Gomery's major findings Judge cites political involvement, inflated commissions and kickbacks Tuesday, November 1, 2005 Posted Globeand Mail The following is a summary of Mr. Justice John Gomery's findings stemming from the inquiry into the federal sponsorship scandal: there was "clear evidence" of political involvement in the administration of the program.
-There was "insufficient oversight" at senior levels of public service which allowed program managers to circumvent proper contracting procedures and reporting lines.
-The administration of the program was shrouded in a "veil of secrecy" and there was an absence of transparency in contracting processes.
-Fear of reprisal resulted in a reluctance among "virtually all public servants" to go against the will of a manager who was circumventing established policies and who had access to senior political officials.
-There was "gross overcharging" by communications agencies for hours worked and goods and services provided.
-There were inflated commissions, productions costs and other expenses charged by communications agencies and their subcontractors, many of which were related businesses.
-The sponsorship program was used for purposes other than national unity and federal visibility because of a lack of objectives, criteria and program guidelines.
-There were "deliberate actions" to avoid compliance with federal legislation including the Canada Elections Action and the Lobbyists Registration Act.
-A complex web of financial transactions existed among Public Works and Government Services Canada, Crown corporations and communications agencies, involving kickbacks and illegal contributions to a political party in the context of the sponsorship program.
-There were five agencies that received large sponsorship contracts regularly channeling money, via legitimate donations or unrecorded cash gifts, to political fundraising activities in Quebec, with the expectation of receiving lucrative government contracts.
-Some agencies carried on their payrolls individuals who were, in effect, working on Liberal Party matters.
-There was also a "culture of entitlement" among political officials and bureaucrats involved with the program, including the receipt of both monetary and non-monetary benefits.
-There was a pattern of activity whereby a public servant in retirement did extensive business did extensive business with former recipients of program contracts.
-There was a refusal of ministers, senior officials in the Prime Minister's Office and public servants to acknowledge their responsibility for problems of mismanagement. ""Our inquiry concurs with the conclusions of the Auditor General's report," Justice Gomery said. "In many cases, however, the irregularities and mismanagement that she described were clearly worse and more widespread than she had learned or imagined."
"Ministers are not responsible for what they do not know about the actions and decisions of the PMO and other ministers, or about the administration of departments other than their own," Justice Gomery said.Justice Gomery said Mr. Chrétien must shoulder at least some of the responsibility for the program's problems.Mr. Chrétien, he said, chose to run the program from his own office and to have his own staff take responsibility for its direction. For those reasons, he said, Mr. Chrétien "is accountable for the defective manner in which the sponsorship program and its initiatives were implemented." Good intentions are not an excuse for maladministration of this magnitude," he said. Just as Mr. Chrétien must accept responsibility for the actions of his exempt staff, so must Mr. Gagliano, Justice Gomery added.The only member of Chretien's cabinet singled out for blame by Gomery is Alfonso Gagliano, who was public works minister for most of the sponsorship program. "Mr. Gagliano became directly involved in decisions to provide funding to events and projects for partisan purposes having little to do with considerations of national unity," says the report.
"The public trust in the in its system of government was subverted and betrayed, and Canadians were outraged, not only be cause public funds were wasted and misappropriated, but also because no one was held responsible or punished for his misconduct." and "the former prime minister must bear the overall political responsibility for a program that went off the rails, the judge concluded after a 20-month investigation. "
The Quebec wing of the Liberal Party, Justice Gomery also said, "cannot escape responsibility for the misconduct of its officers and representatives." He said two successive executive directors "were directly involved in illegal campaign financing and many of its workers accepted cash payments for their services when they should have known that such payments were in violation of the Canada Elections Act." Among his major findings, Justice Gomery found that there was "clear evidence of political involvement" in the administration of the program and that there was insufficient oversight at the most senior levels of the public service which allowed program managers to circumvent proper contracting procedures and reporting."POLL Nov 1, 2005 Canada.com
What do you think of the Gomery report's conclusions?
