Not only is the honeymoon over, so is the
Liberal marriage? The Liberals are clearly no longer wanted by the
Majority of the Canadians Citizens, because they the Liberals now have out
stayed their welcomes by their too many unrepentances, POOR ACTS STILL TOO,
the same Liberals themselves firstly have already hurt Canada's
international reputation.. the immoral sponsorship scandal is now also known
world wide, all the RCMP investigations of the Liberal members poor acts
as well, as well, and as well clearly also immoral Paul Martin's
desperate attempt to stay in power by any means, by lying, slandering bashing
S. Harper, or George Bush for that matter.. for once a basher and a liar
always a basher and a liar it seems still too. Like I have said already just
as it was time for the old man Jean Chretien to Go , it is also now
really time for the clear loser also Paul Martin to go now as well, and
for us all next to get some fresh blood in office in Ottawa.. and a better
government too.
The Liberal people whole lived,
live also in a glass house should have stopped throwing stones at
others.. and should have rather cleaned up their own house and set a
good and not a bad standard by now by their own example firstly
For an unacceptable start Millions of the
taxpayer's money in the Liberal's federal government supposedly dedicated
cause of winning Quebec's loyalty to Canada instead went into the pockets of
the Montreal Liberal party thieves and into the coffers of the party itself...
showing actually next to all their false true priorities and agendas... why
they had became Liberals.
Martin played two contradictory roles, both positive and negative Dr.
Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.. what he said next too often was contradicted by what he
really had even done, did. One of the main problem is that Gaul Martin also he
had given no valid thought at all to what he'd do for the citizens of Canada
as well once he got there to the PM office, or at the reelection campaign but
S Harper had and this next has now become evident, even to Ontario, Quebec and
BQ voters. It's now also not just that people are against Martin
as a result. It's that they're really now also for Harper.
You have to give it to Paul Martin, the Liberals own
losing federal election turning point, seen and heard world wide too
was when Paul Martin and the Liberals mostly shot themselves in
the foot and much too often in this Federal election Campaign..
- Trying to show himself as an experienced,
competent leaders, decision maker, administrator Paul Martin wrongfully still
never grasp the reality full as how unacceptable the Liberals tax payers abuse
was to the citizens, and that they meant it when they said they wanted an more
honest government, and not more false Liberal denials, lies, cover-ups, false
privileges, excessive personal spending, entitlements, tax evasions, thefts
and abuse of the payer's money, rather a still poor management of the
government, ministers themselves still too .. Paul Martin too often had
stuck with his same old bad Liberal friends too and the citizens were no
longer gullible here too.. and no matter how big it was no Liberal election
war room could next now really deny any of this past,
present too.
-A clear almost final nail on the Liberal federal
election coffin was Paul Martin's too typical wrong handling of a Liberal
Member, a New RCMP investigation into an alleged market-lifting leak of an
income trust announcement not only had hit the Liberals hard but when Finance
Minister Ralph Goodale refused to step down after millions of investment
dollars moved abruptly, inexplicably and profitably hours ahead of his
statement, it definitely to many tainted a Martin government which had vowed
to set a new high in ethical purity, appropriate response revealed, confirmed
to many what Paul Martin and his liberals still were really like.. maintain
power at all costs and continue to wrongfully to deny any possible wrong
- Paul Martin the clear established to many
loser, the rather unprofessional statesman own failure to take the election
high ground as he had first promised to all well, while clearly The NDP and
the Conservatives, BQ did, instead he Paul Martin and his Liberals once again
wrongfully relied too much on his past and quite predictable
Campaign approach of very little real positive substance, predictably trying
to scare mongering us about the Conservatives and the BQ without showing
real care for the Canadian Citizens own good welfare even, an approach
that this time that the Conservative and the BQ were really rather
ready for.. and they the matured now Conservatives as well as the BQ.. this
time were not caught off guard.. but ready and waiting, prepared too.. by the
BQ own Option Canada revelations... and even another RCMP Liberal
- The same basher Paul Martin now still really
rather pretending to be Captain Canada gave in a direct contrast by trying to
cast credibility even on S Harper as a Canadian next himself gave an
opportunity for all now to really see as to who in contrast to show who really
was Captain Canada of team Canada and that was S Harper.
