A Canadian Foreign
Showing us
all now his true colours, the Canadian Foreign Minister Peter McKay
calls for better understanding of Islam.. while in a survey at least 70
percent of Quebecers said they would never let their son or daughter marry a
Muslim as well cause they do not respect, trust them? So is this what the
Canadian Foreign minister means he is going to expound when calls for
better understanding of Islam.. we all put our heads in the sand and deny
their unacceptable, negative terrorists emotional violent outbursts and now
lie and say Islam is a peaceful religion, killing only a few people so far
promoting their own false agendas, unacceptable dictatorial state and
values now? Muslims even still do the same thing they do protest against..
kill and make bad cartoons.. and now how really hypocritical it is of them and
us all now too?
Licia Corbella had said
on Thu, February 9, 2006 " Pandering to fear a depressing debut By
LICIA CORBELLA This just in from Canada's new Foreign Affairs
Minister Peter MacKay. "The government of Canada will continue to promote a
better understanding of Christianity internationally, in partnership with
Christian communities." Aaaack! Looks like the worst fears and smears of
the Liberals during the election campaign are true. Oops. Did I write
Christianity and Christian? Silly me. I meant Islam and Muslim. MacKay's
actual statement was this: "The government of Canada will continue to promote
a better understanding of Islam internationally, in partnership with Muslim
communities." There, feel better now? Well, you shouldn't. Here I
thought this new Conservative government was going to -- at long last --
'stick to its knitting', to quote MacKay, or at least stick to its core
objectives and roles. Promoting a better understanding internationally of any
religion -- Islam included -- is not Mac-Kay's role or any other federal
official's role. What MacKay should promote during his stint as official
globetrotter is Canadian values -- those ones entrenched in our Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and paid for with the lives of more than 114,000 young
Canadian men and women who died fighting on foreign soil against tyranny and
oppression. MacKay made his inane comments in reference to the
violent reaction across the Muslim world over one dozen editorial cartoons
first published in a Danish newspaper that depicted -- in satirical and
symbolic ways -- the Prophet Mohammed. It is apparently considered
blasphemous to depict Mohammed at all -- be it positive or negative -- because
Mohammed said it could lead to idolatry. Well, if anything is being idolized
here, it's violence and hatred. So far, an Italian Roman Catholic priest
in Turkey has been murdered while praying in church as a result of the outrage
caused by these cartoons, foreign embassies in Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon and
Syria have been attacked and burned, and almost one dozen rioters have been
shot and killed by Afghan police -- all because of the reaction to these
cartoons. In a protest in London last week -- the one attended by more
than 700 furious protesters -- the signs they carried called on Muslims to
kill infidels with signs saying things such as: "UK you will pay" (even though
no British paper has run the controversial cartoons), "behead those who insult
Islam" and "freedom of expression go to hell." So far, there have been no
riots or even protests protesting such outrageous and even violence-inducing
freedom of expression. MacKay's disappointing statement continued.
"The publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed has caused offence to
Muslims and non-Muslims around the world and in Canada," said MacKay.
Yes, and that's unfortunate. I understand the hurt many Muslims feel. I am
offended by the best-selling novel the DaVinci Code -- that so many people
believe is fact -- which denies the deity of Christ. Nevertheless, it has not
occurred to me to kill the author Dan Brown or to insist the feds ban the
book's sale. What's more, not covering my hair offends many Muslims, too, as
does showing my legs. Is MacKay going to tackle that offence next?
"Freedom of expression is a legally en-shrined principle in Canada, but it
must be exercised responsibly," MacKay said in a news release yesterday.
What, pray tell, does he mean by "must"? And, who defines responsibly? Me, him
or Osama bin Laden? MacKay's first public press release is a depressing
debut. "We condemn the violent protests that have occurred in some parts
of the world, and find the attacks on foreign diplomatic missions particularly
deplorable," added Mac-Kay. Right. A Muslim friend of mine said she is
certain Mohammed would be less offended by the cartoons than he is by those
who claim to be defending his honour. Why don't you write that? I asked.
"I'm afraid that would cause offence and endanger my family," she answered. In
a city. In Canada. "
What you cannot remember when
the last time any one, especially a federal cabinet minister had said
officially, specifically in Canada, Peter Mckay said they were
sorry the Christians had been abused? neither can I.. cause he still really
does not care about any offending the others or of the Christian votes? he
only cares about the people who hate the Jews and the
Foreign Affairs Minister
Peter MacKay issued a statement Wednesday noting that the drawings, which
appeared in some European publications, have caused offence in Canada and
abroad... but not the Islamic poor reactions?
Clearly wrongfully
Pandering to fear, Pampering to the Mulsims seems to be
wrongfully Peter McKay and Rahim Jaffer in their first adress on the
issue are firstly only exploitng the Muslim idoltary
situation to get their Conservative support, votes and so what is wrong
with that? He may not make for a good Canadian statesman especialy
clearly a Justice Minister now but they too are foremost
politicans who do needs more votes to be able to pass their desired
bills... such as more support for the Aga Khan Foundation of all thinmgs
maybe it was a really bad mistake to put them into that postion..
