is not a complete picture and they are unacceptable for those women who are seeking help." Cheliak said the review makes four recommendations: Members of the High Prairie detachment will review the violence in relationships policy. Operation guidance be provided in the handling of complaints that have the potential for domestic violence. Increased monitoring of the quality of investigations by High Prairie's NCO, particularly statement taking. More comprehensive training in the area of domestic violence for all Alberta RCMP members. Cheliak said the family violence policy used by RCMP in Alberta has been redrafted, and a checklist must be completed by the investigator and placed on all family violence files to make sure aspects of the case have been addressed. As well, reviews of 800 family violence cases in High Prairie between Jan. 1, 2004 and Aug. 25, 2005 were done and any requiring follow-up action were reopened. New family violence cases have had full compliance with policy requirements, Cheliak said.- No response to 911 call 'an error' RCMP.. This is no error this is a common buck passing Police approach of lazy cops.
Like I have said rightfully to all before too " Now it is not surprising the police cannot catch the terrorists in Canada,( And again yesterday a prominent US news reporter, politician too stated on the US TV News network that Canada does not make an active effort to catch the terrorists in Canada) the Canadian police they really can't even bother to catch the small criminals, really do not make an effort to do so.. all merely a PR just a pretense, the police lying Public relationship department is replacing most of the police services that is not being done it seems. Not acceptable The MUC RCMP police circus continues and bad Police history even repeats itself.. About ten years ago an individual carried out a fraudulent, tax evading business using my good name. A matter I reported to the MUC Police, MUC police commercial crime divisions, the RCMP commercial crime division all to no good avail, and in their last response to me on this the RCMP could not even spell my name right still. Now some one else is doing the same thing and I get the same poor police results too.. ten years later.. for it is when you as a citizen go to use the police services you find out what they are really like firsthand.. " http://groups.msn.com/CanadaToday2/thecircus1.msnw
"RCMP's revered image tarnished by miscues of Zaccardelli, others and the shameful deportation of Maher Arar and the damage it has done to our most revered national institution RCMP Commissioner Giuliani Zaccardelli's testimony Thursday failed to paint him in the virtuous light many expect from a Mountie. The Mounties took a body blow last week. and the government should resist the temptation to stonewall behind platitudes and secrecy. The Conservatives have made it their business to stress global security along with law and order at home. Damage has been done to our most revered national institution. O'Connor's prescriptions, wise as they seem, might be seen as a beginning -- not of a witch hunt, but a thoughtful, bipartisan exploration to institutionally fix what needs to be fixed. The Mounties, our Mounties, deserve no less. " Mickey Mouse RCMP's revered image tarnished by miscues of Zaccardelli, others in fact is still just the tip of the iceberg.. RCMP incompetence is too common. and any honest persons know how too often they have in the last decades unacceptablely screwed up. The Arar affair is the tip of the icperbrg as to how badly they have, do treat most citizens in reality.(Dan 5:25 KJV) And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
This can be next also applied to the New Conservatives not just to the Old conservatives, LiberalsFirstly I have been writing as an ordinary citizen to even the Canadian federal cabinet, Prime Minister, Premiers on behalf of all Canadians too, for decades, just like they had firstly openly asked us to do so.. and most major news editors can readily confirm this too for they got copies of my letters. In the process I have also been clearly exposing what pretentious persons, mostly liars these politicians still are.. and I know this by the fact they generally do not even tend to bother to acknowledge my letters, never mind deal with their contents. The new Conservatives here too are just the same and just as bad as those Liberals they had bashed. And many of these now cearly foolishly ignoramus ministers they did not believe me when I had said to them beforehand, that not only would I keep on writing to them, but I would expose to all the truth as to what abusers, liars they really are, for how they have responded, treated me, as we all tend to know and agree is how they do wrongfully treat all citizens. I will keep on writing to, exposing all of them and yes I still rightfully expect rightfully acknowledgments and full proper actions on their contents even from the new federal conservative cabinet ministers. That includes the Justice Minister, security Minister, Human resources Minister, Health minister too.All persons ( that includes civil and public servants,, politicians) who participate in any of the related immoral acts, in human rights violations even in politics should be severely immediately prosecuted by the justice ministers to the full extent of the law and even put into jail as a deterrent to others who would be tempted to follow them.""Conservative contempt DARIN BARNEY Montreal -- There was a word Conservatives would use to describe the Liberals when the latter would try to govern as if Parliament did not exist: arrogance. As John Ibbitson's G&M column on the government's ideology-driven decision to axe the Law Commission of Canada suggests (Fatal Cuts To Law Panel Deeply Ideological -- Sept. 28), the Harper Conservatives are raising the tactics of their predecessors to new heights. In choosing to close the Law Commission by eliminating its funding instead of placing the matter before the House of Commons, the Harper Conservatives have shown once again that the democratic rhetoric that carried them to office is but a veneer covering some very bad wood."Stockwell Day: MPs can watch RCMP, CSIS Canadian