My Correspondence with Alberta's Official Opposition for Alberta still has much too many unacceptable liars, spin doctors, immoral persons, people abusers for my own liking.
Many many a bad politician, bad civil servant and bad persons has learned much too late even when they see their sins, wrong doings shouted from the house tops, splattered across the newspapers world wide even persons like Jean Chretien, Ralph Klein, Stephen Harper or Chuck Guite that a (Prov 22:1 KJV) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Eccl 7:1 KJV) A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth.My also rather still being nice to the clearly evil, bad persons, politicians and leaders included is realy still a complete waste of time for furthermore they will not change, repent of their wrong doings as a result unless they feel, experience real personal negative consequences, such as the rightful public tarnishing of their names.. there is no reasons for them to change otherwise.. even the Bible itself is a history book mentioning the personal names and the specific public sins, wrong doings of leaders.Never the less public exposure and the appropriate, fair, honest prosecution of the guilty persons still serves as a good exemplary to everyone's best interest including the guilty offenders.
----- Original Message -----Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:17 PMSubject: Re: Correspondence with Alberta's Official Opposition
Thank you for your reply..As you can see by my Internet sites and I have undeniably affected the more truthful Canada wide news media coverage of Alberta for I really was the one firstly who reported to all, the news editors included, news media such as the Globe& Mail too undeniably as well that the lying spin doctors in Alberta were hiding the negative truths from Albertans and the rest of Canada.Two things I have clearly have learned in dealing with many Albertans the last many decades,1: Albertan rednecks they are abusive immoral persons in Canada who wrongfully, clearly do not respect other people's rights, human rights included..AND WE HAVE SEEN THUS SET BY THE ABUSIVE ALBERTA PREMIER KLEIN OWN BAD EXAMPLE.2: These Albertan rednecks they are also often big liars, lying spin .. just look for a great example of how Ralph Klein lied and hid his alcoholic drunkenness for another good exampleThe no good pretentious Albertan Conservative government and their bad leader has failed to deal adequately not only with the oil royalty fees..but they the no good pretentious Albertan Conservative government had wrongfully failed to deal with helping all the citizens of Alberta properly, with their educational and health needs, as well as helping all of the poor people included.They the no good pretentious Albertan Conservative government had also wrongfully failed to deal with the escalating crime , alcoholism, drunkenness, drug abuse in Albertabut they had also immorally and incompetently had failed to properly plan for , provide for Alberta's economic expansions.. nor deal with the much too professiuonal sbues that still go on in Alberta."The Alberta's spin doctors unacceptably lie still about the true state of Alberta's present overall well being, covering up the major negatives all while they slant the positives. Alberta's spin doctors do wrongfully and unacceptably lie still. Alberta still has much too many unacceptable liars, spin doctors, immoral persons, people abusers for my own liking and they seem to have this really bad dictatorship attitude of bossing others, telling them what they can do and cannot do, and who wrongfully made us their slaves.. their slaves we are not for sure. We Canadians are all equals and all free persons now too and do also have our own right of free speech. Alberta needs to clean up it's own yard firstly.""Reality: Alberta today has many significant, big problems not only for all newcomers but for the existing Alberta's now too. While Wages are going up so are the high cost of living there now as well, and it is a great problem consuming next almost most of the benefits of the supposedly high wages too. And that is just the start."" Alberta these days is not all rosy. The very High costs of living, incompetence, mismanagement are the basic complaints one hears, experiences in the private and public, civil service sectors of Alberta. Even Premier Ralph Klein came into pwer because of the Albertan PC provincial government's own mismanagement Premier Ralph Klein too now still is not generally respected outside of Alberta. Under Premier Ralph Klein the consumer basic costs went up seriously, sky high too. My own valid experience is that Alberta lacks still even the adequate basic justice, even the good police forces for a start.""you cannot expect to train the many people needed without providing also for low cost housing, low cost living too.. and you still cannot even really import and keep them too. Alberta will have thus major problem of being a really still backwards province economically, socially for decades thus.. and so it is now starting to advocate more and more NDP, Liberal views.""The economic rush to profit and to develop Canada's massive oil sands resources has clearly brought forth more claims that the existing and new Oil sands plants do still neglect " significant environmental issues". Add that to the reluctance from the producers, refiners and the further inaction from the Alberta and the federal Government in setting forth an much needed environmental impact statement, " This is not a battle of insignificance". If the Alberta government is now unwilling, not dealing with a large, powerful company that can get away with murder, it certainly does not build confidence that the Alberta Government will deal effectively with any of the other areas . "Big companies make big news. Big companies of mighty nations make bigger news." The Citizens own panics very easily when it comes to matters related to environment and health. Ultimately, the onus is on big corporations, the producers themselves to clean up as well as the Alberta Government. They all, the Alberta government included, must reverse an unacceptable perception that they are more interested in profits than in the well being of others, the environmental safety. "A lot of people would say, 'Would they dare use such an approach in other provinces, or countries?' And the answer is clearly, no. The Alberta government must bring their own house now in order and become more concerned about the environment, the future, and the citizen's own good welfare, concerns needs."
