No MandateThe PM Stephen Harper Harper does not have an overwhelming mandate. The Conservative Party won a plurality, not a majority, of the seats in parliament. Mr. Harper’s government has not introduced an avalanche of socially conservative measures, but has instead shifted subtly to the right, one policy at a time."OTTAWA — Liberal Leader Bill Graham on Monday told the House of Commons that the Conservative government’s foreign policy "is dangerously driven by preconceptions, deceptions, self-delusions and arrogance"."I too am very open about the fact, truth that "Canada's PM Stephen Harper maybe an Evangelical but he is certainly not a real Christian. Jesus said you tell what a person is like by his fruits, including loving his enemies, caring for the poor persons.. Caring for the poor persons and Love is certainly something Harper personally knows very little about. "(Mat 5:14 KJV) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. (Mat 7:18 KJV) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (Mat 7:20 KJV) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Mat 7:21 KJV) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."Tories mull media strategy" -- Harper and his entourage are still mostly full of hot air signifying nothing..,. while the spin doctors falsely try to justify his management style , a management style of immoral abusive acts, abuse of others. I rightfully do find it ironic and hypocritically that Harper complains about Human rights abuse in China when he himself is certainly a poor example of Human rights respect in Canada. You tell what a person is really like by what he or she does.Dictator Stephen Harper is quite easy to understand if you had been to his Calgary church. Dogmatic Fundamental religious evangelical the environment in which Harper was raised had affected him significantly.. in particularly since one of his churches the perverse Calgary First Christian Missionary alliance church was one of the most abusive, dictatorial church I had personally encountered in 50 years.. where a senior pastor would now try to send a person to a psyche ward for disagreeing with him.. and were men are worshipped as Gods and the women are put into their place as second place too.. the same denomination has a strong Chinese segment as well. Neither he nor his church now are real Christians sadly as well. I have rightfully detailed this many time before.. I had attended the Allaince church for 8 years and discovbered how pervrse they realy aare.."..the Conservatives have yet to pass a single bill all the way through Parliament, and current opinion polls suggest their term in office could be a short one," BECAUSE THEY PLAY DIRTY...
"One of the government's first actions was to release details of a damaging audit of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, and this allowed them to paint aboriginal people generally as unreliable and incapable of managing their own affairs. They used this as an opportunity to validate the decision to scrap the Kelowna Accord and breed racism among the Canadian public, with the net effect of weakening and dividing the aboriginal peoples' lobby."
The majority of the citizens are not stupid they know that this control freaked, abusive, dirty government will play next dirty with them as well and they will not let that happen next..also.."The government accomplished similar goals through a 40% cut to the Status of Women budget, changes in funding rules to prohibit advocacy from women's organizations, and the elimination of the Court Challenges Program. "Basically," the source said, "if you're not white, patriarchal and Christian, you're not going to see yourself reflected in the Conservatives' vision of Canada." "Stephen Harper can dream on but a government that wrongfully discriminates, shows false partiality isn't certainly going to be liked or reelected.. ""When you Canadians last held an election that would determine your Prime Minister, I tried to warn you not to abandon the Liberal Party in favor of the NDP, or another choice that would tip the election to Conservative Stephen Harper. I tried to tell you this because I saw Harper for what he was, and is: a true-believing Evangelical with Fundamentalist-creationist leanings- a war-loving, privatizing, gay marriage-opposing person who, if he had his way, would turn the nature of Canada itself into a reflection of his own creed. But now I've just finished an article in the November, 27, 2006 issue of The Nation magazine. Entitled, "Letter From Canada: The New Christian Right," the piece by Chris Hedges describes how the fundamentalist Harper is forging alliances with fellow fundies on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border to undo Canada's nature as a peace-loving, tolerant nation where the weak and poor are cared for.The article makes a point that he has no mandate to do this. But neither did Bush." Russell Shaw" November 27, 2006 issue Letter From Canada: The New Christian Right Chris Hedges Toronto When things get bad in the United States it is reassuring to turn to Canada, a country with a high standard of living, a small military and a national healthcare plan. Canada always seemed to be, if a bit duller than America, also a bit saner. But this is changing. The new Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, inspired by the neocons to the south, appears determined to visit the worst excesses of George Bush's presidency on his own country. He plans to pull Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol and expand military spending. He defended Israel's massive bombing of southern Lebanon, even as Israeli warplanes bombed a clearly marked UN observation post, killing a Canadian peacekeeper. He was the first world leader to cut off funding after Hamas took over the Palestinian Authority. The decision was made despite Hamas having taken power after winning democratic elections that not only were recognized as free and fair but fulfilled demands made by the West. Harper has extended the mission for the 2,200 Canadian soldiers fighting in Afghanistan, where forty-two have died so far. He has slashed $1 billion in funding that assists the most vulnerable Canadians, including cuts in adult literacy programs, legal aid to gays and lesbians, and measures to assist unemployed youth, despite a near-record surplus of $13.2 billion for 2005-06. If the Bush Administration launches an attack on Iran there is little doubt that Harper would line up behind Washington. When the Canadian prime minister was asked about Iran before his recent speech to the UN General Assembly, he called Iran "the biggest single threat the planet faces." And he sneers at Canada's long tradition of antimilitarism and generous social services, once calling Canada "a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about services to mask its second-rate status." But that is not the worst of it. The prime minister, who has begun, in very un-Canadian fashion, to close his speeches with the words "God Bless Canada," is also a born-again Christian. And Harper is rapidly building an alliance with the worst elements of the US Christian right. Harper, who heads a minority government, is a member of the East Gate Alliance Church, part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a denomination with 400,000 members that believes in the literal word of the Bible, faith-healing and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Women cannot be ordained in his church, homosexuality is a sin and abortion is murder. Harper's hold on power, like that of George Bush, is shaky. He too has no clear mandate to transform Canada, but this has not stopped his minority government from steadily undermining social programs and a once enlightened foreign policy that liberal Americans could only envy. The tools he is using are familiar to many Americans, who stood sleepily by as Pat Robertson and other religious bigots hijacked the Republican Party and moved into the legislative and executive branches of government. As I walk the windy streets of Toronto I wonder if those who push past me will wake up and see in Harper's government our own malaise or watch passively as Canada becomes a demented reflection of George Bush's America. " (Chris Hedges, a senior fellow at The Nation Institute, a former foreign correspondent for the New York Times and a graduate of Harvard Divinity School. )
It is still really surprising that the Evangelicals, and Catholics have not made so much effort in opposing Christian divorce now as they have opposed abortions and gays.. to God divorce is adultery, an unacceptable sin.. both the adulterers and the gays were to be stoned under the old testament Israel laws..(Mal 2:16 KJV) For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously." The Lord is testifying against you on behalf of the wife you married when you were young, ( refers to the first wife one married ) to whom you have become unfaithful even though she is your companion and wife by law. 2:15 No one who has even a small portion of the Spirit in him does this. What did our ancestor do when seeking a child from God? Be attentive, then, to your own spirit, for one should not be disloyal to the wife he took in his youth. 2:16 “I hate divorce,” says the Lord God of Israel, “and the one who is guilty of violence,” says the Lord who rules over all. “Pay attention to your conscience, and do not be unfaithful.” Malachi 2:14- 16 NET"For the Lord, the God of Israel, says that he hates divorce, and him who covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.” Malachi 2:16 *(Mat 5:32 KJV) But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.As I see it(2 Pet 2:15 KJV) Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;(Mat 5:14 KJV) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. (Mat 7:18 KJV) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (Mat 7:20 KJV) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Mat 7:21 KJV) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Psa 22:24 KJV) For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. (Mat 7:3 KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Mal 3:5 KJV) And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. (Lev 19:13 KJV) Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning. (Jer 22:13 KJV) Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbour's service without wages, and giveth him not for his work; A real Christian would also practise these verses..