42.44 % Proves the Liberals are corrupt
14.53 % Martin deserved to be exonerated ( lowest number )
19.77 % No surprises
23.26 % A good first step towards criminal chargesConservative Leader Stephen Harper comments on the report "For three and a half years, the Liberal party has been embroiled in the sponsorship scandal, the biggest in a string of scandals that continues to this day..." "The Liberal party ran the sponsorship program. And the Liberal party used the sponsorship program to funnel tax dollars in to its partisan operations. "Illegal cash to Liberal campaign workers, deals in restaurants, money laundering, all to fund the Liberal party's election war chest. "Thanks to Judge Gomery we know these are the facts. "They aren't partisan attacks. They are not smear. They are not exaggeration. They are what happened. Justice Gomery brought these facts in to the open. The Liberal party is corrupt and must be held to account. The facts of the sponsorship program demand it. The Liberal party has now campaigned in two elections with $5.5-million of stolen money. "The Liberals are still in office. No liberal is in jail. And we have recently witnessed, as we've recently witnessed, the Liberals are still operating what Justice Gomery calls "a culture of entitlement." "The federal Liberals will never do any genuine housekeeping, house cleaning. "It's like leaving a fox in charge of the hen house. I hope that when the time comes to select a new parliament, Quebecers will not turn their backs on Canada because of the corruption in the Liberal party..." " I do believe this government should be brought down."
For the full Gomery findings report see http://www.gomery.ca/en/phase1report/ffr/
Here further is what the bad Liberal justice seems to be like in Canada under the present PM Paul Martin now too.
"Equality rights lawyer slams old boys' network The Ottawa Citizen Tuesday, November 01, 2005 A respected constitutional lawyer says her bid to become a federal judge was scotched because she "pissed off" prominent Liberal "godfathers" and the old boys' network that runs the legal profession. Mary Eberts, a successful equality rights litigator once seen as a dark-horse contender for the Supreme Court of Canada, urged the Commons subcommittee looking into federal judicial appointment reform to rein in the government's power to appoint partisan friends and financial supporters to the prestigious $219,400-per-annum judgeships. Ms. Eberts and fellow witness Peter Russell, a political scientist and expert on the judiciary, scoffed at the repeated assertions by Justice Minister Irwin Cotler and previous justice ministers that partisan connections play no role in the selection of judges. "I believe that a massive act of hypocrisy sits at the heart of our legal system because of the politicized nature of this process," Ms. Eberts said. "The political nature of the process lies chiefly in the reality that you cannot get through the process without a political mentor or team of mentors." Ms. Eberts said once one of the secretive committees that vet the qualifications of applicants has cleared a lawyer as "recommended" or "highly recommended" for the bench, that lawyer must still have a "political guide" to place that person's name before the regional or provincial patronage "bosses" of the ruling regime. "That person may be an active politician -- provincial or federal -- a retired (politician) or simply a legal 'godfather' with lots of clout because of personal or political ties," she testified. "But if you don't have such help, your name will sit on the list (for two years) until your (positive) clearance expires, and I have seen many fine lawyers get through the first part of the (vetting) process and then sit and wait for an appointment because they have no political mentor." Ms. Eberts argued the bias and lack of transparency and due process in the hiring process for federal judges -- which does not include interviews or give applicants an opportunity to find out their ratings -- "would be condemned ... if it was a hiring process in any other sector." The former governor of Ontario's law society, who has won awards and honorary degrees for her pioneering feminist and equality rights advocacy, said she was turned down by a vetting committee in 1997. "I was not 'recommended' and I never found out why, but I think I know why -- because I pissed off the wrong people" including prominent Liberal godfathers in the legal profession, Ms. Eberts said in an interview. "I felt devastated because at first I thought this is a judgment of my peers ... (but) then I have gradually come to think that it is perhaps more a judgment on the process than on me." Mr. Russell said he knows merit is not always the major criterion in the appointment of federal judges since a number of lawyers who the federal government appointed were rejected for the provincial bench in Ontario. Mr. Russell is a former chairman of Ontario's provincial advisory committee, which creates binding shortlists of candidates from which the provincial government must choose its judges. He urged MPs to give the federal advisory committees similar clout. "The current committees screen out the worst, but surely you could set your sights a little higher and go for a system that looks for the best people," he suggested.
now as we all know the lawyers do not lie.. even about you? right justice minister? for they only lie in the Queen's courts.. unhindered still adding to the perverse Queen's justice system in Canada.