Press OTTAWA — Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day says greater oversight of national security operations by elected politicians can help restore public confidence in the wake of the Maher Arar debacle. In an interview Sunday on CTV’s Question Period, Day noted that the United States, Britain and Australia all have legislative committees that monitor their security forces. He suggested a similar all-party committee of Parliament could keep tabs on both the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. "I am for that," said Day. "I was for that as an opposition member, and the prime minister (Stephen Harper) is for that. It was part of our campaign commitment." Day cautioned that the members of any such parliamentary committee would have to be sworn to secrecy on operational details affecting national security. Nevertheless, he said, a watchdog group of MPs could help ensure the Mounties and CSIS don’t go off the rails. Day was more ambiguous on whether there should also be a stronger civilian review agency to monitor the RCMP — along the lines of the Security Intelligence Review Committee, which already oversees CSIS. There is an existing body — the RCMP Public Complaints Commission — that is supposed to perform the same function for the Mounties. But the former head of the commission, Shirley Heafey, has complained it lacks the clout to do its job." Real valid Actions speak louder than words..To me rightfully too a Conservative who now is immoral, cheats, lies, steals gives me just as much nightmare as a Liberal, NDP, etc..who do the same thing. And being a Liberal, NDP, Conservative right or left wing does not matter if they cheat , lie and steal for they all are in the same category, immoral perverts and they are all thus clearly going to the same Hell hole.JUDGES SHOULD NOT BE POLITICAL ANIMALS FOR SURE and the new Conservatives under the loser one step forward two backwards PM Stephen Harper cannot but help but show themselves to be perverts, liars still too.. When the immoral Conservatives were backbenchers they had complained about this type of bad acts, the selection of judges, but now they even do the same bad and immoral things.. And I have even written about this before that "the method of the selection of judges should be reviewed".. "There is really something perverse, idiotic about the selection of the Queen's courts judges, the regulation of the too often perverse Judges, lawyers too in Canada, and their masturbating regulating societies still too." "Conservatives will install a culture of accountability in Ottawa. What will you do about the existing bad method of selection of Court judges and too often useless commissioners? the existing bad supervisory, bad professional regulating bodies too? and what about the many lawyers who lie in the Queen's courts too? and slander, abuse others? even you know those types of lawyers who wrongfully practice hatred and do hate the Christians in Canada now too" such as the progressive conservative one Ghitter in Alberta. Once again I have also before rightfully had said that the Conservatives resorting to the false diversions in their defence of their own immoral acts to bashing the Liberals does never still change the reality that the Conservatives themselves now do act in an unacceptable manner. Clearly Stephen Harper is as bad as the Paul Martin we had all kicked out too.
"Alberta judge's promotion a patronage job, - Federal appointee is father of a PMO aide and has backed Tories, Alliance and Reform G&M OTTAWA -- One of the judges recently appointed by Justice Minister Vic Toews to sit on the superior trial court in Alberta has a long history of support and service to the Conservative Party -- and the Canadian Alliance and Reform parties before that. The Liberals say that Mr. Justice J. D. Bruce McDonald's elevation from Alberta Provincial Court to the Court of Queen's Bench is a blatant example of party patronage and runs contrary to accountability promises made by Stephen Harper during the federal election. The Conservatives respond that Judge McDonald is eminently qualified for the position. Judge McDonald's daughter, Meredith McDonald, is a special assistant in the Prime Minister's Office. Liberal Party researchers also say the judge was the Alberta co-chair of Tony Clement's campaign for leadership of the party, the chief financial officer for the Reform Party of Alberta, co-treasurer of the Canadian Alliance National Council and a lead organizer of fundraising dinners for Stockwell Day, who is now Public Security Minister. He was also a regular donor to the Conservatives, the Canadian Alliance and the Reform Party. In 2004, he offered a spirited defence of Mr. Harper in a letter to the Calgary Herald. "Canadians recognize that Stephen Harper is one of the new party's greatest assets," Judge McDonald wrote. "Harper's record of integrity contrasts with the ethical deficiencies of the Chrétien-Martin Liberals. Voters looking for a counterpoint to Liberal mismanagement could not select a better alternative than Stephen Harper." Judge McDonald could not be reached for comment yesterday. Judges are not normally free to speak publicly about their appointments. Liberal MP Mark Holland said the selection runs contrary to Conservative election promises to clean up government. "They made a commitment to Canadians and they got elected on the basis of those promises and they're not keeping them," Mr. Holland said yesterday. "This is somebody who couldn't have deeper Conservative connections. He's about as closely tied to the Conservatives as they could go and this is exactly the type of appointment they said they wouldn't be making." In fact, while Mr. Harper said during the campaign that "the courts are supposed to be independent," and he lamented the fact that, "for the most part, [they] have been appointed by another political party," the Conservatives did not specifically promise to end patronage in the selection of judges. Their election commitments against patronage extended only to officers of Parliament as well as government boards, commissions and agencies. But Mike Storeshaw, a spokesman for Mr. Toews, said Judge McDonald's affiliation with the