I am very open about the fact, truth that "Canada's PM Stephen Harper maybe an Evangelical but he is certainly not a real Christian. Jesus said you tell what a person is like by his fruits, including loving his enemies, caring for the poor persons.. Caring for the poor persons and Love is certainly something Harper personally knows very little about. "If Prime Minister Stephen Harper has an extra $5 billion in surplus cash to bankroll some new federal initiative, he should use it to help Canada's neediest people, not for a tax break to woo middle-class voters. Or at least he shoul do both.. ""Canadians pay too much tax," the stark reality is that far too many people in this country have been left behind. Some 1.2 million children live in poverty. And that is a national disgrace.Why should yet more federal benefits flow to middle- and upper-income couples when low-income families go without? For the Harper government to deprive the neediest people in Canada of a minimally acceptable standard of living in order to generate a tax break for better-off couples would be regressive social policy tricked out in a flashy wrapping of fair tax policy. Canada's income tax system isn't perfect. No one has come up with one that is. But the tax burden on individuals and families is already spread much more fairly than is our overall distribution of wealth, which leaves many working parents struggling, and their children hungry. ""Part-time Ontario college staff forms provincial association National Union of Public and General Employees, Canada - The employees are currently barred by provincial law from joining a union, a situation condemned last week by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva as a violation of the obligations that Canada has sworn to uphold under international rights and labour conventions.The ILO is a United Nations agency that promotes social justice and internationally-recognized human and labour rights. ILO conventions establish basic labour rights, including freedom of association, the right of workers to organize, the right to bargain collectively, abolition of forced labour and standards dealing with a wide wide range of other work-related issues.Several recent decisions have been issued condemning laws passed by the British Columbia government of Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell, the Quebec government of Liberal Premier Jean Charest and the Newfoundland government of Premier Danny Williams.To date, neither the federal government of Conservative Premier Stephen Harper, nor the Liberal governments of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin preceding it, have done anything to put pressure on the provinces to uphold Canada's international obligations.The result is that Canada has acquired a steadily worsening record of international hypocrisy on labour and human rights issues it is supposed to be enforcing within its national borders. "If Stephen Harper was an honest, real Christian he would have already dealt with this issue now too.. it is immoral to rob part timers of their rights of seniority and pensions benefits..
More information:
• ILO condemns Ontario over denial of rights to college workers
• Canada's human rights deficit: freedom of association
• Labour left out: collective bargaining as a human right
• NUPGE's labour rights page
• Labour rights"..the Conservatives have yet to pass a single bill all the way through Parliament, and current opinion polls suggest their term in office could be a short one," BECAUSE THEY PLAY DIRTY...
"One of the government's first actions was to release details of a damaging audit of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, and this allowed them to paint aboriginal people generally as unreliable and incapable of managing their own affairs. They used this as an opportunity to validate the decision to scrap the Kelowna Accord and breed racism among the Canadian public, with the net effect of weakening and dividing the aboriginal peoples' lobby."
The majority of the citizens are not stupid they know that this control freaked, abusive, dirty government will play next dirty with them as well and they will not let that happen next..also.."The government accomplished similar goals through a 40% cut to the Status of Women budget, changes in funding rules to prohibit advocacy from women's organizations, and the elimination of the Court Challenges Program. "Basically," the source said, "if you're not white, patriarchal and Christian, you're not going to see yourself reflected in the Conservatives' vision of Canada." "Stephen Harper can dream on but a government that wrongfully discriminates, shows false partiality isn't certainly going to be liked or reelected.."Liberals accuse Conservatives of illegal fundraising practices. The Canadian Press OTTAWA (Nov 22, 2006) The Liberal party is asking Elections Canada to investigate two new accusations of potentially illegal fundraising practices by the ruling Conservatives. The allegations come as the two parties are locked in a battle over the Tories' vaunted ethics legislation. In one complaint, Liberal national director Steven MacKinnon alleges that a Calgary-based think-tank founded by former Reform party leader Preston Manning is essentially a front for illegally raising money and paying expenses for the Conservative party. The second complaint alleges that the Conservatives accepted an illegal, interest-free bank loan of almost $3.8 million. Corporate donations to political parties were banned in 2004. The charges come as Prime Minister Stephen Harper's centrepiece ethics bill, the Federal Accountability Act, has become mired in a game of legislative ping pong between the House of Commons and the Liberal-dominated Senate.""the Liberals will also urge the government to live up to its campaign pledge to increase transparency by expanding the reach of the Access to Information Act - something that was near and dear to Conservative hearts while in opposition, when Stephen Harper had high praise for the reforms proposed by Information Commissioner John Reid. When it came time to put together their anti-corruption package, the Tories overlooked most of Reid's suggestions - prompting the Commissioner himself to come out strongly against the proposals that were included, which he called "dangerous" and "retrograde." - in the real world everyone needs to be supervised, that includes the private sector and all, public services, and all professionals such as doctors, lawyers included. Self regulation is an absurdity."Tories mull media strategy" -- Harper and his entourage are still mostly full of hot air signifying nothing..,. while the spin doctors falsely try to justify his management style , a management style of immoral abusive acts, abuse of others. I rightfully do find it ironic and hypocritically that Harper complains about Human rights abuse in China when he himself is certainly a poor example of Human rights respect in Canada. You tell what a person is really like by what he or she does.Harper and his Conservatives came to power with a promise of accountability, it seems reasonable, but perhaps naive, for Canadians to expect an update from our Conservative government as to how they hold bad professionals, bad civil and public servants, bad RCMP and bad cops accountable...The too often perverse police in Canada claim they are independent only when it comes to someone trying to make them to be held accountable for their past immoral actions but other than that they are too often the lap dog of bad politicians.. a master they try to serve firstly, and not the good welfare of the citizens. How are the justice Ministers dealing effectively now with the bad cops and bad RCMP in Canada.. not by wrongfully trying to sleep with them? and that is more false obstruction of real justice.Dictator Stephen Harper is quite easy to understand if you had been to his Calgary church. Dogmatic Fundamental religious evangelical the environment in which Harper was raised had affected him significantly.. in particularly since one of his churches the perverse Calgary First Christian Missionary alliance church was one of the most abusive, dictatorial church I had personally encountered in 50 years.. where a senior pastor would now try to send a person to a psyche ward for disagreeing with him.. and were men are worshipped as Gods and the women are put into their place as second place too.. the same denomination has a strong Chinese segment as well. Neither he nor his church now are real Christians sadly as well.It is still really surprising that the Evangelicals, and Catholics have not made so much effort in opposing Christian divorce now as they have opposed abortions and gays.. to God divorce is adultery, an unacceptable sin.. both the adulterers and the gays were to be stoned under the old testament Israel laws..(Mal 2:16 KJV) For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously." The Lord is testifying against you on behalf of the wife you married when you were young, ( refers to the first wife one married ) to whom you have become unfaithful even though she is your companion and wife by law. 2:15 No one who has even a small portion of the Spirit in him does this. What did our ancestor do when seeking a child from God? Be attentive, then, to your own spirit, for one should not be disloyal to the wife he took in his youth. 2:16 “I hate divorce,” says the Lord God of Israel, “and the one who is guilty of violence,” says the Lord who rules over all. “Pay attention to your conscience, and do not be unfaithful.” Malachi 2:14- 16 NET"For the Lord, the God of Israel, says that he hates divorce, and him who covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.” Malachi 2:16 *(Mat 5:32 KJV) But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.Meanwhile B.C. still ranks in the top third of Canadian provinces in all categories of major crime. The federal and the provincial governments should eliminate the organized criminal drug trade by way of a major expenditure in new police teams, legislation targeting money laundering and proceeds of crime, increased penalties and construction of new jails. Jails are very effective in stopping the public drug trade. B.C. continuing to have Canada’s most lenient courts, which combines with a relatively benign climate to make B.C. the destination of choice for criminals is really unacceptable. As things stand, B.C. currently has twice the rate of drug crime as any other provinceWell at least I can agree with the Conservative stand on tougher court sentences for drunk drivers and drug impaired drivers.PoliticsWith the arrival of The Reform Party, the Alliance Party, the new Conservative party Preston Manning MP, Stockwell Day MP, and many others right wing politics has taken a big step forward in Canada. Unfortunately the leaders of these parties tend to promote themselves as evangelical Christians.. they certainly are not real Christians per the Bible, Jesus, Apostle's definitions of a Christian. Had you been personally familiar with the Bible you would have already clearly known why as well.