How much clearer can Gomery be about the immoral, buck passing federal Liberals too who really have been and still are pretentious, patronistic, immoral, incompetent overpaid managers of the civil and public services, taxpayers money too, while refusing wrongfully to take any personal blame, personal responsibility, blaming even others or each other, and all hiding behind a despicable, very inadequate poor justice system, bad lawyers too, bad accountants, bad Liberal PMs in Canada. Rightfully Really Unacceptable.As to Jean Chretien's past really bad legacy now exposed and tarnished forever for what it really was.. even his bad pretentious management.. he too has now found out the hard way that (Prov 22:1 KJV) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Ezek 18:24 KJV) But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.(Prov 11:2 KJV) When pride cometh, then cometh shame: (Prov 11:3 KJV) The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. (Prov 11:4 KJV) Riches profit not in the day of wrath: (Prov 11:5 KJV) The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness. (Prov 11:6 KJV) The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness. (Prov 13:10 KJV) Only by pride cometh contention:The continual false denials of guilt, unrepentance, further court actions, counter accusation against the other Liberals,and the Liberal in fighting, will, will next now really hurt the Liberal party even more and rather bring into longer memory all the bad things the Liberals did under his poor watch..I may also have believed that Paul Martin may have not fully been aware of the Liberal wrong doings while he was Finance minister but this is offset by the recent reality to date that not one Liberal has yet to spend a day in Jail for their wrong doing while Paul Martin is PM, and that he Paul Martin while being PM had undeniably protected, wrongfully covered up for David Dingwall and the other subsequent bad Liberals now as well, which clearly indicates he too is a bad unacceptable manager. His present acts are much too little and much too late as well. (Prov 20:26 KJV) A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them. (Prov 20:30 KJV) The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.I find it ludicrous that anyone would imply that all of this is the subtle plot of the opposition parties when they have only been doing their jobs and clearly these bad Liberals have been exposed for the hypocrites they were, for the bad things they themselves now had done too AND IT IS THE CITIZENS THEMSELVES WHO NO LONGER ACCEPT THEIR WRONG DOINGS. But the immoral NDP is still prostituting themselves by continuing to sleep with the bad Liberals.
In a democracy free speech in theory is allowed for all, but not lying. It was predicted, predicated, expected that the Liberal spin doctors would lie and try to put a positive spin to the Gomery report. When the Liberals speak they too often still do tend to lie, to mislead as many persons now do know, and they even cheat, steal..(Isaiah 5:20 KJV) Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isa 5:21 KJV) Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! (Isa 5:22 KJV) Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: (Isa 5:23 KJV) Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! (Isa 5:24 KJV) Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust:"Justice John Gomery's report on the federal sponsorship scandal vindicates the Conservatives, who have been saying all along the Liberal government is corrupt, Leeds-Grenville MP Gord Brown said Tuesday. However, his Liberal opponent in the next federal election, union leader Bob Eaton, says it's Prime Minister Paul Martin who is actually vindicated."
The Liberals spin doctors, liars do need to get their facts straight for Paul Martin was vindicated was not the main conclusion of the Gomery report.. rather it was the main fact that the Liberals were corrupt and the ex PM JC was really an incompetent manager..
I remind you of this internet poll which refects the truth, priority
POLL Nov 1, 2005 Canada.com
What do you think of the Gomery report's conclusions?
42.44 % Proves the Liberals are corrupt
23.26 % A good first step towards criminal charges
19.77 % No surprises14.53 % Martin deserved to be exonerated ( lowest number )
at least 66 or 2/3 thought that issue was unacceptable Corruption.. this number has beem consistent all year now too of how many people do dislike the Liberals.
only about 15 percent thought the issue was Paul Martin.. and still only half of the 30 percent do support him as a good leader, pm and 70 % of the Citizens of canada do not.. and I have said that before to you all too.
"Court cases to keep Gomery findings in public eye, but anger unsustainable Wed Nov 2, 6:00 PM ET OTTAWA (CP) - The federal sponsorship scandal, courtesy of civil and criminal court proceedings, promises to bump along for months or years, now that Justice John Gomery's fact-finding report is on the public record. Public anger, they argue, is more likely to boil over due to a wider perception of Liberal malaise than from the sponsorship-specific simmer of recent months. "Now that the Gomery has indeed confirmed the corruption of the Liberal party . . . ," "Another spin Doctor has spoken.. but what about the real facts, the personally tarnished reputations of Gomery they will last forever. The continual false denials of guilt, unrepentance, further court actions, counter accusation against the other Liberals,and the Liberal in fighting, will, will next now really hurt the Liberal party even more and will for a long time rather bring into longer memory all the bad things the Liberals did under his poor watch.. and remember how many years now has the anger against the Liberals been sustained in the separatist supported west, and even in separatist supported Quebec for a start? and if the anger has not been sustained against the Liberals and Jean Chretien now too then why were, are the Liberal Party coffers so empty, bare that they do have to steal?While Prime Minister Paul Martin can take some solace in being personally exonerated for now by the Gomery report he too still can't escape its inevitable fallout which has seen undeniable significant inroads to the BQ in Quebec. Without the reality of Quebec support, the prospects of Martin achieving next a majority government anytime soon are now really dim."Now that the Gomery has indeed confirmed the corruption of the Liberal party . . . ," and where are the Federal PC's now too? The Liberals did many of the same bad things and what you think they can, will get away with it rather too? dream on... ever hear of Divorce? that is real sustained anger now too.. history repeats itself.