Conservative Party and its predecessors has nothing to do with his appointment. "Judge McDonald is already well respected as a judge in the province of Alberta," Mr. Storeshaw said. "He has a fine reputation there. And the qualifications that he brings with him there are going to make him an excellent choice as a federal judge. And, from our point of view, merit and legal excellence will continue to be what we use to determine who fills judicial vacancies like this." Being involved in politics shouldn't disqualify you from being a judge, nor should it be the determining factor, Mr. Storeshaw said. "Given the Liberal Party record, it's pretty breathtaking for them to accuse us of abusing the judicial appointments process politically."""For too long time the Conservatives had said to us all elect us into office and "We will show you what we can do", and now there is no doubt about it they have been elected into the government, ruling office, and they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives are showing us all what they can do and it is all mostly not acceptable.. instead of now they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives taking the job seriously, taking the opportunity of doing good for all the citizens of Canada, they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives show us instead how they are just as bad as the other politicians before them, and that is really unacceptable for these big liars too... and they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives try now instead to point out what the Liberals supposedly have done.In the House of Commons yesterday, meanwhile, Human Resources Minister Diane Finley said "Hypocrisy has a new spelling. It is L-i-b-e-r-a-l," The same very bad Minister who has yet to acknowledge one letter of mine as an ordinary citizen to her too because they are the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives. For how she treats me is surely how she treats most of the ordinary citizens of Canada too.And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. (Mat 7:3 KJV)""PS If a politician, premier cheats, lies, steals, or is a drunk, alcoholic, drug addict... he or she is still also always immoral, unacceptable to lead even if he, she is a Liberal, Conservative or whatever. "Time is up for top Mountie Hamilton Spectator - By Kevin Cavanagh. Giuliano Zaccardelli should resign as commissioner of the RCMP, due to his role in the Maher Arar disgrace. And the law-and-order government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper should make sure he does so.
EDITORIAL: Top cop’s apology falls short Toronto Sun After a 14-day silence, Canada’s top cop vowed last week that he’s staying put in his job. And that, we would argue, is an unfortunate decision. We’d have preferred to see RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli pull on his expensive boots, saddle up his horse and ride off into the sunset. He should have taken responsibility for his department’s botched handling of the Maher Arar affair and tendered his resignation, acknowledging that when there’s trouble in the ranks, the guy at the top takes the heat. Or as the famous sign on the desk of former U.S. President Harry Truman declared: “The buck stops here.” Zaccardelli should have gotten the message earlier this month, when Justice Dennis O’Connor issued his withering report on RCMP blunders which contributed to Arar’s troubles."Shirley Heafey, the former head of the RCMP Public Complaints Commission, said Canada can learn from oversight bodies in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. "They learned from us, and they surpassed us," she said. Heafey said in her eight years on the commission she constantly heard the public lacked confidence in the system of police oversight. "People don't feel comfortable when police are investigating police. And no matter what happens, they don't feel they've been treated fairly." Vancouver lawyer Cameron Ward has represented numerous clients through the police complaints process in B.C. and will be speaking at the CACOLE conference. Ward said most of his clients go into the complaint process feeling respectful of police and of the complaint system. "But without exception, they come out at the very end of it feeling victimized again, feeling abused again, feeling that they haven't got anything close to a fair shake." "I find that here in British Columbia. . .that the system we have of overseeing the police is very, very badly flawed, and needs fundamental reform." ""Canadians want to be treated fairly and equally in all parts of this great nation. The federal Conservatives have shown their tendencies are toward treating western and central Canada equally but forcing eastern Canada, and particularly the poorer region of the Atlantic provinces, to remain secondary on the list of priorities for a national government. The shift in population from eastern to western Canada means more than families separating; it means even less clout in numbers on Parliament Hill and an attitude ‘big brother’ doesn’t really care. "Canadians always do want to be treated fairly and equally in all parts of Canada. Harper may win in Alberta but as a result he will lose most of Canada for most Canadians watch how he treats the others and Harper can never form a majority government with such a discriminating immoral approach, attitude, no matter what the excuse now is as well. Never. The Christian God never shows discrimination, favouritism, false partiality, even towards any of the Conservatives too."Liberals attack Tories over judicial 'patronage' Updated Mon. Oct. 2 2006 3:16 PM CTV.ca Liberals were crying patronage in question period over a series of judicial appointments by the Conservative government. They particularly mentioned the Mr. Justice J.D. Bruce McDonald, whom the Tories recently elevated to the Court of Queen's Bench in Alberta from provincial court where he was appointed in 2004. McDonald has a long track record of financial support for the Reform, Canadian Alliance and Conservative Parties. "Will the minister admit this is nothing but Conservative hypocrisy?" Liberal MP David McGuinty asked on Monday. Justice Minister Vic Toews said