"Respect for cultural diversity and freedom of religion is a fundamental
principle in Canada. The government of Canada will continue to promote a
better understanding of Islam internationally, in partnership with Muslim
communities." as truly as we all can seee still an agressive,
violent, non peaceful religion even for centuries, this is the
Canadian Government's new role being a missionary for Islam and
since when?
Conservative member of
Parliament Rahim Jaffer, who is Muslim, said Canada should play a leadership
role in calming tensions because of its history of integrating various
religious and ethnic groups into daily life. He added that protests have
in some cases been fanned by groups with their own agendas. Reaction in Canada
has not been violent because Muslims feel they have a stake in the country _
while the same can't be said about all countries in Europe, Jaffer said.
But if they do not have a stake in Canada clearly they will like the other
bad Muslims wrongfully resort to violence, threats, murder, immoral
Jaffer said Canada can also
reach out to Muslims around the world through the Centre for Pluralism,
created by the Aga Khan Foundation and the Liberal government. And
he hopes he can help MacKay in relations with the Muslim community through his
affiliation with the Islamic world. What he is now here firstly to be a
spokesman for the self seeking Aga Khan Foundation, the Muslims
and not for all of the Canadians too?
and maybe the evangelcial S Harper
can have it rightfuly now have all of this corrected or does he not care
about the Islam truths, or the rest of the Canadians too but only the
votes firstly too?
But Truly anyone demanding
or threatening Death, for any cartoons is now really an
unacceptable approach, agenda! One that is a criminal offense in Canada
still too. And all of the Muslims now demanding this is both
indicative of the huge vast moral gap between the too often hypocritical
religious Islam and the rest of the world, and their Religious
extremism, false domination which instead brings us in direct contrast
death, violence, and slavery to the false demands of a minority
group who often themselves do not practice what they preach to others.
Their false threatening of any others, their attempts to also strip them of
their human rights in the name of Islamic law that only a small segment of
society believes in, is really now also quite unacceptable and
very intolerable. The Muslims are advancing now an really totally
unacceptable agenda : they want to us all to sacrifice our rights and freedom
for their oppressive society, one that lets the Imams, mullahs dictate
to us all what is said and when. A perverted agenda that
Jesus himself had abandoned us from and had set us free now
from even centuries ago. ..
(Rom 8:2 KJV) For the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and
death. (Psa 121:7 KJV) The LORD shall preserve thee from all
evil: he shall preserve thy soul. (1 Timothy 4:1)"Now the Spirit expressly
says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to
deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons." (Acts 5:29 KJV)
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey
God rather than men. (1 Corinthians
7:23) "You were bought at a price;
do not become slaves of men. ." (Psa 23:6 KJV)
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will
dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
The personal Religious Submission to any
others is also now always voluntarily and unenforceable. These bad People who
are wrongfully trying to enslave us, to have control over us, even with their
false religious, Islamic demands they will rather if we let them cause
us to go crazy, mental, even cause they now are also in reality
themselves demonically led too. And these bad people they will always be
around and try to do so but we should not heed to their false demands now not
even for one moment too.
Please Mr. S Harper rightfully get us better
Canadian cabinet ministers now than that too.. we are all really firstly
tired of having the bad Canadian politicians.. - Following yesterday’s appointments to Canada’s new
Conservative Cabinet of Ministers, the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), a
controversial organization purporting to represent Canadian Muslims said
today in a press release that "the features of an emergent police state in
Canada are many". These features, explains the CIC, include the renewal of the
Anti-Terrorism Act, security certificate detentions which have kept
non-Canadian suspected terrorists locked up and alleged racial profiling. The
CIC said that it now "fears that police-state politics which began under the
former Liberal regime will soon emerge in an accelerated and enlarged form"
under the new Conservative goverment. In the last two federal campaigns, the
CIC has come out strongly against the Conservative party platform, alleging
that if elected, the Conservatives would pursue an aggressive foreign policy
abroad and would damage social justice at home. The CIC charges that the
results of these anti-terrorist measures erode Canadians’ civil liberties and
favour the emergence of a police state in Canada, which it fears could be
precipitated by what the CIC calls the "most feared five": Stockwell
Day (Public Safety Minister), Peter MacKay (Foreign Affairs Minister),
Lawrence Cannon (Transport minister), Vic Toews (Justice Minister) and Monte
Solberg (Citizenship and Immigration Minister). The press release did
not explain why the CIC deems the five ministers should be feared by
Canadians. Interestingly, the CIC wants to open dialogue with the new fearsome
cabinet and gives details on the number of Muslims it alleges voted for the
Conservatives. The CIC is best known to Canadians for the declaration of its
president Mohammed Elmasry in late 2004 to the effect that all Israeli adults
are legitimate targets for Palestinian terrorists because Israel has a
people’s army."
Do please also Tell them this.. If they do not wrong they have nothing to
fear (Rom 13:3 KJV) " For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to
the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good,
and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God
to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth
not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute
wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only
for wrath, but also for conscience sake"... all protests should be conducted
peacefully... reject violence as a way to express discontent...
governments around the world should protect the lives, human rights and
property of all citizens, even the diplomats against any
violence.. be respectful, protect property, protect the lives of
all of the innocent citizens, diplomats who are serving their countries
overseas too.