"Most people know anyway that Alcoholics tend to do very poor or very little really valid work. Alberta's Premier Ralph Klein basically admits that he and his cabinet, the Progressive Conservative parrots MLA's still really do not do too much good, when they sit only 55 days all together per year, and they all thus really do not care about the present, future good welfare of Alberta's, even about Alberta's natural resources when Premier Klein he says his government is not an "interventionist government".. and that is why consumer protection is so bad in Alberta, while Price gouging goes on, why there is no rental controls as well. It clearly also seems in Backward Alberta that the MLAs and Premier Klein are mostly still too incompetent to be an interventionist government to start of with anyway. It is the Alberta's citizens who are the overall losers."and to make the whole Alberta matters worse we even have a very bad Prime Minister from Calgary Alberta trying to run Canada.
----- Original Message -----From: John HanleySent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:44 PMSubject: Correspondence with Alberta's Official OppositionThank you for your recent correspondence with Alberta ’s Official Opposition. Attached is our response to your email. Thank you again for writing
John Hanley
Phone: (780) 644-2642
Ha ha, for the last laugh is on the Conservative MP Jason Kenney .. surely this professing Christian MP too practises these verses of the Bible himself? (Mat 7:3 KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Tory MP spoke to rally of group on terrorist list NDP's Nash lashes out at `hypocrite' Aug. 24, 2006. 01:00 AMTS "OTTAWA—Conservative MP Jason Kenney, who likened Hezbollah to the Nazi party and condemned fellow MPs for urging dialogue with a terrorist organization, himself spoke to a rally organized by Iranian supporters of a banned terrorist group. A photograph of Kenney, who is Prime Minister Stephen Harper's parliamentary secretary, appears on the website of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the political wing of the PMOI, or People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran. The PMOI is one of the names used by the MEK, or Mujahedin-e-Khalq, an armed Iranian rebel group formally designated as a terrorist organization by the governments of Canada, the United States and the European Union. The Canadian government put the group on its official terror list in May 2005. Kenney is shown addressing an April 6 rally on Parliament Hill, and the group says he welcomed participants "on his own behalf as well as the Prime Minister." The group touts Kenney's support, saying "dozens of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance joined in a rally in front of the Canadian Parliament to condemn (the) clerical regime's plan to execute political prisoners in Iran, specially those affiliated to the PMOI." But Human Rights Watch says the Iranian rebel group is itself responsible for serious human rights abuses. It interviewed former members of MEK who reported "abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave the organization, to lengthy solitary confinements, severe beatings and torture of dissident members."