McDonald's name came from a list of potential appointees prepared by the previous Liberal government. Liberal Party researchers told The Globe and Mail that McDonald served as Alberta co-chair of Tony Clement's campaign for leadership of the Tories and was a lead organizer of fundraising dinners for Stockwell Day, the former Alliance leader and current public safety minister. He wrote a 2004 letter to the editor of the Calgary Herald that painted a very positive picture of then-Conservative leader Stephen Harper. "Canadians recognize that Stephen Harper is one of the new party's greatest assets," McDonald said. "Harper's record of integrity contrasts with the ethical deficiencies of the Chrétien-Martin Liberals. Voters looking for a counterpoint to Liberal mismanagement could not select a better alternative than Stephen Harper." McDonald's daughter Meredith is a special assistance in the Prime Minister's Office. "This may be payback time for Conservative operatives, but what does it mean for the integrity of our justice system?" asked interim Liberal Leader Bill Graham. Toews said McDonald was first appointed by another government and distinguished himself as a provincial court judge. "We appointed him to the Queen's Bench on the basis of his demonstrable legal ability," he said. "And if he goes through the entire list, he actually find there are some Liberals on the list that have been appointed." Toews said one of them is a former president of the Laurier Club, which is composed of elite Liberal donors. Saskatchewan MP Ralph Goodale asked the government if it would table the lists that Toews mentioned. Toews said the list was compiled by the judicial advisory committee, which he described as a Liberal-appointed committee, and that it's confidential. House Speaker Peter Milliken said there is nothing requiring the government to table the document at this time."The legitimate question that I have is what are the Conservatives afraid of that they are hiding this list of proposed judges. The Conservatives had now campaigned for an honest, open, transparent Government and now what they Conservatives have again become liars, obstructers of Honesty, decency, and obstructers of accountability.Once a liar, always a liar next it seems " Minister of Justice Vic Toews appointed Bruce McDonald, a well-known Conservative fundraiser and organizer, as a federal judge,” explained Mr. McGuinty. “Now, we learn that, for 12 straight years, he personally donated over $11,000 to the Reform, Alliance and Conservative parties. "
“Minister of Justice Vic Toews has stated that he will never support judicial appointments where who you know gets to you the bench. Will he now admit that he's badly broken his promise?”Once a liar, always a liar next it seems.. you can tell what a person is like by what he does. (Mat 7:20 KJV) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
"In Opposition and along the campaign trail, Stephen Harper promised to return church-basement ethics to government. A Liberal culture of entitlement would be bleached clean by openness, meritocracy and bang-for-the-buck contracting... One of this prime minister's first -- and worst -- decisions was to make an unaccountable senator responsible for public works, among the most historically troubled big-spending departments and also the one that nurtured the Quebec sponsorship scandal. Not much later, that decision that was followed by an equally cynical move that sliced the guts out of the Conservative's defining Accountability Act by deleting the very access to information reforms needed to make government transparent. From there it was slow roll downhill to last week when this government hit rock bottom. In one of those you-gotta-be-kidding moments too typical of this capital, Harper's government declared full confidence in Giuliano Zaccardelli just minutes after the RCMP commissioner admitted keeping silent publicly about Maher Arar's innocence. Think about that. A party that fought and won an election on accountability is now saying it's acceptable to do next to nothing about a Canadian citizen rotting in a Syrian prison, ultimately provoking a needless and pricey public inquiry. What that says to voters is that while everything has changed, nothing is different. Once in power, Conservatives reached the Liberal conclusion that the bulletproof way to conduct the nation's business is as far from public oversight as possible.Ethics, accountability and responsibility are just wispy concepts with no real-world application. If that's good enough for Conservatives, then Conservatives aren't good enough for Canada. "
It is becoming more clearer as times passes by that the new Conservative PM Stephen Harper is just as bad as the old Liberal PM Paul Martin, and also that the Conservatives have failed already to live up to their own promises to be a more Honest, Transparent, Accountable government.. no wonder Stephen Harper's goals of a majority government is still so rightfully elusive to him.I have openly said before that the RCMP did not prosecute all the bad civil and public servants cause they the likely did the same bad things too.Zaccardelli must resign — or be fired Prime Minister Stephen Harper should make sure he does so."TS Oct. 3, 2006. 01:00 AM JAMES TRAVERS Ottawa Accountability is on life-support here, stabbed in the back by the cavalry that rode out of the West to its rescue. True, it wasn't in robust good health when the Conservatives arrived, bugles blaring. Liberals, and before them Tories, had pretty well sapped all remaining strength from the quaint doctrine that somebody, somewhere, has to pay some price when things go horribly wrong. In opposition and along the campaign trail, Stephen Harper promised to return church-basement ethics to government. A Liberal culture of entitlement would be bleached clean by openness, meritocracy and bang-for-the-buck contracting. Voters either believed Stephen Harper or were suffering so much Paul Martin mental fatigue that they ignored experience to grasp at hope. It's turning out that the difference between the two is about the same as the ethical distance between old and new governments. Since January, Conservatives have happily