(1 Tim 6:10 KJV) For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
I have a favorite summary for the evangelical Christians of Alberta from the devil's belt.. they are "hirelings - prostitutes for hire", for they seem to be always talking about not about helping the sick and poor people but of getting more money for themselves.. you do tell what a persons is like by what they are occupied with, in this case "mammon" and that includes Preston Manning, Stephen Harper, Ted Byfield, Stockwell Day too.. who clearly are false teachers, false prophets, Christian pretenders.A Conservative who lies, cheat, steals, abuses or is an alcoholic is the same as a bad Liberal who does the same thing, and both of them are still really unacceptable and should be arrested and jailed.On top of that those too often immoral, lying politicans of alberta, see, who do only make up about 10 percent of Canada's population now want to have ridiculously a majority say in Canada's governments.. dream on.The Myth that Alberta is one of the richest provinces in Canada is a false myth developed to propagate their very still critical needs still for more economic development capital into the Alberta and more support personnel too.. the Alberta government found out the hard way many times you cannot ever hope to run a whole province solely on the generated home property taxes now, or the Income taxes of oil and gas productions.. or even on farming, beef.. for Alberta generally still has no existing manufacturing industries to even tax in the first place.. Alberta it is rather an major importer still. On top of that actual financial Mismanagements by the past Albertan Progressive Conservative governments was the main reasons they also had failed to make any signify economic business development in Alberta besides solely increasing the number of vehicle speeding tickets generation, beer, alcohol, gambling outlets which are socially overall non beneficial, productive still too... In reality Alberta today and in the future is an significantly economically backwards, underdeveloped province still.(2 Pet 2:15 KJV) Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;(Mat 5:14 KJV) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. (Mat 7:18 KJV) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (Mat 7:20 KJV) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Mat 7:21 KJV) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. A real Christian would also practise these verses..
I am very open about the fact, truth that "Canada's PM Stephen Harper maybe an Evangelical but he is certainly not a real Christian. Jesus said you tell what a person is like by his fruits, including loving his enemies, caring for the poor persons.. Caring for the poor persons and Love is certainly something Harper personally knows very little about. "If Prime Minister Stephen Harper has an extra $5 billion in surplus cash to bankroll some new federal initiative, he should use it to help Canada's neediest people, not for a tax break to woo middle-class voters. Or at least he shoul do both.. "It is still really surprising that the Evangelicals, and Catholics have not made so much effort in opposing Christian divorce now as they have opposed abortions and gays.. to God divorce is adultery, an unacceptable sin.. both the adulterers and the gays were to be stoned under the old testament Israel laws..(Mal 2:16 KJV) For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously." The Lord is testifying against you on behalf of the wife you married when you were young, ( refers to the first wife one married ) to whom you have become unfaithful even though she is your companion and wife by law. 2:15 No one who has even a small portion of the Spirit in him does this. What did our ancestor do when seeking a child from God? Be attentive, then, to your own spirit, for one should not be disloyal to the wife he took in his youth. 2:16 “I hate divorce,” says the Lord God of Israel, “and the one who is guilty of violence,” says the Lord who rules over all. “Pay attention to your conscience, and do not be unfaithful.” Malachi 2:14- 16 NET"For the Lord, the God of Israel, says that he hates divorce, and him who covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.” Malachi 2:16 *(Mat 5:32 KJV) But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.Meanwhile B.C. still ranks in the top third of Canadian provinces in all categories of major crime. The federal and the provincial governments should eliminate the organized criminal drug trade by way of a major expenditure in new police teams, legislation targeting money laundering and proceeds of crime, increased penalties and construction of new jails. Jails are very effective in stopping the public drug trade. B.C. continuing to have Canada’s most lenient courts, which combines with a relatively benign climate to make B.C. the destination of choice for criminals is really unacceptable. As things stand, B.C. currently has twice the rate of drug crime as any other provinceWell at least I can agree with the Conservative stand on tougher court sentences for drunk drivers and drug impaired drivers.For over two decades I have been openly, publicly , successfully exposing and punishing bad Ministers, Pastors and politicians included, and yes now really punishing them by causing them to lose reelection, or their jobs.. and yes I have often seen their pale faces when they were unexpectedly punished.. They all mostly had priory rationalized that no one can really see what they do or like and boasted I could not do anything about it.. .. but really one does not have to have a detailed picture.. for dealing with bad Ministers is always the same.. you firstly do look for -1: evidence that they discriminate, show false partiality, abuse other persons -human rights violations, obstruction of justice2: you look for evidences that they have misappropriated or stolen the designated funds, empire building, pork barreling, and you cut off their donations funding thus ( do get examples of Conservatives evading their taxes, misusing their donations and do cut off their funding, also expose who is funding them)3: you also do look for sexual immorality and drunkenness, drug usages.. ( surprising that at least 40 percent of church ministers are involved in secret adultery , drunkenness too)Public exposure and exemplary prosecution of the guilty is still the best approach, and causes them to lose support of their colleagues, supporters and news media...The public may not live it but most do have and respect, expect a decent moral standards, even from the Ministers(Psa 22:24 KJV) For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. (Mat 7:3 KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Mal 3:5 KJV) And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts. (Lev 19:13 KJV) Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning. (Jer 22:13 KJV) Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbour's service without wages, and giveth him not for his work; (Gal 6:1 KJV) Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. 4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 5 For every man shall bear his own burden.A real Christian would also practice all of these verses.. Ted Byfield included. He would pray for Quebecers and not just mainly condemn them. I was really surprised that Ted was so ready to judge the spiritual aspects of Quebecers, when in reality I have been sexually propositioned in evangelical churches in Calgary, Alberta.. but never at all in Quebec. Ted forgot to mention the vast amount of Albertans who indulge not just in divorce, but in wife swapping.. I was shocked to read on the internet the vast number of request for wife swapping from central Alberta, Red Deer included. I was shocked that about 100 percent of the many evangelical pastors I had personally interviewed in Calgary Alberta now never used the Bible in their personal counseling with others.. and boy that is really an unchristian approach. 