Kenney said he did not know the rally was in support of PMOI prisoners. He said it was a small crowd of about 30 people. Kenney said he is well aware that the PMOI is also known as the MEK and is listed as a terrorist group. On Tuesday, Kenney slammed a trio of opposition MPs who visited Lebanon and who called for a dialogue with Hezbollah, which has a political wing and elected members in the Lebanese government, in order to reach a peace plan. Kenney compared Hezbollah to the German Nazi party of the 1930s and said there should be no talks with a terrorist organization even if it boasts democratic support. "We need to learn the lessons of history," Kenney told a news conference. "There was another political party in the past which had democratic support, which provided social services, which played an important role in the political life of Germany in the 1930s, which was also dedicated to violence against the Jewish people." Yesterday, one of the opposition MPs whom Kenney criticized lashed back. "It really means that Jason Kenney is a hypocrite," New Democrat MP Peggy Nash said in an interview from Cairo. "He's speaking to an organization that's linked to a terrorist organization according to Canada and the U.S. State Department, and he's done it on the steps of Parliament Hill in the name of the Prime Minister," she added. Nash (Parkdale-High Park) said Harper sent Kenney to condemn the opposition MPs "who took their time to try to be helpful." She said Kenney "went out of his way" to undermine fellow MPs "when if he'd actually looked at what we said, it was similar to what he said at the rally." "You can't have it both ways," she said. "I'm criticizing his hypocrisy and his oversimplification of complex matters." Kenney said Nash's criticisms are "utterly ridiculous." "Peggy Nash and company were explicitly talking about negotiations with Hezbollah, a banned illegal terrorist organization. "I, of course, would never advocate the delisting of the MEK or the People's Mojahedin or any other organization deemed by our security and intelligence agencies to be a terrorist entity"MP's Jason Kenney's turn to rightfully resign too
Professing Evangelical Christian Stephen Harper do note now that Jesus and the Apostles helped the poor people... surely this professing Christian MP. PM too practices these verses of the Bible himself? (Mat 7:3 KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. (1 Tim 5:8 KJV) But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Staggering losses in welfare incomes OTTAWA, Aug. 24 /CNW Telbec/ - In Alberta, the income in real dollars of a single person on welfare has decreased by almost 50 percent since 1986. Since 1992 in Ontario, the welfare income of a lone parent with one child has decreased by almost $6,600 and a couple with two children has lost just over $8,700.The National Council of Welfare's report, Welfare Incomes 2005, paints a dismal picture, and one that is getting worse. When adjusted for inflation, many 2005 welfare incomes were lower than they were in 1986. Most welfare incomes peaked in 1994 or earlier. Some of the losses between the peak year and 2005 are staggering, with one-third of households losing $3,000 or more. Five provinces-Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia-recorded the lowest levels of welfare incomes between 2000 and 2005.In 2005, the income of a single employable person on welfare in New Brunswick amounted to $3,427-just 19 percent of the poverty line. Lone parent families in Alberta, Canada's richest province, received just $12,326-only 48 percent of the poverty line. All welfare incomes continued to remain far below the poverty line in 2005. With few exceptions, the day-to-day lives of over 1.7 million Canadians receiving welfare - 5 percent of the population - only became more difficult. Half a million of those on social assistance are children.
In July 2006, the National Council of Welfare recommended that the federal government work to develop a national, comprehensive anti-poverty strategy. The findings in Welfare Incomes 2005 argue compellingly that we need to embark on this process immediately.
Council Chairperson John Murphy calls the present situation "shameful and morally unsustainable in a rich country" but also notes, "The generally favourable economic climate at the federal level, and in most provinces, presents a real opportunity for governments to take concerted action to end this kind of deprivation".
In the fall of 2006, the National Council of Welfare intends to seek the views of Canadians on what a national, comprehensive anti-poverty strategy could look like. The Council believes the re-examination of the place and purpose of welfare in our current income security system would be an essential element.
The National Council of Welfare is a citizens' advisory group to the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development on matters of concern to low-income people in Canada.
For further information: National Council of Welfare, (613) 957-2961, Fax: (613) 957-0680; Copies of the report are available from
Our personal right to write to any elected representatives in Canada guaranteed by the Canadian constitution
----- Original Message -----To: LacLaBicheStPaulSent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:10 PMSubject: Re: Our right to write to any elected representative in Canada guaranteed by the Canadian constitution