embraced the same three monkeys approach to evil as Liberals. Harper began where Martin stopped and shows no signs of looking back. One of this Prime Minister's first — and worst — decisions was to make an unaccountable senator responsible for public works, among the most historically troubled big-spending departments and also the one that nurtured the Quebec sponsorship scandal. Not much later, that decision was followed by an equally cynical move that sliced the guts out of the Conservative party's defining Accountability Act by deleting the very access to information reforms needed to make government transparent. From there it was a slow roll downhill to last week when this government hit rock bottom. In one of those you-gotta-be-kidding moments too typical of this capital, Harper's government declared full confidence in Giuliano Zaccardelli just minutes after the RCMP Commissioner admitted keeping silent publicly about Maher Arar's innocence. Think about that. A party that fought and won an election on accountability is now saying it's acceptable to do next to nothing about a Canadian citizen rotting in a Syrian prison, ultimately provoking a needless and pricey public inquiry. Zaccardelli's years' overdue apology is welcome but his vague answers, and the government's supine willingness to accept them, leave only more questions. Did the RCMP gamble with Arar's well-being, and perhaps his life, in the expectation that Liberal resistance to an inquiry would keep the force's dirty secret? Did it and a successive federal government put higher value on security relations with Washington than the safety of someone whose only crime was to attract counterterrorism curiosity? If possible, other questions are even more troubling. Is the current government so beholden to Zaccardelli for the unusual, arguably pivotal, RCMP intervention in the last election that it's willing to blink at incompetence — or worse? If true, that would confirm a Third-World relationship between the ruling party and the federal police. Having benefited politically from the very public, and now disturbingly private, RCMP investigation into leaks around the Liberal income trust decision, Conservatives are protecting a commissioner who should either resign or be fired. Extenuating circumstances only make that scenario more seductive to cynics and conspiracy theorists. Operational failures far beyond the Arar fiasco, low morale and overwhelming evidence that the force again deceived its political masters seem to give Conservatives every reason to sacrifice Zaccardelli on the accountability altar. Why they are not doing as they promised is a mystery only partly explained by the party's chosen law-and-order persona and the keen awareness that the RCMP remains more credible and popular than politicians. So Harper's Conservatives, after sniffing the public opinion winds and, like their predecessors, are giving this storm all the time it needs to blow away. What that says to voters is that while everything has changed, nothing is different. Once in power, Conservatives reached the Liberal conclusion that the bullet-proof way to conduct the nation's business is as far from public oversight as possible. In that sense, doing nothing about Zaccardelli is doing exactly everything the government needs. In a city that communicates with subliminal signals, his survival is a shout from the rooftops that the status quo is secure. Senior bureaucrats are now reassured that this government won't demand more from them than the last. Ethics, accountability and responsibility are just wispy concepts with no real-world application. If that's good enough for Conservatives, then Conservatives aren't good enough for Canada. James Travers" jtraver@thestar.ca.Zaccardelli must resign — or be fired. Amen! This issue is not about Muslims as well but is about the RCMP general poor treatment, poor respect, poor attitude towards the Citizens of Canada themselves, plus the RCMP own incompetent, mismanagements too. For the record I have said that to the federal Justice Ministers, Provincial Justice Ministers, premiers, Prime Ministers for the last 15 years in writing too..MP I Cotler Liberal public-safety critic rightfully says wants independent review of Arar case RCMP should not be investigating itself, " G&M OTTAWA -- Former justice minister Irwin Cotler called yesterday for an independent review into which members of the RCMP were responsible for causing or prolonging Maher Arar's ordeal, saying the force is incapable of investigating its own actions in the case. Four years after the RCMP provided false information about Mr. Arar to U.S. authorities, data that an inquiry report found was "very likely" used to deport him to Syria for imprisonment and torture, no one has been held accountable, said Mr. Cotler, who is now the Liberal critic for public safety. None of the officers who worked on the Arar case has been disciplined and several have received promotions or merit awards. Mr. Justice Dennis O'Connor said in his inquiry report last month that RCMP information-sharing practices should be subjected to an independent review. But that does not go far enough, Mr. Cotler said. "I am saying we need the same type of independent arm's-length review body for the purposes of inquiring into the RCMP's investigation of itself," he said. "It's clear that the RCMP's investigation of the RCMP has not resulted in any officials being held accountable for the last four years. And therefore, for the good of the RCMP, for its institutional accountability, for the good of the public interest, for the purpose of inspiring public trust in the RCMP, we need such an independent review body." That body, Mr. Cotler said, could recommend appropriate sanctions. RCMP Commissioner Guiliano Zaccardelli has publicly apologized to Mr. Arar for the part the force played in his detention. In addition to providing misleading information to the United States, RCMP officers refused to support sending a letter to Syria that may have secured his earlier release. Mounties were the source of damaging leaks about Mr. Arar after he returned to Canada." It is clear that an independent review of all RCMP wrong doings is needed.. and how come