99 percent of the Christians I met in a decade in Alberta were phoneys, mere lip service Christian where Jesus was not the Lord of their life evenPressing issuesP3s widen Harper's accountability gap - By Paul Moist " OTTAWA, Nov. 23 /CNW Telbec/ - Since his election, Stephen Harper has been plagued by a creeping accountability gap. Dropped balls and broken promises on Senate reform, clean air, women's equality and open and transparent government - to mention but a few - have widened the gap between Conservative pledges and practices. That gap is about to get blown wide open, as Harper's Conservatives drop a privatization bomb on Canadian infrastructure. In November, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities minister Lawrence Cannon launched a new federal push for P3 roads, bridges and other community infrastructure, including a highway linking Windsor and Detroit. Embracing P3s is a dangerous move for Harper in light of Canadian and international experiences that raise significant accountability concerns. A government as focused on efficiency as Harper's should be concerned that P3s cost more than publicly financed projects. It is as simple as the private sector not being able to borrow as cheaply as governments. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has called P3s "fascinating financial arrangements." This fascination doesn't come cheap. PEI's Confederation Bridge, cited as a successful P3, cost $45 million more because it was financed privately. Private financing of Winnipeg's Charleswood Bridge added an extra $1.4 million in present value costs to the project's $11.6 million cost. Multiply that level of added cost by the number of bridges and highways needing repair or waiting to be built and the result is a staggering misuse of tax dollars. Harper and the Conservatives should look to their British counterparts, who are up in arms about the high price of privately-financed hospitals. The hospital scheme, first introduced by the Conservatives, will cost Britons an extra 45 billion pounds sterling over the next three decades. According to the Tories, private contractors will make a 540 per cent return on investment on hospitals worth 8 billion pounds sterling. P3 proponents have tried to shift the goalposts, admitting the schemes cost more but arguing they deliver better service. Again, experiences from Australia, Britain and Canada tell another story - from the number of beds lost in British P3 hospitals to Hamilton, Ontario's failed sewage treatment P3. Beyond their financial pitfalls, P3s run counter to the Harper government's pledge to increase openness, transparency and oversight in government. Far from being open to public scrutiny, P3s are shrouded in secrecy - leaving elected officials and concerned citizens in the dark and out of the loop. The lack of transparency built into P3 procurement makes public scrutiny of these projects -- including an independent value for money comparison and effective oversight - impossible. When elected officials responsible for the final decision on a $2 billion rapid transit line between the Richmond Airport and Vancouver tried to access crucial documents related to the project, including a financial feasibility study and business case analysis, they ran into a P3-imposed wall of secrecy. In Ontario, health groups have waged a long court battle to get basic financial information about a P3 hospital - information that should have been readily available if it was a public project. And Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives as well as the Liberal Party rejected CUPE's proposals to increase the transparency and accountability of contracts, privatization and P3s deals as part of their proposed Federal Accountability Act. The Conservatives certainly aren't alone when they push P3s. They are stepping onto the same shaky ground as provinces like British Columbia, Ontario and Québec. Faced with a growing PR problem about P3s in British Columbia, the Campbell government has adopted a policy forcing BC municipalities, and other public institutions to accept P3s as the price of provincial support for major capital projects. In Québec, the Charest government forced a law through the National Assembly creating a pro-P3 government agency. Here, as elsewhere, P3s are meeting resistance. Provincial plans to build up to 5,000 long term care spaces as P3s have stalled since the board of a Québec City-area long term care facility rejected a P3. The new centre would have cost $14.4 million more as a P3, while delivering lower quality service. In Ontario, the McGuinty Liberals are hiding a broken election promise by rebranding P3s as "Alternative Financing and Procurement". The Liberals also tried to fly under the radar on P3s while in power federally - publicly saying little while quietly attaching P3 strings to infrastructure dollars. Their Conservative successors are taking a much more brazen approach. Those pushing public-private partnerships for Canadian infrastructure acknowledge Canadians are suspicious about P3s - and chalk it up to a communications problem. They underestimate the Canadian public. When Canadians learn the truth about what P3s entail, they reject these schemes that waste tax dollars and diminish democracy.
Harper's promises ignore Canada's most pressing problems OTTAWA, Nov. 23 /CNW Telbec/ - "Today's Fiscal and Economic Update shows that Stephen Harper's government is trying to buy the votes of Canadians with the promise of more tax cuts that could lead to deep spending cuts in the future," said Paul Moist, national president of Canada's largest union - CUPE. "Their business friendly "Advantage Canada" plan shows a narrowness of economic vision that ignores the most pressing problems facing Canada: increasing regional and social inequalities," added Moist. "Instead of more vague promises, we need direct public investments in our future. Tax cuts and privatization have failed to improve productivity and have not increased the standard of living for most hardworking Canadians. "This plan reflects more of the same from conservative and liberal governments. Corporate profits have reached record highs and executives have granted themselves massive pay hikes. But ordinary hardworking Canadians have gained little from the past few years of economic growth. Average wages have barely kept up with inflation while the cost of living and fees for public services have been increased. "Instead of more corporate tax breaks, we need greater direct public investments that produce real and long-lasting benefits for Canadians," Moist said. "The federal government needs to restore and increase transfers for education to reduce the cost of tuition, restore funding for child care programs, community literacy programs and social services. "We've heard this promise of stable and predictable funding for post-secondary education and to provinces and territories. But federal government also needs to provide increased funding and this they haven't done. "Steven Harper's plan for modernizing infrastructure isn't what municipalities - or Canadians - need. It is clear that the conservatives want to use federal money through a new federal P3 office to try and force municipalities and provinces into public private partnerships for infrastructure projects. "Our experience has shown that P3 projects cost more, reduce citizen control through privatization and cloak projects in a shroud of secrecy so the public has almost no information on what they are paying for. Municipalities need increased transfers without being forced into costly and wasteful P3 deals," explained Moist. "Canadians know what to think about Harper's first set of five priorities, which included ending federal funding for child care programs and a failed proposal that hasn't increased child care spaces, a health care wait times guarantee that hasn't improved health care, a GST cut that did little to reduce the cost of living, and an Accountability Act that leaves government contracts with private companies off the hook. Other promises are being increasingly ignored or broken. "This plan has repeated the promise to introduce a Working Income Tax Benefit for low income workers which could be a positive move, but low income Canadians really need an increase in the minimum wage - not more public subsidies to low wage employers. "Harper appears to be backing away from his promise to fix and improve the fiscal imbalance and the equalization program. Increasing the Canada Social Transfer and fixing the equalization program would provide provinces with funding needed to improve education and social programs. "Canada is already in the best fiscal state of all the G7 countries. The promise to eliminate