Here's what I find really so humorous, ironic, hypocritical, funny about the ill reputed ex PM Jean Chretien
(Job 19:7 KJV) Behold, I cry out of wrong, but I am not heard: I cry aloud, but there is no judgment. (Prov 21:13 KJV) Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. (Eccl 9:17 KJV) The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.JEAN CHRETIEN IS NOW LAUNCHING A COURT ACTION AGAINST THE POOR SELECTIONS OF LAWYERS, JUDGES IN CANADA. Now why did he not do anything about this when he was a Prime Minister, and when I had written and I had complained to him pm@pm.gc.ca McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca; even when he was the PM, the Chief Justice Minister and to all of his useless justice ministers a McLellan included. I have been abused, lied about slandered by lawyers in 3 provinces now since 1982, in Alberta, Ontario, and in Quebec. I have also rightfully complained even to him about the related poor court judges now too all to no avail. What Jean Chretien still only feels his own pain and no one else's? and selfishly only acts upon his now self interest and not the ordinary citizens of Canada still too? Tell him that I had also I said he will next complain firsthand about the poor medical system in Canada firsthand next too especially when he starts to have medical problems due to all of these unresolved personal negative stress now in his life too. He had a chance to deal adequately with these issues while he was in office, as a PM and he wrongfully did not too.Here further is what the bad Liberal justice seems to be like in Canada under the present PM Paul Martin now too. "Equality rights lawyer slams old boys' network The Ottawa Citizen Tuesday, November 01, 2005 A respected constitutional lawyer says her bid to become a federal judge was scotched because she "pissed off" prominent Liberal "godfathers" and the old boys' network that runs the legal profession. Mary Eberts, a successful equality rights litigator once seen as a dark-horse contender for the Supreme Court of Canada, urged the Commons subcommittee looking into federal judicial appointment reform to rein in the government's power to appoint partisan friends and financial supporters to the prestigious $219,400-per-annum judgeships. Ms. Eberts and fellow witness Peter Russell, a political scientist and expert on the judiciary, scoffed at the repeated assertions by Justice Minister Irwin Cotler and previous justice ministers that partisan connections play no role in the selection of judges. "I believe that a massive act of hypocrisy sits at the heart of our legal system because of the politicized nature of this process," Ms. Eberts said. "The political nature of the process lies chiefly in the reality that you cannot get through the process without a political mentor or team of mentors." Ms. Eberts said once one of the secretive committees that vet the qualifications of applicants has cleared a lawyer as "recommended" or "highly recommended" for the bench, that lawyer must still have a "political guide" to place that person's name before the regional or provincial patronage "bosses" of the ruling regime. "That person may be an active politician -- provincial or federal -- a retired (politician) or simply a legal 'godfather' with lots of clout because of personal or political ties," she testified. "But if you don't have such help, your name will sit on the list (for two years) until your (positive) clearance expires, and I have seen many fine lawyers get through the first part of the (vetting) process and then sit and wait for an appointment because they have no political mentor." Ms. Eberts argued the bias and lack of transparency and due process in the hiring process for federal judges -- which does not include interviews or give applicants an opportunity to find out their ratings -- "would be condemned ... if it was a hiring process in any other sector." The former governor of Ontario's law society, who has won awards and honorary degrees for her pioneering feminist and equality rights advocacy, said she was turned down by a vetting committee in 1997. "I was not 'recommended' and I never found out why, but I think I know why -- because I pissed off the wrong people" including prominent Liberal godfathers in the legal profession, Ms. Eberts said in an interview. "I felt devastated because at first I thought this is a judgment of my peers ... (but) then I have gradually come to think that it is perhaps more a judgment on the process than on me." Mr. Russell said he knows merit is not always the major criterion in the appointment of federal judges since a number of lawyers who the federal government appointed were rejected for the provincial bench in Ontario. Mr. Russell is a former chairman of Ontario's provincial advisory committee, which creates binding shortlists of candidates from which the provincial government must choose its judges. He urged MPs to give the federal advisory committees similar clout. "The current committees screen out the worst, but surely you could set your sights a little higher and go for a system that looks for the best people," he suggested." now as we all know the lawyers do not lie.. even about you? right justice minister? for they only lie in the Queen's courts.. unhindered still adding to the perverse Queen's justice system in Canada.As to Jean Chretien's past really bad legacy now exposed and tarnished forever for what it really was.. even his bad pretentious management.. he too has now found out the hard way that (Prov 22:1 KJV) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Eccl 7:1 KJV) A good name is better than precious ointment;(Ezek 18:24 KJV) But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. (Prov 11:2 KJV) When pride cometh, then cometh shame: (Prov 11:3 KJV) The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. (Prov 11:4 KJV) Riches profit not in the day of wrath: (Prov 11:5 KJV) The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness. (Prov 11:6 KJV) The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness. (Prov 13:10 KJV) Only by pride cometh contention:How long do you really think the public will accept these lying liberal spin doctors.. in real fact there is always a limit, enough is enough.. Clearly also the Canadian public doesn't seem to be prepared to exonerate Mr. Paul Martin.Not exonerated