the past useless Liberals themselves now did not institute such a body when they were in power? I had written to them also about this need many, many times...."Morton touts provincial police force Last Updated: Monday, October 2, 2006 | 12:01 PM MT CBC News Alberta should have a provincial police force, says Ted Morton, one of the people running for the Alberta Tory leadership. Morton says Alberta needs its own force because the RCMP has not done enough to fight the drug trade in rural communities, focusing on arresting drug suppliers rather than responding to concerns about everyday drug dealers hanging around schools. Morton says a provincial police force would better respond to the needs of local communities. A provincial force wouldn't cost Albertans any more than the RCMP does now, Morton said. The RCMP spends for bilingual and employment equity programs that a provincial police force probably would not have, Morton said."When I had moved to Calgary I immediately perceived how much hating, bashing the easterners for all the problems was a false diversion of reality.. It is true that the RCMP are lazy, no good incompetents, mostly suited to hand out traffic tickets it seems.. and it is why they do not catch more criminals Canada wide but an Alberta Police force would next have to comprise of mostly Toronto cop rejects.. and we already do know how bad the Toronto cops are, their managers, supervisors, regulating boards.Stephen Harper the new uncompassionate God of Canada has been criticized for the tight control he wants to exercise on what Cabinet ministers and civil servants say in public. We have had many examples of this and the effect it has had on cabinet Ministers now too. Environment Minister Rona Ambrose herself has stopped an Environment Canada scientist from speaking publicly about his own novel. Tushingham was scheduled to speak in Ottawa about his book and the science underpinning it. But an order from Ambrose's office stopped him. And will this false God try to silence the citizens now as well from pseaking and complainingg? Yes!!! It has already happened Jason Kenney tried to ban a citizen from writing to his office anymore.Ambrose promises to regulate oil and gas sector. Now supposedly the Conservative government also plans to get tough with the oil and gas industry along with other large greenhouse-gas emitters when it unveils its long-awaited green plan next month, Environment Minister Rona Ambrose said.. " Environment Minister Rona Ambrose says she will set new national targets for cutting air pollution, and will regulate the oil and gas sector to ensure those targets are met. In her toughest comments since being appointed, Ambrose says the government will no longer rely on voluntary efforts by industry to curb emissions that contribute to smog and climate change."We feel very strongly that the time is over for asking industry politely to do the right thing," the minister said in an interview Friday. " "It's time for us stop politely asking industry to do the right thing and we need to move on with legislation," the Edmonton-Spruce Grove MP said "That will provide us with not only the accountability through increased auditing, increased reporting, increased monitoring, it will allow us as a federal government to show progress both in the reduction of greenhouse gases, but also in addressing air pollution." While Prime Minister Stephen Harper has questioned whether scientists are accurate in their projections of serious environmental impact caused by greenhouse gases and global warming, Ambrose said her government was serious about setting mandatory targets on industries to reduce emissions. I will believe it only when I see it of course? or will it be another spotted owl fiasco?
""Vancouver, British Columbia ~ Five of Canada’s most respected environmental groups are headed back to federal court to challenge Environment Minister Rona Ambrose’s refusal to protect Canada’s most endangered bird, the Northern spotted owl, under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The groups have filed an application for a judicial review into the Minister’s decision and are seeking a court order to overturn it. On August 16, 2006, Canada’s Minister of the Environment, Rona Ambrose announced her refusal to apply SARA to protect the spotted owl, saying she did not believe the bird faced an “imminent” threat to its survival. Government scientists now confirm that only 17 spotted owls remain in British Columbia, the only place in Canada where they are found. “We’re down to 17 spotted owls. When is the federal government going to act?” commented Dr. Faisal Moola, science director with the David Suzuki Foundation. “We’re running out of time.” "The ends do not justify the means.. The new hypocritical Conservative minority PM Stephen Harper is now playing politics again instead of rightfully honestly governing... and why? Conservative Stephen Harper can't hope to win his agenda's any other way?? Stephen Harper the new uncompassionate God of Canada has already rightfully been criticized for the tight control he wants to exercise on what Cabinet ministers and civil servants say in public and who is being hired now as well. The hypocritical new federal Conservative Government under Conservative Stephen Harper clearly do have a taste for "patronage pork" and they now are really no different than the Liberals they had bashed, condemned before. Do any of you have any even have doubts about this? First list all the people they the Conservatives under Stephen Harper now have hired this year in the federal government and list how many of these persons are past Conservative supporters and/or evangelical Christians.. Do now ask the Conservatives themselves to display this list, after all they the same Conservative ran for an open, honest, transparent Conservative government and all Canadians do now have a right to know who has been hired in the federal with their tax dollars now too.. and even why too."Darrel Reid, former head of the Christian group Focus on the Family, has been appointed chief of staff to Environment Minister Rona Ambrose. "Besides a patronistic hiring to please the Canadian evangelical Christians what skills does