Whether it is acid reflux, heartburn, cancer, heart attacks, diabetes too now, we are all mostly a product of what and how we eat it. But next we are also all affected by our natural body's degeneration, resulting ailments.
Raw Potato - shredded with a grater. Eat several tablespoons of this at the onset of symptoms. Potatoe is already known to help reduce blood pressure and to reduce accidity.. and why many people eat potatoe bread and potatoe pancakes too.
Baking Soda - A teaspoonful in a cup of water. Drink it for quick relief. Warning: Depending on the cause of your heartburn, this can actually cause more acid to be produced afterwards and the symptoms may return. The same goes for heartburn relief tablets that are also calcium supplements.
Rootbeer - Some old timers swear by a can of root beer to cure heartburn.
Cola - Served at room temperature, may help simple heartburn caused by indigestion. Warning: On the other hand, the caffeine and carbolic acid in soda may inflame more serious cases of acid reflux.
Ginger and Ginger Tea - Chewing on raw ginger, or drinking strong ginger tea with honey may help acid reflux.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey - 2 tablespoons of vinegar every morning and a couple tablespoons of honey every night. This is an old time recipe for a healthy stomach that can keep heartburn away.
Saltine Crackers or Pretzels - Eating several at the onset of symptons brings relief according to many.Warning: But salt is dangerous, it reatins fuids.. water.. causing heart problmes
Pineapple Juice - drinking this, or eating the fruit itself brings relief for some temporaily.
Pineapples are a store house of enzymes and contain
bromelain, an enzymes that reduces protein. Pineapples support digestion,
reduce inflammation, and supports wound healing. The fresh juice has a high
level of enzymes that will help you stop your acid reflux. You can also
buy bromelain as tablet and take 200 – 500mg per meal.
Papaya - in fruit or juice form may help.
Colloidal Silver - Many believe that serious acid reflux might be caused by a bacteria or virus in the stomach. Some have found that taking colloidal silver has quickly ended their heartburn pain permanently.
Yellow Mustard - A tablespoon of this when you feel the burn coming on might do the trick. A great place for it is half a tablespoon in a bowl of soap.. it helps to increase the flavour of the soup. Warning: Not recommended if you have ulcers though.
Peppermint – is another powerful herb for stomach conditions or heartburn. It helps in digestion, stomach distension, cramps, ulcers, and gas.
Direct Prevention of Acid Reflux and Heartburn:
Drink plenty of water every day. Eight to ten glasses of water daily may help prevent many health problems including acid reflux.
Eating steamed foods helps our digestions greatly, Warning: Avoid having too much strong tea, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol since all of these items cause dehydrations, and cause serious heart stomache difficulties next.
Always eat small portion meals. Always eat at least a couple hours before going directly to bed.
Sleep with your head slightly elevated to keep acids from coming up.
Yes even in Canada, I am amazed how many people wrongfully think they can still eat what ever they want and they will stay well and healthy as a result.. unfortunately that is not so.. many Canadians are sick eventually even because they do not know how to eat properly firstly, and secondly many poor Canadians cannot afford undeniably to eat well.And when you become older you can tend to become more of an expert on sicknesses you thought you would never have too such as --- Allergies, milk, lactose intolerance.. the latter two this is likely related to a weaken heart- Kidney stones, likely caused by too much fish with pop.. coke, for soft drinks, pop cause dehydration, makes it heart to digest foods, and it can help to produce cement stones literally.. stones can generally be dissolved by drinking water- Heart problems- caused by lack of vegetables, too much red meat, salt, too much unresolved stress, not enough exercise for a start..-Heartburn or gastric reflex.. associated both with eating and sleeping habits... a head raised too high during sleeping, generally do not use more than one pillow under the head .. and caused by acid imbalances, generally resolved by eating immediately green lettuce leaves or cole slaws..- Potassium deficiency- loss of potassium by passing too much fluids.. can be associated with dielectric medicine consumption.. drink more orange Juice, natural juices , eat more fresh vegetables..- Thyroid Gland secretion problems can really mess you up and solved by continual medication- Headaches, migraines.. some may be caused by food poisoning, solved by drinking milk, medications.-Calcium deficiency avoid soft drinksI really do not believe that God said we would never be sick, or that is his will for us never to be sick, or to never take medication, or never to go to doctors.. rather God has instead said he will help us to overcome the sickness. I have said it is not always a sin to be sick, but if anyone stays sick without asking for Jesus' help to heal them and also to deliver them from all evil I too would like to know why?Potassium Benefits & Deficiency Symptoms It is also now very undeniable we are all also a by product as well as what we eat.. and even a Potassium deficiency.. causes of which are many.. including a medicinal side effect, and the consumption of salt, soft drinks.. Some Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency: Bad circulation, bluish tint to skin, Chronic-Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, earaches, edema, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, intestinal pain, muscle weakness, oppressive breathing, pain in the eyes, prolapsed uterus, swollen glands, tissue anemia, and water retention. If Mother Nature was to deprive you of potassium completely, hard scientific evidence proves you would be dead in less than three weeks. But in many ways this would be a merciful release when compared with the infinitely more painful and far slower death caused by slow potassium deprivation By far the largest number of deaths and permanent crippling disabilities from potassium deficiency occur in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several other western nations. Obviously humans can survive at these savagely depleted levels, because Americans manage to eke out about 70 years each, before this basic potassium deficiency overwhelms them and they finally die, sometimes in great pain from a number of directly related illnesses including arthritis, osteoporosis, hypertension [high blood pressure], angina, strokes and so on. It is scientifically beyond question that all would live longer and suffer less pain if they received the necessary quantity of potassium each day,