Thank you for your kind reply and sadly you only write back to give abusive orders to us citizens and not really to help us still. The email outs are all rightfully addressed to the Alberta MLA's as you can note, and you are one of their very poor representatives clearly now who wrongfully does not care about how poor people are abused in Alberta too it seems. Too bad you only pretend to care about the citizens at election times.. if you do not want any of them to write to you firstly quit politics, secondly take your email off the Internet listed posted for all to read and use.For the record In our democracy of Canada I can write at any time I want to any member of parliament, or to news editor or the member of the legislature freely, even to those in Alberta and this is not spam but my freedom of speech, my right to do so. Please note that you are abusing me, falsely by now denying my right of free speech, my human rigths as well . Please deal now with that. Did you ever even rightfully acknowledge any one of my many letters before to you now even? Freedom of speech is still my right and I can always, still write to any and all, note all of the member of Parliaments, all of the members of the legislature, all of the news editor I want in Canada and whether you like it or not too. This is the law and reality you need to respect especially as an Alberta MLa too. But you also seem to really do have it backwards , you work of us and we do not work for you. We the citizens still are the one who pre approve, and approve too what you do. And if you do not like it yes you can resign , quit politics, stop taking the pay we taxpayer's pay you. I have been writing letters to politicians for over 20 years when someone says I could not write to them it is uancceptableAny and all persons such as yourself who participate in such related immoral acts, in human rights violations even in politics should be severely immediately prosecuted by the justice ministers to the full extent of the law and even put into jail as a deterrent to others who would be tempted to follow them. Just cause Premier Klein was, is clearly an abusive persons is not acceptable for you to be one now too. How did your poor reply compare now also to the other one below?Thank you for wrting back to me it was very much appreciated----- Original Message -----From: LacLaBicheStPaulSent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:57 AMSubject: mass emails Dear Sir Could you please remove us from your list? Thank youSue deMoissac Constituency ManagerRay Danyluk, MLALac La Biche-St. PaulPh: 780.645.6999 or 1.866.674.6999 Fx: 780.645.5787>Professing Evangelical Christian Stephen Harper do note now that Jesus and the Apostles helped the poor people...Professing Evangelical Christian Stephen Harper do note now that Jesus and the Apostles helped the poor people... surely this professing Christian MP. PM too practices these verses of the Bible himself? (Mat 7:3 KJV) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. (1 Tim 5:8 KJV) But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Staggering losses in welfare incomes OTTAWA, Aug. 24 /CNW Telbec/ - In Alberta, the income in real dollars of a single person on welfare has decreased by almost 50 percent since 1986. Since 1992 in Ontario, the welfare income of a lone parent with one child has decreased by almost $6,600 and a couple with two children has lost just over $8,700.The National Council of Welfare's report, Welfare Incomes 2005, paints a dismal picture, and one that is getting worse. When adjusted for inflation, many 2005 welfare incomes were lower than they were in 1986. Most welfare incomes peaked in 1994 or earlier. Some of the losses between the peak year and 2005 are staggering, with one-third of households losing $3,000 or more. Five provinces-Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia-recorded the lowest levels of welfare incomes between 2000 and 2005.
In 2005, the income of a single employable person on welfare in New Brunswick amounted to $3,427-just 19 percent of the poverty line. Lone parent families in Alberta, Canada's richest province, received just $12,326-only 48 percent of the poverty line. All welfare incomes continued to remain far below the poverty line in 2005. With few exceptions, the day-to-day lives of over 1.7 million Canadians receiving welfare - 5 percent of the population - only became more difficult. Half a million of those on social assistance are children....
Alberta today
My Correspondence with Alberta's Official Opposition for Alberta still has much too many unacceptable liars, spin doctors, immoral persons, people abusers for my own liking.
Many many a bad politician, bad civil servant and bad persons has learned much too late even when they see their sins, wrong doings shouted from the house tops, splattered across the newspapers world wide even persons like Jean Chretien, Ralph Klein, Stephen Harper or Chuck Guite that a (Prov 22:1 KJV) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Eccl 7:1 KJV) A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth.
My also rather still being nice to the clearly evil, bad persons, politicians and leaders included is realy still a complete waste of time for furthermore they will not change, repent of their wrong doings as a result unless they feel, experience real personal negative consequences, such as the rightful public tarnishing of their names.. there is no reasons for them to change otherwise.. even the Bible itself is a history book mentioning the personal names and the specific public sins, wrong doings of leaders.
Never the less public exposure and the appropriate, fair, honest prosecution of the guilty persons still serves as a good exemplary to everyone's best interest including the guilty offenders.
As you can see by my Internet sites and I have undeniably affected the more truthful Canada wide news media coverage of Alberta for I really was the one firstly who reported to all, the news editors included, news media such as the Globe& Mail too undeniably as well that the lying spin doctors in Alberta were hiding the negative truths from Albertans and the rest of Canada.
..and to make the whole Alberta matters worse we even have a very bad Prime Minister from Calgary Alberta trying to run Canada.
----- Original Message -----
From: John Hanley
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:44 PM
Subject: Correspondence with Alberta's Official OppositionThank you for your recent correspondence with Alberta ’s Official Opposition.Attached is our response to your email.Thank you again for writing SincerelyJohn Hanley E-mail: John.Hanley@Assembly.ab.caPhone: (780) 644-2642
Our personal right of free sppech in Canada is guaranteed by the Canadian constitution in theory only it seems.