he offer in the area of environment? and what are his specific duties.. as a Canadian citizen, tax payer an honest answer is expected..RE tax evasions- "The confidentiality provisions of the Income Tax Act prohibit me from advising you of actions, if any, that the CRA may take, but I assure you that the CRA does review this type of information to ensure compliance with the provisions of the legislation." The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P. This is clear crap, buck-passing, lies, distortions, false denials and really unacceptable response from her too. What are you yourself hiding.. Just simply do tell us all how many people you the federal government have successfully prosecuted for tax evasions the last decade. Real actions speak louder than mere words for all to knew, see. Simple. In the last decade not one person that I knew who did it as they themselves readily had admitted boastfully to me who was prosecuted, nor had I encountered anyone else who was as well.On top of all that we still do have unacceptable evidence over and over again how incompetent the Mickey mouse Mounties RCMP really are and who have also regularly wrongfully failed to adequately discipline one of their own for RCMP unacceptable wrong doings and this is still never never acceptable..Mountie escapes sex hearing after RCMP mistake CTV.ca, Canada - An RCMP officer accused of having sex with underage prostitutes has escaped disciplinary action after a panel ruled the force had waited too long to launch a hearing.In his ruling in Vancouver Wednesday, an RCMP adjudicator said he didn't have jurisdiction to hear the complaint because the disciplinary hearing should have been launched within a year of the force learning about the allegations against Const. Justin Harris.RCMP investigators accused Harris of behaving in a "disgraceful manner" by buying sex with three underage prostitutes between 1993 and 2001Former sex trade workers not surprised RCMP hearing halted CBC NewsSome former sex trade workers say they're not surprised the RCMP halted a misconduct hearing against a Prince George Mountie. Eva Scott said Wednesday that she wasn't surprised by the allegations or by the news that the disciplinary hearing had been halted. Scott told CBC News that while she is now off the streets, she did work in the Prince George sex trade for years. She said that police picked her up more than once and alleges that officers threatened to take her to jail unless she performed sex acts on them.Scott said no one should be surprised that prostitutes are afraid to make official complaints about police misconduct. "There's nothing I can do to those police officers who rip my clothes off in crack shacks because I'm just a $20 ho," Scott said. "Most of us don't say anything about it because in some sick way we think we deserve it or it comes with the territory.Mistakes plaguing RCMP Globe and Mail VANCOUVER -- The abrupt end to an RCMP disciplinary hearing into sexual allegations against a Prince George officer is not the first disconcerting event to hit the force in recent years. The RCMP has made mistakes in a number of high-profile cases, prompting questions about the overall competence of the force in B.C. There are also ongoing issues such as RCMP investigations into the deaths of individuals at the hands of police or in police custody, most notably the fatal shooting last year of young Houston mill worker Ian Bush by a rookie constable.Nation's trust in RCMP grows weaker by the day VANCOUVER -- It's difficult to imagine the Mounties looking any more stupid and inept than they do this morning. And that's saying a lot when you consider the embarrassment the RCMP recently brought upon itself in the handling of Maher Arar.Yes, it appears the RCMP dragged its feet in investigating the conduct of one of its own."Toronto Star- Harper must tell RCMP chief to go Oct. 6, 2006. For three weeks, Canadians have waited for Prime Minister Stephen Harper to take decisive action in the Maher Arar case. And Harper has no shortage of options in the wake of Mr. Justice Dennis O'Connor's damning report on Sept. 18 of Ottawa's role in Arar's wrongful deportation by American officials to Syria, where he was held for a year and tortured. There have been repeated calls in Parliament for Harper to issue an apology to Arar for this appalling injustice, for Harper to ask Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli to shoulder responsibility and resign, and for an outside police force to probe possible RCMP wrongdoing, including leaking information to smear Arar. So far, Harper has done nothing more than acknowledge that Arar has suffered a "tremendous injustice." That does not begin to correct this wrong. Nor does it begin to reassure Canadians that the Conservative government is prepared to hold the Mounties accountable for this fiasco. Harper should apologize, demand Zaccardelli resign and order an outside probe of the RCMP to restore public confidence in the federal police. This spectacle of RCMP bungling, or worse, shows no sign of fading from public view. ."Now we also Canada wide already unacceptably do all know fully that the new conservative PM and federal cabinet, including Jason Kenney, Stockwell Day, Vic Toews our justice ministers who are clearly now all big liars for they have already failed here to live up to their promised accountability for all of the civil and public servants, RCMP as well. There is no such thing as little bit pregnant for them in any of this too.The now too often unacceptable typical new Conservative justification, response for their pork barreling such as "The prime minister stood his ground, saying Hagerman is a prominent and excellently qualified lieutenant-governor. " This is a typical unacceptable digression, diversion for just cause a clearly patronistic hiring is qualified it still does not mean it was not, is not still false pork barreling, an unacceptable act by the new Conservatives, PM and something they now clearly hypocritical bashed the Liberals for doing they the new conservatives are now unacceptably doing themselves. The new Conservatives, PM do need to repent of this now too."The Conservative Party government has said it