I have been involved and writing
about Canadian Politics only about two decades.. and I have been right on
almost all of what I write about too.. I wrote that The elected
Canadian PM Stephen Harper will continue to have a minority government, he
will not be popular with the majority of the voters and why as well.. I even
wrote about what it will take the Liberals to get back into
Any major political party that wants
to be a majority government needs to include now all of these items
1: providing always, immediately free,
full effective medical care in Canada for all citizens of all ages, race, sex
as well.
2: an accountable and a fully held responsible
federal, provincial, municipal governments where each, every
individual(s) in the government is next held fully accountable for how
he or she uses, or abuses any of the tax payers' money.
having a fair, honest, uniform Canada wide laws and justice system in
Canada, that treats everyone equally, fairly, all persons, citizens,
professionals as well. That includes having fully independent regulating
bodies, judicial legal appointed authorities, for the police, lawyers,
accountants, doctors, civil and public servants, politicians included, to
honestly, fully investigate and to deal quickly, effectively with any, all of
the wrong doings now too
4 having adequate, uniform
Canada wide Consumer protection services as well.This includes having a fair,
honest, uniform Canada wide independent regulating judicial, legal
appointed authorities,to enforce, regulate, investigate all the false
immoral, misleading business practices and to honestly, fully
investigate and to deal with any, all of the wrong doings now
5 insuring that our retired pensioners, veterans and
disabled in health, social welfare recipients, the poor, do always get
adequate incomes to meet the actual costs of living and to do this we will
insure that all, all Canadians do pay their fair share of taxes as well
including the professionals, self employed, business persons, and
corporations too.
Sadly it seems the new Canadian Conservative federal
Government and their new budget too also now are not governing but still
electioneering, playing partiality, discrimination and favoritism and this is
immoral even on their parts.
It is all still quite simple getting more
new Liberals, or more new Conservatives, or more new NDP, BQ does not at all
insure even next a good government.. as we know now many times too.. Bad
managers hire bad persons mostly still too.Yes bad immoral leaders, Managers
still do choose mostly bad advisers, bad subordinates .. mostly the
people with their bad own values.. and we get bad service thus.. Still
doing not much good is still a sign of a bad manager, subordinate too.
The Liars especially make for very poor managers and poor cops, poor
politicians still.. for the really immoral persons still cannot think
right or do right. You cannot expect to hire bad, incompetent people and
get good results. And being an useless, ineffective, wasteful elected or
career official is also the same wrong doing as being secretive and
there is no such thing as little bit pregnant, or a little bit acceptable
abuses of democracy, freedom, human rights.
- Firstly choosing friends into a
ership position, or choosing some one at the
suggestion of friends is the worst management thing you can do.. for next you
cannot correct, punish, fire, discipline them.. ( Canada's number one hiring
- Secondly Garbage in means still garbage out and most
of the politicians are still really just basic Garbage.. Allan Rock, Cotler,
McLellan, Mc Guinty, Klein etc.. I rightfully would have never hired any
of them.. in the first place for most of them they are immoral persons,
liars and their behavior firstly shows it..
I have to say that
the bad Liberals and King Ralph really do remind me of also the too many bad
Pastors I have also encountered in Canada and this too is unacceptable. http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com/archives/2006/02/_50_of_modern_s.php
Here are 6 undeniable and unacceptable facts still
even about the Conservative political parties in
1: The Federal Conservatives are now even really worse
overall even in comparison to the previous Liberals we had in power, for
they the Conservatives are more pretentious and more inadequate in governing
even as well. They do often even have a hidden agenda they are pursuing
2 The Conservatives in Ottawa under Stephen Harper and
those Conservatives in Alberta as well under Ralph Klein are unacceptably too
now are not looking after the equal, good well being of all Canadians Canada
wide, but only the minority few Canadians that hopefully will reelect them.
keep them in power, and even thus their false hidden agenda is a self serving
one. Many Liberals had warned us of this too and they were right.
The Conservatives clearly really do not care to implement or maintain a total
adequate universal and fully functional health care system Canada wide
as well otherwise they would have implemented real positive needed changes
here already too.
4: Even the federal Conservatives for certainty now
cannot be trusted to keep their election promises.