Canada's net debt within a generation and apply the savings to tax cuts is a recipe for reducing public services and increasing our social deficits."Paul Moist, CUPE National President, A chance for PM to show he's serious about human rights "Four million in desperate need of humanitarian aid, says UN chief LONDON, ON, Nov. 24 /CNW Telbec/ - The Green Party of Canada today called on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to "walk the walk" on human rights by ordering immediate Canadian intervention in the rapidly escalating crisis in Darfur where four million people are now in desperate peril. "Mr. Harper had a lot to say about human rights in China recently," said Green Party leader Elizabeth May. "This is his chance to prove that he can do more than just talk about it. The situation in Darfur is beyond desperate and Canada can and must help." United Nations humanitarian chief Jan Egeland said this week that four million Sudanese are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance as newly re-armed rebels and Arab militias escalate attacks and resume looting and burning villages. Egeland described the "dramatic deterioration" of the Darfur situation and warned that there could be a major humanitarian disaster within weeks unless there is a real cease-fire and a renewed peace effort. More than 200,000 people have been killed and 2.5 million displaced since rebels from ethnic African tribes rose up against the Arab-led Sudanese government in 2003. "The appalling humanitarian situation in Darfur could quickly deteriorate into a Rwanda-scale genocide unless Canada and other key nations immediately engage in a comprehensive and robust plan of action," said Ms. May. The African Union, which is currently providing a minimal monitoring and security function in Darfur, has been plagued by a serious lack of financial and logistical resources to carry out its mission, even including fuel to power its older-model armoured personnel carriers on loan from Canada. "It would be a tragic failure of leadership if the Conservative government dithers on Darfur in the vain hope that someone else will show the necessary political will to avert a catastrophe," said David Chernushenko, senior deputy to the Leader and the party's spokesperson on international relations and global security. "This is what happened in the Rwandan genocide and we must not allow a repeat of that failure of political will and heart." The Green Party is recommending that the Canadian government take leadership in rapidly organizing an international emergency initiative that would: << - Offer new financial, political and logistical support to the AU Mission in Sudan (AMIS) to encourage it to continue its deployment and also strengthen its capacity to protect civilians at risk; - Break the logjam in the Inter-Sudanese Peace negotiations between the Sudanese government and all rebel groups by guaranteeing a crucial $100 million to the Darfur Compensation Fund and offer Canadian expertise in governance issues related to domestic power and wealth- sharing; - Take the lead in persuading other middle-power nations to contribute alongside Canada to a rapid reaction international force that would be immediately deployed to a willing host country bordering the Sudan, and ready to intervene if necessary under a legitimate "responsibility-to- protect" UN-sanctioned process and mandate; - Encourage the UN Security Council to apply sanctions against any party that violates the ceasefire or attacks civilians, humanitarian workers or peacekeepers; - Mobilize additional emergency humanitarian aid and support aid organizations struggling to deliver essentials to those in desperate need. "
Like I have said....Like I have said.... With the arrival of The Reform Party, the Alliance Party, the new Conservative party Preston Manning MP, Stockwell Day MP, and many others right wing politics has taken a big step forward in Canada. Unfortunately the leaders of these parties tend to promote themselves as evangelical Christians.. they certainly are not real Christians per the Bible, Jesus, Apostle's definitions of a Christian. Had you been personally familiar with the Bible you would have already clearly known why as well. But they are capitalists for sure.. and why did Jesus and the Apostles themselves care about the poor people and these people do not?
Like I have said I have a favorite summary for the evangelical Christians of Alberta from the devil's belt.. they are "hirelings - prostitutes for hire", for they seem to be always talking about not about helping the sick and poor people but of getting more money for themselves.. you do tell what a persons is like by what they are occupied with, in this case "mammon" and that includes Preston Manning, Stephen Harper, Ted Byfield, Stockwell Day too.. who clearly are false teachers, false prophets, Christian pretenders and capitalists too.Speaking of being a real Christian In fairness neither were Jean Chrétien MP or Paul Martin MP for that matter too, they were not real Christian obviously to many persons now too...and that is likely why they now still do in Quebec tend to hate Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper and their boys and girls equally..(1 Tim 6:10 KJV) For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.Ottawa journalist Paul Wells " who once admired Paul Martin MP, PM and offered his services to the then finance minister, became disillusioned. He now sees Paul Martin ( also clearly another boozer, alcoholic) as a one-track politician whose all-consuming ambition was to be prime minister of Canada. He was ruthless in pursuing this goal and, when the prize was won, uncertain both of his priorities and of how to exercise power. He describes Martin as "abashed and tentative," as a vague, directionless leader and as one who became, in the end, self-destructive. The people around Paul Martin, Wells notes, were too arrogant, too tightly knit, too zeroed in on the importance of unanimity to consider alternative courses of action. When the end came, in January, 2006, Paul Martin's last press conference echoed his inept handling, as prime minister, of Liberal misfortunes. "Paul Martin was ending his term as Liberal leader more or less as he had begun it: in a fog of obfuscation and denial." "Speaking about poverty in Canada ... "almost one out of six children, about 1.2 million, living below the poverty line. Children with disabilities have a poverty rate of 28 per cent.According to a 2001 census, 49 per cent of recent immigrant children and 34 per cent of visible minority children live in poverty.
The report blames the high rates on:
- an over-representation of racialized groups in low-paying jobs
- market failure to recognize international work experience and credentials
- racial discrimination in employment
The report says Canada is failing to develop a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy.
It also says Canadian families need good jobs at living wages, effective Child Income Benefits, quality early learning and child care, expanded affordable housing and affordable post-secondary education in order to break free from poverty. "
but even a college education does not insure you will next be rich, or afford a home for that matter theses days..
and if your parents were poor so will you likely next be poor, many persons personal wealth does comes from estates, money inherited from one's family..
and so the unacceptable cycle of poverty falsely continues cause no one really does anything good about it.. not the Liberals or the Conservatives
and on top of that my useless, lying, no good Liberal Member of Parliament, Paul Martin MP, yes the same also very useless ex PM of Canada, says now that our poor medical care system is all rather the new Conservative governments fault, even though when he Paul Martin MP was in charge he did not much good about it or poverty for that matter. Fire him now too and rightfully so.
Facing retirement, Klein returns to tavern where political career started CP - Fri Nov 24, 7:32 PM CALGARY (CP) - The career of one of Canada's longest-serving premiers ended as it began - shrouded in deep-fryer and cigarette haze, then toasted with countless pitchers of draft beer.(2 Pet 2:22 KJV) But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.and does he still lie and say he is not an abusive alcoholic?