will release a broad environmental plan this month which reflects Prime Minister Stephen Harper's view that greenhouse-gas targets in the Kyoto treaty on climate change are impossible to meet. Instead, the new plan will probably include limits on car emissions, which are currently governed by a voluntary accord that expires in 2010, and more relaxed targets for oil and gas producers. " But no sooner than the Conservatives had made the promises, which they had also made at election time, their spin doctors say they really have no plan but an approach? For the one step forward two step backwards new conservative PM Stephen Harper clearly cannot be trusted to keep his word." OTTAWA - The minority Conservative government suffered a significant defeat at the hands of the opposition on Wednesday over legislation calling for the implementation of the Kyoto protocol on climate change. Although Conservative MPs gave Environment Minister Rona Ambrose a warm round of applause as she rose to vote against the legislation, the Liberals, Bloc Quebecois and NDP teamed up to defeat the government in a 152 to 115 vote. The legislation could force the government to deliver a plan that would honour Canada's Kyoto commitments even though the Conservatives have called those targets unrealistic . ""Liberals say environment minister's top aide doubts science of climate change In response, federal Environment Minister Rona Ambrose mounted no defence of her new chief of staff, but instead chose to recite what she said were failures in past Liberal environmental policy. She did not make herself available to reporters following question period. " Is this what is defined as the new Conservative openness, honesty, transparentness?? or(Mat 7:4 KJV) Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.You still you can tell what a person is like by what he does. (Mat 7:20 KJV) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.Like I have said before ... ""For too long time the Conservatives had said to us all elect us into office and "We will show you what we can do", and now there is no doubt about it they have been elected into the government, ruling office, and they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives are showing us all what they can do and it is all mostly not acceptable.. instead of now they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives taking the job seriously, taking the opportunity of doing good for all the citizens of Canada, they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives show us instead how they are just as bad as the other politicians before them, and that is really unacceptable for these big liars too... and they the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives try now instead to point out what the Liberals supposedly have done. It is becoming more clearer as times passes by that the new Conservative PM Stephen Harper is just as bad as the old Liberal PM Paul Martin, and also that the Conservatives have failed already to live up to their own promises to be a more Honest, Transparent, Accountable government.. no wonder Stephen Harper's goals of a majority government is still so rightfully elusive to him.In the House of Commons meanwhile, Human Resources Minister Diane Finley also said "Hypocrisy has a new spelling. It is L-i-b-e-r-a-l," The same very bad Minister who has yet to acknowledge one letter of mine as an ordinary citizen to her too because they are the too often bad, lying, hypocritical Conservatives. For how she treats me is surely how she treats most of the ordinary citizens of Canada too."
Mistakes plaguing RCMP Globe and Mail - 5 Oct 2006> VANCOUVER -- The abrupt end to an RCMP disciplinary hearing into sexual allegations against a Prince George officer is not the first disconcerting event to hit the force in recent yearsBritish Columbia: Mountie cleared of sex allegations Ottawa CitizenScientists in Canada and the United States are exploring the unsettling question of whether C. difficile can be contracted by eating meat after finding evidence of infection in food animals, including dairy calves in Ontario. A new study by researchers at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph supports the idea, even revealing that the bacterium has already been isolated from meat in the retail food system. The study further shows that a strain of Clostridium difficile that has caused severe hospital outbreaks in Quebec, Britain and parts of the U.S. has been found it the feces of dairy calves in Ontario. Earlier U.S. studies have found other strains of C. difficile in piglets. "
Former Ont. priest found fit to be sentenced CBC Toronto - hours ago >A judge in Chatham, Ont., has determined that a former Roman Catholic priest is fit to be sentenced on 47 sex-related charges. Charles Sylvestre pleaded guilty earlier this year to indecently assaulting 47 girls between 1954 and 1986Court to hear psychiatrist finds priest is fit for trial London Free PressThe unacceptable professional abuses of the citizens of Canada is always still really unacceptable...... and the actual punishment of the guilty offenders is unacceptably ludicrous still too."AP Basic errors made by doctors, including tests ordered too late or not at all and failure to create follow-up plans, played a role in nearly 60 per cent of cases in which patients were allegedly hurt by missed or delayed diagnoses, a study found."While we may no agree on the cause of C. difficile it takes no scientist to know that Hospitals are a dirty place even where people do not wash their hands. Hospitals are really big, great breading grounds for sickness, for years Hospitals have been saving money by doing less and less house cleaning. I used to deliberately place money on the floor in my hospital room and next see how many days before the floor cleaner would pass by and it was days. Just do now go and see firsthand how unhygenic most emergency rooms especially still are.
and the worst undeniably are the charge card happy, mostly pretentious general medical practioners, even the specialists too.. That is the main reasons too many people prefer to go to the emergency room of a hospitals knowing there they will likely get better services.