Clearly also the Canadian public doesn't seem to be prepared to exonerate Mr. Paul Martin." Friday, November 04, 2005 OTTAWA - Paul Martin's Liberals have plummeted in popularity because of public anger over the Gomery report and would lose an election if a vote were held now, a new poll has found. - Despite Mr. Martin's promise to clean up government, a strong majority (60%) believe the Gomery report will do little to change the way the federal government does business. A majority of Canadians (54%) believe the findings of the Gomery report "show that the Liberal party is fundamentally corrupt and does not deserve to be re-elected." Most voters (53%) rejected the suggestion that because Mr. Martin was "absolved" by Judge Gomery, the sponsorship scandal was unlikely to affect their vote in the next election "They really don't want to re-elect them under Jean Chretien's leadership or Paul Martin's leadership." The Liberals have suffered some of their biggest losses in the regions where they most need votes. In Quebec, where most of the sponsorship abuses were centred, Liberal support has dropped 13 percentage points; " Canadians look at the idea of the Liberal party itself being named as corrupt .Canada's Liberal PM Paul Martin has not done a successful job of separating himself from the past." Quebeckers skeptical of PM's exoneration Poll shows majority believe Gomery inquiry failed to shed light on all wrongdoing. In the court of public opinion, Mr. Justice John Gomery's report has raised suspicion in Quebec that the entire story of the sponsorship program has yet to be told. Callers to open-line radio and television shows this week applauded Judge Gomery's work but did not accept his report's exoneration of Prime Minister Paul Martin's role in the sponsorship program. "I don't think Mr. Martin should have been exonerated. He was a member of cabinet when the program was set up. He was aware of it," said one caller on Radio-Canada's afternoon radio phone-in show. In a straw poll taken by the TVA television network, more than 70 per cent said they didn't believe the Gomery report shed light on all wrongdoing. The Quebec Justice Minister needs now to review all of this further too.. Like I have said many times 70 percent do oppose PM Paul Martin as well in Quebec too.There also is a great difference! When the Liberals lobby they cheat, lie , steal and cost the tax payers millions of dollars.." OTTAWA (CP) - The Conservatives attempted to position themselves Friday as a squeaky-clean alternative to the Liberals by promising an overhaul of government ethics as their first act if elected. Party leader Stephen Harper's proposed legislation would ban corporate donations to political parties, restrict lobbying and hand more power to the auditor general. His announcement came on the heels of Justice John Gomery's report on the sponsorship scandal and a new poll that suggested his party was in a dead heat with the Liberals. Harper told a gathering of his MPs they should leave the party if they plan to replace the Liberals without changing Ottawa's culture. "This exercise will be meaningless unless our government is different," he said. "We must do nothing less than replace the culture of entitlement with the culture of accountability. . . . We are going to change the way government works, not just change colour on the letterhead." As angry as voters have been with the sponsorship scandal, many remain skeptical that the Conservatives would change Ottawa's political culture. Harper's announcement was directed squarely at those voters. His proposed accountability act would: -Set a $1,000 limit on personal donations to a political party, and ban corporate and union donations. "This means no more big interests lobbying the prime minister behind closed doors at $5,000-a-ticket cocktail parties." -Ban cash donations of more than $20. This could halt the common practice of big-money donors funneling thousands in cash contributions through friends, family and associates. -Ban former cabinet ministers, ministerial staffers, or senior public officials from lobbying government for five years. -Require all ministers and senior officials to keep records of their contacts with lobbyists. -Set out penalties that would enforce the Lobbyists Registration Act and make the lobbyists' registrar an officer of Parliament: "Politics will no longer be a stepping stone to a lucrative career lobbying government." -Create a public-appointments commission to set merit-based requirements for appointments to government boards, commissions and agencies. -Broaden the auditor general's role, allowing her not just to investigate government spending but also to follow the money trail to political parties. -Hire a new procurement auditor to monitor government contracts. -Ban trust funds for individual candidates' campaigns. -Establish cash rewards for whistleblowers who expose wrongdoing or save taxpayer dollars.