Rightfully not one cent of the tax payer's, government's money should be spend on any beer, alcohol, at any government functions, or on any expense accounts as well..Alcoholism is associated with half of all crimes, car accidents, violence in Canada and any immoral, stupid Solicitor General who wants to go soft on it cause his jail and courts are too full should be kicked out of office.. In addition, alcohol deserves a special mention for being responsible for a quarter of all suicides. Rather than cutting back on the governmental aid, programs to the poor and needy persons mainly because of the government's own past mismanagement we all do now too need to really take another continual look at how effective our tax dollars are being used by the civil and public servants, their managers, politicians now too. Fire First all the drunks, alcoholics, drug users, tax payer money abusers and their bad clearly supervsiors firstly too.In for an inch next often still means in for a mile.. I clearly have observed here also that there was in reality now, next no such thing as a little bit pregnant.. a little bit vice and it applied to the usage of alcohol, and drugs now as well.. and it includes next even their personal increase of theft, tax evasions, usage of pornography too, even amongst the social welfare recipients now too. All you have to do is wait to the pay day and you will see most of these same person predictably and actively drunk, taking drugs too. Because of the lax applications of the laws by the police to these supposed minor offenses these days clearly Marijuana and prescription drug abuse now have also dramatically and predictably too still increased over the usage of heroin, etc. The main problem still also with these same persons who go to a supposedly good rehabilitation center is that the individuals in there as well too often do share how to get more ready access, alternatives for prescription drugs abuses now as well.. these programs tend to be never ending requiring continual tax payers funding as well because unless in reality religion plays the critical part in any drug rehabilitation program all other programs still tend to fail, sooner or later in reality. Not one person in my witness of about 18 months reduced their drugs, alcoholic consumption.. even of those who had attended the drug rehabilitation programs. So incorporating and having more liberal laws against the drugs users and alcoholics really does not do any one any good except insuring the continuation jobs of the doctors and the social workers, the bad persons to remain on social aid too, and not to seek effective treatment.Some people do need to spend real jail time to change, cops included too.. Jail makes a person think.. at least for some of them.. and that is why many persons do find God in jail... having good reading material helps them to do this too there in jail.. thus many person there still do not too.. (Eph 5:18 KJV) And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; (1 Cor 6:10 KJV) Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.You know we all have elected now still too many liars and alcoholics to represent us in the governments.. and they all should be now rightfully Recalled...
The disturbing trendI have already before openly said that police in Canada still work mainly for the government and not for the citizens, and the Harper Conservatives would like to jail everyone that opposes them.."November 29, 2006 Preventative Justice Activist Jaggi Singh is arrested for what he might do and threatened with six months in detention Singh was attending a press conference by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and was arrested before he could even stand up and ask a question.As spoken by Jaggi Singh, member of Block the Empire and No One Is Illegal, at Rivière-des-Prairies detention centre, by phone to allies on Sunday November 26."Tomorrow, I will be facing a bail hearing that will determine whether or not I will spend the next six months in preventative custody. The Crown – encouraged no doubt by the Montreal police and the RCMP – is objecting to my release, arguing that I am a threat to public security. Let me explain what brings me to this position, and readers can decide for themselves who's the real threat to public security...
On Friday, I joined with at least two dozen other anti-war activists in attending an action, organized in less than 36 hours, at a press conference by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Effective action doesn't mean sitting through stage-managed photo-ops, it means standing up and holding decision-makers directly accountable for their policies. That is exactly what we, members of grassroots groups like Block the Empire, No One Is Illegal and others, intended to do.
Before we could even stand up and ask a question, the RCMP unilaterally decided to remove me from the event, not based on what I had done, but based on what I might do. When I refused, I was subsequently arrested and now find myself facing up to six months in detention. If I had the chance, I would have denounced Stephen Harper's partnership with George Bush's disastrous "war on terror.” Canadian troops are in Afghanistan to allow more American troops to kill in Iraq. Moreover, the direct words of Major-General Andrew Leslie – Canada's commanding general in Afghanistan – prove the nonsensical logic of Canada's policy. Speaking at a conference in 2005, Leslie stated: "Afghanistan is a 20-year venture. There are things worth fighting for. There are things worth dying for. There are things worth killing for." In the same speech, he said: "Every time you kill an angry young man overseas, you're creating 15 more who will come after you." This is a made-in-Canada plan for disaster on the backs of Afghani civilians.
But Stephen Harper's complicity with US imperialism goes beyond Afghanistan and Iraq. When the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attacked civilians and civilian infrastructure in Lebanon and Occupied Palestinian Territories – actions widely recognized as war crimes – Harper expressed his unconditional support for Israel. Disgustingly, even after a Montreal family was massacred in their own home in Southern Lebanon, Harper continued to describe Israel's actions as "justified and measured.”
Occupations abroad are rooted in occupation at home. One of Stephen Harper's closest advisors and mentors is Calgary neo-conservative Tom Flanagan. His writings provide the ideological underpinnings for the Harper government's assimilationist policies vis-à-vis aboriginal peoples. In the context of continued self-determination struggles at Six Nations, Sun Peaks, Grassy Narrows and elsewhere, the Harper Conservative position amounts to genocide.
Ostensibly, Stephen Harper was in Montreal on Friday to announce more funding for cancer research. Meanwhile, the Harper Conservatives continue to attack publicly-funded healthcare and have deepened Liberal cutbacks to social programs, undermining services to women, the poor, immigrants, indigenous peoples and queers. Harper announced some $200 million for cancer research, while the Canadian government is spending upwards of $3 billion for Canada's intervention in Afghanistan. Everyone knows someone affected by cancer, including the demonstrators who protested Harper's press conference on Friday. The substantive point is that the general well-being of society comes not just from initiatives to fight cancer, but fundamentally from eliminating poverty and oppression. The Harper government policies in their totality are disastrous for the health of the poor, the indigenous and Canadians in general and his support of the "war on terror" fundamentally destroys the health of average Lebanese, Palestinians, Iraqis and Afghanis.
Many are uncomfortable with the idea of getting in the face of the decision-makers. But when those decision-makers are ideologically deaf to dissenting points of view, disruption and impolite protests are necessary. That's why others and I similarly confronted Immigration Minister Monte Solberg in Ottawa this past May to oppose the government's continued deportation and detention policies. These policies, under the Conservatives, have resulted in the arrest of children in schools, raids at workplaces and general insecurity and fear among Canada's non-status immigrant population. Moreover, others and I picketed Afghan puppet Hamid Karzai in September of this year and during that picket, I tried to speak directly to Michael Fortier, Stephen Harper's right-hand man in Quebec. On each of those occasions – against Monte Solberg, against Michael Fortier, and then against Stephen Harper – I was arrested and charged with public order offenses. I haven't been convicted of anything and going by past personal experience, I might very likely be acquitted of everything. My and others' desire to continue to protest even to the point of trying directly to reach decision-makers puts me in the position that I might face at least the next 6 months in prison. I don't regret any of my previous actions and I intend to defend myself vigorously at the upcoming trials. I only regret that I, along with others, can't do more to oppose policies that are not just misguided, but murderous and genocidal.
I certainly don't expect that everyone or a majority of readers to agree with my political point of view. But what's at stake at tomorrow's bail hearing is whether or not someone who actively dissents deserves to be locked up for at least six months before being convicted of anything. Either way, I'm prepared to live with the consequences of my actions, knowing that they occur in the context of movements that are uncompromisingly fighting for justice and dignity, whether at home or abroad. "
On November 27, Jaggi Singh was released on a $2000 bail, money that was collected by his supporters who numbered close to one hundred at the hearing.
In addition to bail, a condition was also attached to the release; Singh is not allowed to partake in any demonstration which is illegal or non-peaceful."
and how do our justice ministers deal with bad, abusive cops? Do they still try to sleep with them too?Officer struck woman, chief orders hearing
Globe and Mail -10 hours ago
Calgary -- Edmonton's police chief has ordered a misconduct hearing under the provincial Police Act to probe an altercation involving an officer who was photographed last June hitting a 20-year-old woman who was handcuffed during a raucous street party.