- Paul Martin's own poor, desperate false attempt
to change Liberal polices with his court notwithstanding issue, that
was not only not in the Liberals red book, in the mid stream of
the campaign was another turning point.. He Paul martin had foolishly also
failed to realize, notice as I had sent it to him that the majority of
the citizens do not trust,, respect the judges in the first place and they had
firstly already had blamed the courts, the judges for a lot of what is
wrong now in our society as well... escalating impaired driving, violence and
crime included.
-It did not help much that the clearly inadequate
Campaign advisers maintained and chosen by Paul Martin himself verbalized
to all their own racist practice, intolerance, and also even
disrespect of the Canadian citizens themselves by suggesting the citizens
could not manage their own money, when they falsely had derided the
Conservative child-care allowance as a beer and popcorn fund for the parents
of pre-school children, it was heard across Canada, It cast a slur on
all parents, Canadians and was particularly offensive to the Canadian
families. It also now again confirmed that the Liberals wrongfully really did
not value families or family values as well to many
- The even already quite predicted Liberals
negative adds approved by Paul Martin himself, next immorally lying
denied as such by typically lying Liberal spin doctors, Cabinet
Minister next too, and the Harper bashing campaign this time showed to a
waiting , prepared audience the confirmed truth as to what the Liberals were
themselves still really like.. an really still immoral,
untrustworthy governing political party without much real positive
substance left.. and these final Liberal negative adds rather helped the
Liberal downfall. For the Liberals in clear stupidity to even try to suggest
that armed Canadian soldiers would invade cities under Stephen
Harper's instructions if there was a Conservative victory went way
too far by any stretch of the imagination, laws of decency next, showed a
desperate Liberal Party and one even trying to win at all costs even
causing all 12 of the negative Liberal ads to be also tainted and the
desperate last flicker of Liberal hope to demonize this time around too
Harper had backfired rather.
- Paul Martin and the Liberals next
significantly could not even profit from it with barely more than
a week left in the Federal election Campaign, when Canada's leading
Political party the Conservative had to deep-six their
federal Member of Parliament candidate in British
Columbia, for the Liberals had to do the same thing in BC in the same
week as well and what is of continual interest to us all still is the
main reasons for doing so.. The Politicians lying to us all is nothing New but
is always unacceptable, and Liberals inducing bribes too now, even a promise
of patronizing employment, to others is also nothing new for the
Liberals.. it has already many times even been alleged to have been done
before to induce Conservative candidates to leave also by the Liberal
party, and none of this is ever acceptable too.. none. And how clearer
can the Canadians be they really do now, next still want a more honest
government, and you cannot have that without more honest politicians elected
initially.. Also an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure here too, and
the rightful Recall election of both of these bad candidates
is the ample solution in both of these case if either of the bad
candidates win as well.
You have to give it to Paul Martin,
the Liberals losing federal election turning point was when Paul
Marin and the Liberals mostly shot themselves in the foot and much
too often in this Federal election Campaign.. exposing also
the reality what a really bad statement, statesman, manager, politician,
administrator he Paul Martin personally now really was still personally to
all... and he Paul Martin and the Liberals, their war team really could
not next, now honestly divert it, blame any of it on any of the
opposition parties, anyone else.
PS The wicked exposed, snared
by their own wrong doings also personally hurts a lot
more too. (Psalm 9:16 KJV) The LORD is known by the judgment which
he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own
An appropriate news year's note for all of
the extreme hypocritcal too often Progressive Conservative right
winders, and the Liberal left wingers too is that I as a mature, Honest
Canadian citizens have also firsthand learned the last 30 years in Canada that
too many of the Canadian professionals, Pastors, Realtors, cops, politicians,
doctors are really inadequate.. and that a Progressive
Conservative Premier that is an alcoholic drunk, absuer or
a Progressive Conservative Premier that commited adultery, slept with a
not divorced, married woman belonging still to another man are really
still no better than a Liberal person in office who cheats, lies, steal,
covers up, slanders, bashes, does not keep their election promises.
Ted Byfield and Ezra Levant the
Publisher Western Standard also should also really note
(1 Cor 6:9 KJV) Know ye not that the
unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind,10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Tim 5:20
KJV) Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. 21 I
charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels,
that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing
nothing by partiality.