-Extend the Access to Information Act to cover Crown corporations, and review the current exemption of cabinet secrets from the act. The Tory announcement triggered furious Liberal counter-attacks in a telling display of how ethics will play a central role in an upcoming election campaign. The parties spent a good part of the afternoon exchanging accusations about how many lobbyists worked in each other's midst. The government issued a press release alleging that Harper once worked as an unregistered lobbyist. The Liberals also asked the registrar of lobbyists to examine his former role with the National Citizens' Coalition. "If Mr. Harper wants to play sheriff, he can start by slapping handcuffs on himself," said Prime Minister Paul Martin's spokesman, Scott Reid. He said lobbying is legally defined as trying to influence public policy - which Harper did with the NCC. The Conservatives angrily dismissed the Liberal accusation. Harper tried influencing public policy by writing letters and delivering speeches at the conservative think-tank - not by lobbying ministers over expensive dinners, they said. And the Conservatives seized on the Public Works Department press release to make yet another allegation about Liberal corruption. They said that press release played perfectly into their argument that, years after the sponsorship scandal, partisan corruption lives on in Ottawa. "Why is the government of Canada sending out press releases for the Liberal party?" said Tory spokesman Dimitri Soudas. "Didn't they read the Gomery (sponsorship scandal) report? Why are Canadian taxpayers paying for a Liberal party press release?" Harper repeated his promise that a Tory government would sue the Liberal party over the scandal. "So Why is the government of Canada wrongfully sending out press releases for the Liberal party? RSVPOTTAWA (CP) - Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, promises an unprecedented overhaul in Ottawa. Conservatives will install a culture of accountability in Ottawa.
- He says the first thing he would do as prime minister is introduce a bill to ban corporate and union donations to political parties- and keep ministers and senior public officials from lobbying government for five years after leaving their post.( MPs and their staff included?)
- Harper would also give more power to offices overseeing lobbyists, the ethics commissioner, information commissioner and auditor generaland please what about the better management of all of the civil and public services, the rightful termination of the poor ones, their bad supervisors now too?and what about the Civil, public servants, politicians unacceptably giving contracts, work, jobs to their friends, relatives.What will you do about the existing bad method of selection of Court judges and too often useless commissioners? the existing bad supervisory, bad professional regulating bodies too?and what about the many lawyers who lie in the Queen's courts too? and slander, abuse others?and what will you do about the bad, pretentious RCMP that abuses the tax payers money now as well and does not adequately enforce the laws on all of the civil, public servants, and politicians now too.and what will you do about the mismanaged health systems?What will you all do about the consumer's, citizens rising, high heating oil, gas prices too?and the ongoing major tax evasions in Canada still too? all for a start.Better management and the Public exposure and prosecutions of all of the guilty persons starting rightfully at the top, next goes down to the bottom as well, serves everyone's best interest and is continually mandatory for everyone's best and good welfare. All it takes for evil to prosper is for any people to wrongfully do nothing about it.Speaking about the Conservatives who will install a culture of accountability in Ottawa one of the first concerns that many citizens they really do want to have is a posting specially as to how much do each individually, all of the civil and public servants, politicians spend on their expenses, food, entertainment, travel, and why do so many of them travel too much too? Who pays for their wives to accompany them in reality now too?How much of the taxpayer's money is specifically being used to buy any alcoholic beverages now too?Why do they have to hire so many part time consultants, special lawyers, special accountants in Ottawa too."Canada needs a Prime Minister who will lead by example. We need a Prime Minister who will fix the system rather than defend its beneficiaries. I did not get into politics to get a title or position. I got into politics to fight for the things I believe in. As Prime Minister, I will lead by example. I will begin the process of fixing the system by legislating and enforcing the Federal Accountablity Act – a specific, detailed and credible plan to clean up government. This will be the first thing I do. Accountable government. You deserve nothing less. Join me and help make it happen. Sincerely,Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P. Click here to read Stephen Harper’s Federal Accountability Act."There is really something perverse, idiotic about the selection of the Queen's courts judges, the