Boyd orders hearing for cop seen hitting womanEdmonton Sun
Hearing orderedEdmonton Journal (subscription) CBC News Harper and his Conservatives came to power with a promise of accountability, it seems reasonable, but perhaps naive, for Canadians to expect an update from our Conservative government as to how they hold bad professionals, bad civil and public servants, bad RCMP and bad cops accountable...Police Independence in Canada.. what a laugh.. a really big perverse jokeThe too often perverse police in Canada claim they are independent only when it comes to someone trying to make them to be held accountable for their past immoral actions but other than that they are too often the lap dog of bad politicians.. a master they try to serve firstly, and not the good welfare of the citizens. I have had the police unacceptably come to my home 6 times in the last 2 decades, not cause I had done anything immoral, criminal but because some bad politicians, Mayor, Premier, Prime minister, wrongfully did not like me to expose his or her's unacceptable sins while in a public office, so the bad politician sent the Police to my home.. and the immoral cops obliged. When the Police came to my home I tend to request that we go public, call some witnesses, such as a news reporter from the Calgary Herald.. and the police try to discourage me but when they see I am serious the police immediately run away.. How are the justice Ministers dealing effectively now with the bad cops and bad RCMP in Canada.. not by wrongfully trying to sleep with them? and that is more false obstruction of real justice.''Great efforts are made to establish the police as being independent. Operationally they have great latitude to do what they consider should be done for law enforcement without accounting to politicians.''The appearance of the police flanking the Conservatives at their law-and-order announcements ''diminishes the perception of independence and I think the perception is just as important as the reality,'' Ratushny added.''It's a slippery slope and the interface of politicians and the police is very delicate in a democratic society.''RCMP have also been publicly questioned for revealing during last winter's federal election campaign that the force was investigating leaks in Paul Martin's Liberal cabinet, a move that was viewed as a Christmas gift for Harper that aided his election victory.''The precedent of the RCMP engaging in this way should trouble everyone,'' Conservative Senator Hugh Segal wrote in a book published this fall.The Conservatives later came under fire for refusing to fire RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli, despite relentless public pressure following a damning inquiry report that concluded that the Mounties passed inaccurate information to American authorities about Canadian citizen Maher Arar that very likely led to his deportation and torture in a Syrian jail.In the latest event that has sparked a wide outcry, Toews has decided that a seat would be reserved for the law enforcement community on judicial advisory committees in each province that screen contenders for the 1,100-member federal judiciary. Judges, legal scholars and lawyers, including Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin of the Supreme Court of Canada, say that the legal community should have been consulted before the unilateral move, and that special interest groups like the police have no business picking judges because they would tend to endorse candidates with a law-and-order bent.But Toews has refused to back down and it is said that the initiative has Harper's support." and if the dictator Stephen Harper and the others would have it their way they very likley would snd to jail anyone that is critcal of the bad Conservative party as well.
No I rightfully do not think cops should have any say in the election of judges, it is us the citizens should have more direct say.
Internet PornPornography not alone destroys one's valid personal aims, goals, values but it also destroys families..Manitoba group helps Net providers block sites
Winnipeg Free Press - 3 hours ago By Bruce Owen. MANITOBA-based, Canada's leading crusader against Internet child sexual exploitation, has teamed up with the country's leading Internet service providers to block foreign websites featuring child pornography.
Canadian ISPs to Block Internet Access to Child Porn Sites mediacasterProject takes aim at Internet child porn < Globe and Mail
Toronto Star - - CBC Montreal - Winnipeg SunInternet Pornography
"Harm is just a mouse click away... Though a valuable information resource, the Internet caused explosive growth for the pornography industry. Currently, there are over 300,000 pornographic web sites on the Internet, according to David Burt of N2H2, and this number is growing every day. The most dangerous aspect of the Internet is its use by pedophiles. Child molesters and predators use the Internet to pose as youngsters themselves to communicate with other children, expose them to pornography and arrange to meet them in person. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children found that one in five children age 10-17 who regularly use the Internet have received a sexual solicitation while online. One in four were unwillingly exposed to images of naked people or people having sex. It is important for people to be educated on Internet safety issues and ways to deal with the problems. Education and parental involvement is vital, but use of technology to monitor, block or filter content is extremely helpful. "
“Current filtering technology relies on blacklists of known porn sites physical Internet addresses (URL’s). If you know where it is you can block it. The limitation with filtering is that it is easy to defeat by simply moving the porn to a new location. Once moved the filter can’t see you anymore and you have to try and find it again. This technology just can’t keep up.” And more police are needed to investigate obscenity and child sexual exploitation cases and thus allow the Justice Department to prosecute these cases.
"A new porn filtering system is also being developed which is not location based and should be used . This technology doesn’t care where the content is located. Porn can run, but it can’t hide “This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. We are using technologies currently available in the market place today; we are just using them in ways that no one has thought of before.”Pornography leads to lack of real emotion can be defined in many ways, but in common parlance, it usually means material that is sexually explicit and intended primarily for the purpose of sexual arousal (Cline, 2000). pornography leads men to broad-ranging sexual addictions, breakups in their marriages, and severe depression. and the ever-increasing number of people hooked on pornography indicate that the solution is not quite that quick and simple--and that over and over, the pattern is the same: addiction, desensitization, escalation, and acting out. Children Really Need: Another Way to Look at Children's Rightsby Allan Carlson Pornography Trapby Victor B. Cline and Brad Wilcox Use: Consequences and Curesby Paul James Birch - In addition, the very idea that pornography use is a matter of free choice is challenged by the work of Patrick Carnes, who cogently argues that sexual behavior, including pornography use, is highly susceptible to becoming addictive, which by definition means that self-control—or choice—is lost. Link Between Pornography and Violent Sex Crimes by Robert PetersCraig Fall: Pornography’s harms—from a Catholic therapist’s perspective "… And let’s make no false assumptions. Pornography is generally produced by men, promoted by men, for the consumption of men, although there are some cases where women are involved in the production … Women are seen as receptacles, nothing more."Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children Dr. Cline describes how porn destroys lives, through examples from his clinical practice and other evidence.Pornography, however, does pose subtle dangers worth considering, the “pervasive disorder” linked even to consumption of soft-core pornography like Playboy and Penthouse. and inludes Voyeurism - Objectification - Validation - Trophyism - Fear of true intimacy - parent should be outraged at what our children are being exposed to online. This simply has to be stopped!” a FACE to the porn Victims…Who are they?
Women -- A teenage girl walks down the street and becomes the victim of a man who sees her as a mere sex object after viewing pornography. He whistles, makes inappropriate sexual comments and gestures, then proceeds to rape her. Wives who are lonely and betrayed, made to feel disrespected, displeasing, unattractive, dehumanized and unworthy—she never quite measures up, no matter how hard she tries. Her husband proceeds to masturbate to a "paper woman" she can never be. A Girlfriend who ends up used and abused by a man she doesn't really know because he is unable to have a loving relationship with her. She is unaware of his double life; the man she knows and the man she may never know – the man trapped in a secret life of addiction to pornography. Women in the "Industry" who dance, pose and do what it takes to survive. She can't seem to escape the cheap, "dirty" feelings she has after performing. These women are trapped in an industry that holds them captive.
