The PM Stephen Harper's main
weakness — over which he has total control — is his habit of taking
ethical shortcuts and that includes his own acts of selfishness.. politicking
and trying to win at all costs.
Yes in his first three months in
office, the Prime Minister has already left a trail of discarded promises,
casual reversals and falsehoods. These minor surprises have
already done damage to his reputation and thus now many
are watching, wondering, quietly sizing up the real practicing ethics of a bad
man they elected to provide clean government.
The day he was sworn in, Harper
discarded his pledge not to appoint unelected cabinet ministers and
he selected Michael Fortier, a Montreal financier who had
co-chaired the Conservative campaign, as his minister of public works. To
legitimize the move, he also next gave him a Senate seat, despite campaigning
for an elected upper house and left an unfortunate bad FIRST impression. Also
to kick off the new session of Parliament, Harper introduced his signature
piece of legislation, the Federal Accountability Act which prohibited
ministers, political aides and senior bureaucrats from lobbying the government
for five years after leaving office. But Harper did not ask his transition
team to respect the new rule. One well-connected Tory promptly took a job as
senior vice-president of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, which
lobbies the government on telecommunications issues a clearly telling,
lapse. When gasoline prices spiked last month, reporters asked Harper whether
he was going to stop collecting the GST at the 85-cent mark, as he promised in
2004. "This is something we're all going to have to adapt to." he
replied. It was once more a predictable about-face.and the indifference
rankled many. Finally, there was the Prime Minister's decision, 18 days ago,
to bar journalists from military repatriation ceremonies honouring fallen
soldiers. It's not about photo ops and media coverage," he said. "It is about
what is in the best interests of the families." That seemed reasonable, until
the grieving father of one of the four young men killed in Afghanistan said
his family had never been consulted. Had he been asked, Lincoln Dinning told
mourners at his son's funeral, he would have opposed the policy strenuously.
The media ban might have been defensible but the lie was not
for Harper is now clearly a another professing hypocritical
evangelical Christian who lies and who also cannot be trusted, and that now
says it all, thus he has already done some major
wrong. Integrity is a valuable and a fragile asset.
Yes each successive disappointment and
deception takes its toll. Eventually people say: This isn't what we voted for.
This isn't the open, accountable government we were promised. Harper's
Achilles heel is his own bad acts and that he is taking
careless risks. S Harper's root fact is he is now too is just another False
teacher, false prophet like Preston Manning .. and Jesus himself said to
beware of the wolves in cheep clothing's and by their own fruits you can tell
who they now are.. And no such thing as a little bit pregnant, not even for a
PM especially.
(Mat 7:15 KJV) Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men
gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree
bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree
bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit
is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye
shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have
we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in
thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto
them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
"In Harper's regime, Big Daddy knows best Globe
and Mail When it comes time for history to bestow a permanent nickname on
Prime Minister Stephen Harper — “Big Daddy” Harper as a contender for
the honour. Big Daddy Harper: It sounds good, no? Big Daddy connotes a big
political boss with a big, strategic mind, which describes Mr. Harper to a
T. To judge from his first four months in office, Mr. Harper is
running the most hands-on, centrally controlled federal government in living
memory, a government so Harper-centric and so micro-managed by the Prime
Minister's Office it feels literally patriarchal. If Big Daddy Harper is a
control freak — and no one denies it, even if they won't speak for attribution
— he is a control freak on purpose, In recent days, rumours have begun to
circulate that Mr. Harper has even limited his ministers' opportunities to
speak in cabinet meetings. Instead, he has begun to meet them privately
beforehand, hear their proposals and then make their
presentations Greg Weston, Ottawa columnist for Sun Media, has been
covering Parliament Hill for 30 years. “I don't need the PMO to do my job,” he
says. “But the control concerns me. This is the way they're going to be
running the country. It's not just early game jitters. This is part of a
deep-rooted belief set. It's almost a culture.” "
" Prime Minister Stephen Harper's
government suffered a setback yesterday when his hand-picked choice to chair a
Commons committee was driven from the post. Maurice Vellacott stepped down
from the aboriginal affairs committee after suggesting Supreme Court judges
play God with the law and attributing erroneous comments to the chief
justice. Vellacott quit as the Liberals prepared to bring a motion in the
committee to oust him from the chair. With the Bloc Quebecois and NDP backing
it, the motion was sure to pass. It's the first major wrench to hit the
works of an otherwise smooth-running, tightly controlled Tory government.
Harper quickly named another controversial figure as the party's pick to
succeed Vellacott -- rookie Tory MP Colin Mayes, who recently advocated
jailing reporters who write stories the government doesn't like. “It's a way
of controlling things,” "The name of this show is Big Daddy Knows Best" and it
is still not flattering or acceptable.." A more accurate and potentially more
damaging charge is that Mr. Harper treats the media — and therefore Canadians
— like children".
The Weak people may need the others to
dictate, to run their lives for them, but the free, Mature, Honest persons do
not and they rightfully do not appreciate any of the undemocratic
control freaks.