Obviously the pretentious Liberals and their presently inadequate, petty leaders are still not real ready to take back the government reins.. The undemocratic pretentious Liberals are still not any better than the bad dictatorial, oppressive, inhumane Conservatives and their leaders Stephen Harper. It was Wrong of the Liberal Ostriches too to muzzle the Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj right of free speech..
" Instead of chastising him, we should be commending him for being honest and frank about what happened Aug. 24, 2006. 01:00 AM I find it appalling to dehumanize and disgrace Etobicoke Centre MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj for his recent remarks about the situation in the Middle East. I wonder whether criticizing the state of Israel is a crime punishable by death in our country that claims to be a beacon for democracy and freedom of speech. Instead of chastising Wrzesnewskyj for speaking his mind and telling Canadians what is really happening in the region, we should be commending him for being honest and frank in putting things into perspective. Wrzesnewskyj's accusation of Israel's actions as "state terrorism" in bombing Lebanon into rubble is a valid argument that is supported by many people around the world. And his attempt to build a bridge with Hezbollah is a healthy sign that could bring lasting peace in the region. Although we view this organization as a terrorist faction, many people — including Lebanese Christians — view it differently. Shame on politicians who are trying to muzzle Wrzesnewskyj for acting as an honest broker, something we dearly miss in our politicians of today who change with the winds and hardly ever tell us the way things are. Abubakar N. Kasim, Toronto ""Editorial, Aug. 23. What an insult to the people of Lebanon — especially all those who have had family members killed in the recent conflict — for the Star to dismiss as a "junket" the visit of three Canadian MPs to the region. According to your own editorial, the Canada-Israel Committee and the Quebec-Israel Committee led at least 14 trips to Israel last year. Yet it takes just one such visit organized by an Arab group — to witness devastation in a war zone, not to wine and dine MPs — for the Star to demand a ban on these trips. This is sheer and utter hypocrisy. Huge swathes of Lebanon have been completely devastated and lie in ruins. The Canadian government has no official presence there to witness the destruction or the challenges facing the Lebanese people to rebuild. I am relieved that at least three MPs will see first-hand the consequences of this war and will be able to report their findings to Canadians. And if you think their findings will be lopsided, don't be surprised. With Lebanon suffering by a long shot far more death and devastation, so too was this war. James Clark, Toronto "
Originally an Alberta MLA said to me in wrting do not write to me anymore.. she changed her mind when I posted her request on the Internet with copies to the news media.
Our personal right to write to any elected representatives in Canada is still guaranteed by the Canadian constitution
----- Original Message -----
To: LacLaBicheStPaul
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: email to Alberta's Legislative members
Thank you I will continue to use my right to write to you as well and a rich province like Alberta cannot afford to look after the email, never mind the citizens.. kinda says it all as to how you really do care about them.. pretentiously.. better take that up with the MLA and the caucus, never mind the lousy premier
It would also not be the first time that even constituent funds are being misappropriated by legislature members such as it has recently happened in the Maritimes as well.
By the way if you read my emails, I spent only fifteen years in Alberta, I started wrting to politicians in Alberta and I learned firsthand too often that the PC MPs and MLA's tend to response poorly to their constitutents and Albertan needs just as much by letters, email as if one had you visited them firsthand.. and how they do treat me is generally how they do treat everyone else. I generally only include important, serious issue related to Albertans as well when I write to you all.
Like i have said many times " My Correspondence with Alberta's Official Opposition for Alberta still has much too many unacceptable liars, spin doctors, immoral persons, people abusers for my own liking."
----- Original Message -----
From: LacLaBicheStPaul
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: email
I’m sorry to have offended you. Yes, you are right, you do have every right to write to us, unfortunately, I work alone in the constituency office and I don’t always have a lot of time to read all of the incoming emails we get every day. The only reason I asked to be removed from your list was because most of your emails seem to pertain to federal politics. Again, I apologize; please continue sending us your material if you wish to do so.
Sue deMoissac
Constituency Manager
Ray Danyluk, MLA
Lac La Biche-St. Paul
4434-50 Ave.
St. Paul, AB T0A 3A2
Ph: 780.645.6999 or 1.866.674.6999
Fx: 780.645.5787