regulation of the too often perverse Judges, lawyers too in Canada, and their masturbating regulating societies still too. And you do all already do know the useless, immoral Liberal federal Justice Minister wrongfully for a start continue not to acknowledge any of my mails and that is why Gomery has happened so easilyConservatives will install a culture of accountability in Ottawa. What will you do about the existing bad method of selection of Court judges and too often useless commissioners? the existing bad supervisory, bad professional regulating bodies too? and what about the many lawyers who lie in the Queen's courts too? and slander, abuse others? even you know those types who wrongfully practice hatred and hate the Christians in Canada now too----- Original Message -----From: "Cabinet du Ministre" <ministre@justice.gouv.qc.ca>Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 9:11 AMSubject: Rép. : Liberal support way down poll:We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail sent to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for the province of Quebec.
>>> Clearly also the Canadian public doesn't seem to be prepared to exonerate Mr. Paul Martin.
Harper Makes Commitment to Clean Up Government and what has Paul Martin been doing.. traveling?Strengthen auditing and accountability within departments The sponsorship scandal first came to light in an internal audit – an audit which the Liberals initially tried to cover up. Under the Liberals, the lines between ministers and non-partisan civil servants have been blurred, and clear lines of accountability need to be re-established.Make qualified government appointments The Liberals have repeatedly appointed insiders, in some cases completely unqualified, to important public offices. Liberal insiders, candidates and MPs have received appointments as heads of Crown corporations, board members, and ambassadors. Liberal staffers, including some of those responsible for the sponsorship program, have worked their way into key positions in the public service. A new government is needed to make sure that important public appointments are filled on the basis of merit and not simply as favours to friends and political supporters.Strengthen the role of the Ethics Commissioner In 1993, Paul Martin and the Liberals promised the appointment of an independent Ethics Commissioner. For over ten years, Paul Martin and the Liberals failed to fulfill that promise, and Martin voted against his own Red Book words in the House of Commons. Finally, under the pressure of the Sponsorship Scandal, the Liberals partially fulfilled their promise. But many problems remain with the role of the Ethics Commissioner, including the special exemptions Paul Martin created for his own business dealings.Clean up government polling and advertising The Liberal government commissions some $25 million per year in polling and public opinion research. Much of this polling is conducted by Liberal-connected polling firms. The Auditor General revealed that Paul Martin’s Finance department commissioned polling for which there were “only verbal reports” – nothing was written down so there was no paper trail. Yet the Martin government prevented the Gomery Commission from investigating this part of the Auditor General’s report. And while the Liberal-friendly ad firms involved in the sponsorship program are under investigation, tens of millions of dollars have been awarded to Liberal-connected advertising firms in other contracts not related to sponsorship. Earnscliffe, the lobbying and polling company closely connected to Paul Martin, has received over $10 million from the federal government since 1993. Government advertising and contracting must be cleaned up – not used for partisan purposes by government, or for the private benefit of contract recipients.Strengthen the power of the Auditor General Over the past decade, the Auditor General has repeatedly blown the whistle on Liberal corruption. From the $250 million Sponsorship program, to the scandalous waste and mismanagement of the $1 billion HRDC grants boondoggle, to the ineffective $2 billion gun registry; nearly every audit turns up more examples of Liberal mismanagement. The federal government spends some $26 billion per year on grants and contributions to individuals, companies, and non-governmental organizations. Another $7 billion per year is spent on government contracts. Undoubtedly, many of these grants, contributions and contracts are for worthwhile public purposes. But too often, the Liberal Party and its friends and insiders have used them for their own benefit. This must stop. The Auditor General must be given the mandate and resources to examine and propose changes to the entire range of government grants, contributions and contracting policies in all government departments, Crown corporations and agencies.Strengthen Access to Information legislation The Liberal government has consistently rejected attempts to provide Canadians with better access to government information. The present Information Commissioner has gone to court several times to force the government to open its windows.Ensure truth in budgeting with a Parliamentary