We continually and unacceptably in Canada seem to
elect liars as leaders, people who break their campaign promises, Premiers and
prime Ministers in Canada now too. Our new PM had prime minister campaigned on
a promise of open government and an accountable one. He already has failed to
live up too it and it did not even take him too long to do it too.
5 We
have all now also seen that the wrongful, false suppression of
democracy, the practice of dictatorship now is a classical Conservative
philosophy, approach of too many bad Canadian Conservative leaders.
More Openness in the government, and Public exposure and prosecution of the
guilty serves everyone's best interest still too.
Most every bad guy
who set out to do something awful wanted to do it in secret and keep it secret
so he or she unlawfully could keep their false gains too. Most of the bad
power hungry dictators started out pretending to serve the good welfare of the
all of people now too.
The rightful transparency in our federal
government now as well is clouded by the false increasing Conservative
government secrecy, and a dictatorship approach. Is now "Muzzling the
media, Harper style any more acceptable by him also now, next muzzling
the citizens as well? No, Never. It really is the same thing.
It does not take a rocket scientist to know, to confirm these facts. One can
easily tell who they are by what they do, have done so far. "18 A good
tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth
good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn
down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know
them." (Matthew 7 KJV)
A good Canadian government
would deal with these inadequacies as well
- Inadequate commercial crimes prosecutions, by the police and
- Inadequate Consumer protections, prosecutions of false,
planned bankruptcy, misleading false advertisement, corrupt business
- Inadequate self regulating societies of professionals
including accountants, police, lawyers, judges
- The pretentious and
inadequate public and civil servants, and their related services included even
the Justice Ministry, Human resources, pensions services, immigration and
refugee boards.
- The inadequate method of appointment of judges,
commissioners including the police, immigration judges, human resources
- Theft and Expense account abuses by crown corporations,
and the related managers, employees
Everyone says put me into power.. but few will not only not actually tell
us what they will do if they are in power, and unacceptably few next
also will really keep their election promises, rather
next they will look mainly after themselves and not after the good
welfare of all the citizens..
the good welfare of the citizens includes issues just for a start such as
1: The civil and public services in Canada are too often pretentious,
inadequate, abusive even and no political party wants to really say what it
will really do to fire them, to better manage them
2: None of the
Political parties are discussing the overall better supply, management and
delivery of our Health care system.. It seems for me the last 50 years the
only way I get decent medical services is to go back a few times to the
emergency departments.. for the local charge card happy doctors do too
often fail to do enough.
3: Rising costs.. we all know that fuel,
energy, oil, gasoline costs are rapidly increasing.. and it is the poor people
who will suffer the most for it too.. not the already too rich corporations..
and none of the political parties are presently adequately dealing with these
unacceptable facts.
4: Too many Politicians still do lie and do
not keep their election promises and there still is no provision to have
them recalled.. there should be an opportunity to recall the lying, bad,
unacceptable politician in mid term too. You know old fashion mid term
5: We need an open, transparent and fully
accessible government.. accountable and transparent on all of the tax
payer's expenditures too.. with full disclosures.. not one that hides
it's dirty deeds rather too often now.
6: Brain damaged alcoholic civil
and public servants are not capable of doing good work.. really.. we know what
impaired drunk driving does too.. Not one cent of the tax payer's money should
be used to purchase any alcoholic beverages at any time.. not one
Secondly all alcoholics, drug users in the governments must be
given 30 days to sign up, attend a valid, certified drug treatment program
such as alcoholic anonymous, their personally falling to do so they must be
immediately fired from their jobs, or resign.
None of this is an
option... none! I also still do not have an extreme or unrealistic but
rather rightful expectations for I rightfully always expect all of
the paid by the taxpayers public and civil servants, politicians not to get
drunk on any of their working hours, and them not to be self serving but to
really look honestly, fully after all the citizens good welfare in Canada, and
no matter the citizen's status, colour, race and religion too. Not just to
pretend to near the re-election times too. I really do rightfully expect
all these persons who do not measure up to this be fired too immediately,
without any reservations too. By the way it is estimated that at least
25 percents of the persons in the civil and public servants, working for the
governments are heavy drinkers, alcoholics, drug users.. many citizens get
really shocked to find that out still and that not much has been done about it
still too..
Yes the governments ARE only as good as the people
elected, hired, working for all of us, the taxpayers too.