Children -- Boys and girls used for sexual pleasure by fathers, stepfathers, grandparents, and family members, as well as unsuspecting others in their communities. These perpetrators often use pornography before preying on the children. These little ones loose their innocence because of distorted thoughts of sexuality after being abused. Their childlike innocence is also stolen by distorted thoughts of sexuality after finding and using pornography at an early age. There are children who have been victimized by adults whose business it is to photograph them for the sexual arousal of depraved grown-ups.
Men -- Fathers, Husbands, Pastors, College Students, Businessmen, and Blue-collar workers, who are controlled by the images of pornography engraved in their minds forever, in most cases from years of addiction. Men who, because of their addiction and distorted ideas of intimacy, have in many cases have lost their families, jobs, and self respect. Most of these men are unaware that there is help available…and even worse are not interested in help.
Society -- An entire generation of people, who in many instances have become desensitized and robbed of decency, conscience, morality and compassion for others. The situation can be attributed to the secular media who is confused about First Amendment rights. Therefore, society is often unaware that innocent people are hurt and becoming victims of pornography. The general public is unaware that the skyrocketing number of people who are effected in their own neighborhoods by rape, molestation, disrespect and crime is, in most part, due to the tidal wave of pornography and sexually oriented businesses in their community. they have not already rightfully fired the poor federal and provincial health Ministers? Thousands of people now have needless died already, and the governments they wrongfully really don't even care about it too, and the results show it to all, the hospitals themselves are poorly managed, supervised.. and it does not even to take a professional to diagnose the problems, mainly the inadequate internal hospital procedures, that allow the contamination, fetal matter- shit and urine, the contamination to spread within the hospital. I rarely do see people wash their hands, staff included within the Hospitals..or the floors also cleaned as well.
Quebec hospital bans visits over C. difficile, Canada - 35 minutes ago ... Que., earlier this fall and a hospital in Drummondville reported three deaths last week. ... out in 2003, when there were more than 7,000 cases reported in Quebec.Health News Canada East, Canada - 12 hours ago ... washing security guards are in place at all entrances of a Quebec hospital trying ... Organization case count hovering near 260 human cases and 153 deaths from 10 ...Many Canadians and Native People are needlessly dying diabetes Too while the Conservative Federal government with a big surplus says it does not have enough money to help them .. for today about one million Canadians do not even know they have diabetes because most doctors have failed to do the needed adequate medical screening.. this is still all unacceptable and really despicable that Health Ministers respect lives so little and let us Canadians die needless meanwhile. Fire them now rightfully and ASAP.
Conservative Federal government know also that "The rate of diabetes among First Nations people is three to five times that of the general Canadian population. While "Aboriginal Canadians with diabetes may benefit from a pilot project to establish timely diabetes care, Health Minister Tony Clement announced Tuesday.The projects will provide wait time guarantees that: Adults who test positive for diabetes will have an appointment within two months for an assessment and diabetes education with a primary health-care provider on reserve. Adults who are pre-diabetic will have a chance to participate in a diabetes prevention, education and support program within three months. Adults who have a normal test result will be retested within a year. Clement announced that Health Canada is developing a pilot project for up to 10 First Nations communities that will last about two years." The Conservative Federal government has not chosen all of the native the communities participate in the pilot projects. Clement acknowledged that the distance between some reserves and medical centers is a challenge, and it is difficult to get and keep health professionals on reserves. While the government is investing $40 million in diabetes prevention programs for aboriginals, the pilot project but it is not yet ready for national rollout, Clement said. A similar medical program is really need still even for all Canadians... "Last week, Clement announced a similar pilot project to introduce wait time guarantees for prenatal care on up to 10 First Nations reserves. Earlier this week, Manitoba Premier Gary Doer said the federal Conservative government has stalled on improving the health of aboriginal people, such as ensuring safe drinking water."
"The Stephen Harper minority government is also mostly simply copying the mistakes of U.S. policy makers who have allowed their cities to manifest terrible gaps between a distressingly disenfranchised poor, and a super rich elite. "Canada's quality-of-life for all Canadians is now wrongfully being seriously undermined by the Conservative Party in Canada. The Conservative tax-cuts deny vital social spending to urban areas, which result in urban social malaise, which manifests in an increasing culture of violence and crime, thefts, tax evasions, prostitutions, drugs sales, and the overall undeniable fact of undermining of Canada's quality-of-life."
Yes the hypocritical, immoral Christian Stephen Harper and his "minority government to pursue the political mantra of "cutting taxes", caters to the lowest common unacceptable denominator of selfishness in society". To try to pay for their extravagant high home mortgages, as they have not been content to live in lower costs apartments, is also the main reasons Alberta had forced the expulsions of the poor and needy persons in Alberta with such a policy. Unfortunately for the Albertans this did not solve their problems as many other personal costs also unexpectedly dramatically next increased significantly for them, proving that their crime also did not pay off for them.. The Conservative Party's crude and venal attempt to "get votes" this way is a betrayal of Canada's national identity as a liberal, socially progressive society. EASTERN CANADIANS have ALWAYS embraced a positive and constructive role for government in society, by using the taxes to support vital social services and a universal public healthcare context, and that has traditionally supported healthier urban areas in Canada. So why does the immoral greedy west, Alberta want now to continue sabotage, hurt the East? and think they can wrongfully get away with it?
Meanwhile the auditor-general Sheila Fraser noted her investigations were thwarted by bureaucrats in the Treasury Board secretariat, who denied her office access to information it needed. Security agencies 'ethically challenged' "An audit of three agencies of the Public Safety Department suggests employees do not think management is serious about fraud, abuse and misconduct complaints".. Shelia Fraser which is the same as say that they do not think that even the new conservative government is serious about fraud, abuse and misconduct complaints, and that is also how the citizens will see it next too.. and the conservatives will likely as a result lose more support and credibility.. I can't believe that after all that sponsorship fiasco the bad civil and public servants, managers, they still do even abuse the tax payer's money.. so much for their accountability promised... and what other Conservative promises are being now broken as well??"The prime minister is deceiving himself, and us Ottawa Citizen Prime Minister Harper's dramatic offer to the Quebecois this week-- to be called "a nation within Canada," whatever that means, by an official resolution of Parliament -- was a plain political stunt, as surely everyone realizes... " and the news reporter even starts with a blatant lie..and a false generalization.. for firstly this was not a political stunt but a true real fact.. I with along of millions of Quebecers agree that Quebec is a unique nation with a united Canada..Quebecers do have their own language, culture, values that clearly do differ from the rest of English Canada.. Some Canadians want to uphold the values of the Queen, well others want to uphold the value of their own identity. Nevertheless it is quite humorous to watch the reactions of the self centered Anglophones in this matter, it reflects more as to who they are, not as to who Quebecers are. Having lived in Quebec for 40 years I can also truly say that the majority of French Quebecers are more gentle, and more compassionate than the mostly red necked Albertans. It is undeniable and unrealistic that no matter how the Quebec Nation opponents may define it even today being a Canadian too often wrongly means being an Anglophone, and the majority of French speaking Quebecers who cannot speak English are this wrongfully defined as non Canadian.. this is ridiculously absurd, unreal and is mostly is self centeredness on the part of the Anglophones.