Budget Office In the spring of 2004, the Liberal government told Canadians that the 2003/04 surplus would only be $1.9 billion. In fact, it was $9.1 billion. In 2004-05, the Liberals spent billions in end-of-year spending to artificially reduce their surplus. Governments cannot be held to account if Parliament does not know the accurate state of public finances. For too long, Members of Parliament have had to beg and plead with the Liberal government to discover its plans and to review its figures.Clean up the procurement of government contracts Under the Liberal government, abuse of the government contracting process has become commonplace. Former Liberal cabinet minister Art Eggleton, for example, awarded an untendered contract to a former girlfriend. He was later appointed to the Senate by Paul Martin.Provide real protection for whistleblowers There have been many examples over the years of reprisals against government whistleblowers, including public servants who helped reveal the Sponsorship Scandal, and others who exposed waste and abuse in the Department of Foreign Affairs. After pressure from the opposition and whistleblowers themselves, the Liberals brought forward weak legislation to deal with the issue. Much more still needs to be done.Toughen the Lobbyists Registration Act Under the Liberals, lobbying government – often by friends and associates of Paul Martin and other Liberal ministers – has become a multi-million dollar industry. Senior Liberals move freely back and forth between elected and non-elected government posts and the world of lobbying. Liberal lobbyists have accepted success or contingency fee arrangements where they don’t get paid unless they deliver the policy change their clients want. Prominent Liberals act as lobbyists but “forget” to register until the opposition or media learn of their activities. Meanwhile, the Registrar of Lobbyists remains as an employee of the Minister of Industry, not an independent Officer of Parliament, with little power to enforce the Lobbyists Registration Act.
The Loser Paul Martin now the scare mongerer now clearly lacks self confidence, the faith he will even win a reelection.. never mind a majority government, and anytime is a good time to kick out the corrupt Liberals in reality.
• Staffers in the PMO and Ministerial offices have been named by witnesses during the Gomery Inquiry as having received sponsorship funds.
• There is evidence that Paul Martin maintained a close personal relationship with a former organizer on his Leadership campaign and key executive who received sponsorship money, even though he claims they are mere acquaintances
• As Finance Minister, Paul Martin personally pushed for a pension reform bill that resulted in a windfall gain of $82 million for his own company, Canada Steamship Lines. His involvement was so pronounced, he was even asked to back off by his own deputy minister.
• Paul Martin used taxpayer’s dollars to foot the bill for private consultations with Earnscliffe Strategy Group on the best way to politically to pass his 1997 budget, and to lobby during a ten-year leadership campaign.
• Art Eggleton was appointed to the Senate by Paul Martin after he broke Cabinet guidelines on contracting by giving a contract to his former girlfriend.
• Paul Martin repeatedly ignores questions about whether his Quebec Lieutenant, Jean Lapierre, violated the Lobbyists Registration Act.
• Paul Martin says to wait for Justice Gomery’s final report before taking any action. But one of his ministers, (Jacques Saada) has already declared that a PMO staffer gave the truth during testimony and will keep his job.
• As a former Finance Minister, Paul Martin says he knows everything about the Mexican Peso crisis, but claims to know nothing about what took place in Adscam.
• Testimonies from the Gomery Inquiry have revealed that Paul Martin’s staff members were directly involved in selecting agencies for the advertising programs and that he himself was involved in the discussion.
• Paul Martin hasn’t guaranteed Justice Gomery will be allowed to report his final findings. In fact, members of the Liberal Party (Jean Chrétien’s supporters) are now before the federal court trying to get Justice Gomery fired.
• Paul Martin is emptying the treasury, trying to cover up one vote-buying scandal with another.
• Paul Martin placed limits on Gomery: Justice Gomery has been prevented by the Liberals from naming names and organizations involved in the sponsorship scandal and from commenting on their civil or criminal liability.
• Liberals have begun campaigning with taxpayers’ money: Though the election has not yet been called, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet have begun campaigning, travelling around the country at taxpayers’ expense to announce billions of dollars in government spending.
• Liberals ruining Canada’s finances to cover up Liberal corruption:
• Paul Martin not the right person to clean up politics in Ottawa: Paul Martin has a record of rewarding, not punishing, those who break the rules. He appointed Art Eggleton to the Senate after Mr. Eggleton had been removed from Cabinet, by Jean Chrétien, for breaching Cabinet guidelines.