Potassium is called the "alkalizer." It neutjtralizes acids and restores alkaline salts to the bloodstream. Potassium works with sodium in all cells including at nerve synapses to maintain or restore membrane potentials and to assist in metabolic processes. Potassium is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function, regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells and facilitating muscle energy. Potassium also regulates water balance and assists recuperative powers. Potassium aids rheumatic or arthritic conditions (causing acids to leave the joints and ease stiffness). Potassium is vital for the elimination of wastes. Potassium is a natural pain desensitizer. Potassium helps control convulsions, headaches and migraines, promotes faster healing of cuts, bruises and other injuries and generally contributes to a sense of well being. Much potassium is lost in excessive sweating and urine. Potassium is easily lost in the urine, and if large amounts of salt is ingested, it may be wise to take a potassium supplement. If you suffer from kidney stones, you might benefit from increasing high potassium containing foods in your diet to supply more potassium to your body, as higher potassium levels have proved helpful in preventing kidney stones. For some persons Kidney stones are also related to too much soft drink consumptions. "Deliberately restricting your potassium intake makes you very ill, and thus vulnerable to hundreds of highly profitable medical "cures" Joe Vialls, 30 January 2004 Unlike toxic sodium [table salt], potassium is essential to our health. Potassium is present in all cells and is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function, regulating the transfer of nutrients into cells and facilitating muscle energy. This wonder mineral also regulates water balance, assists recuperative powers, and aids rheumatic or arthritic conditions by causing acids to leave the joints, thereby easing stiffness. At the same time potassium is vital for the elimination of wastes, is a natural pain desensitizer, helps control convulsions, headaches and migraines, and promotes faster healing of cuts, bruises and other injuries. Because of its very high electrochemical activity, potassium is on the move all the time, and we need vast quantities to replenish that lost every day. When we exercise and sweat, we lose potassium through urine. When we are under extreme stress for a variety of other reasons, potassium loss can treble instantly. But as renowned nutritionist Adelle Davis points out, it is toxic sodium that causes the greatest problems. "Persons eating [sodium] salt as they wished excreted nine times more potassium than when their salt intake was limited, and human volunteers kept on diets deficient in potassium retained so much salt that they developed high blood pressure." "The alarming fact is that foods [fruits, vegetables and grains] now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them." The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some of them aren't worth eating as food...Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume." By the seventies, all meaningful references to serious mineral deficiencies had been removed from the curriculum, with medical students taught that patients could obtain all the minerals they needed from a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, although their university tutors knew this was a complete lie. As toxic sodium increasingly overwhelmed healthy potassium, the resulting potassium deficiency caused hardening of the cardio vascular system, and 'essential hypertension' [high blood pressure of 'unknown' origin] became the order of the day. Incidences of angina, stroke and heart attack increased dramatically, as did stress, with the latter feeding on the former. Because of a lack of space, this report will only cover the effects of potassium deficiency on the cardio-vascular system. researchers who examined more than 10,000 of these cheerful people found that there was a direct correlation between marginally increased sodium intake and increased blood pressure. "... a highly significant statistical relationship was observed between sodium excretion and systolic blood pressure for the participants. The higher the urinary sodium excretion [and, therefore, the sodium intake], the higher the blood pressure."On a closing note, try not to believe the advertising garbage that keeps telling you the banana has the highest level of potassium known to man, because it is a lie. If grown side by side on suitable soils, the humble jacket potato has more than four times as much potassium as the banana, weight for weight. This might bring a wry smile to the face of many an Irishman, whose ancestors were forced to live on a 'poor' diet of potatoes in Ireland more than a century ago. The reality is that those potatoes, so very high in potassium, gave the Irish the huge strength and endurance they needed to build bridges and lay railroads half way round the world. Looking back briefly on the Yanomami Indians, it is not hard to see why. "Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance?" http://www.joevialls.co.uk/vialls/potassium.htmlCalcium, Blaming dietary sodium for high blood pressure is too simplistic; the real problem may be mineral deficiencies by Dani Veracity In popular thought, disputing sodium's link to high blood pressure is equivalent to questioning whether the earth is round. Another interesting theory asserts that these people actually have hypertension because of calcium deficiency, rather than an excess of sodium. "Soft drinks have long been suspected of leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, calcium is pulled out of the bones. The phosphate content of soft drinks like Coca -Cola and Pepsi is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium." "The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times." "Adolescents who consume soft drinks display a risk of bone fractures three to four-fold higher than those who do not." "Sugar and acid in soft drinks so easily dissolve tooth enamel." The acidity of cola beverages ... is about the same as vinegar. The sugar content masks the acidity, and children little realize they are drinking this strange mixture of phosphoric acid, sugar, caffeine, coloring, and flavoring matter." What may happen, in the face of day-to-day, continuously high levels of sodium in the diet and the bloodstream, is that we experience a type of acute hypernatremia—not enough to kill us or cause the myelin sheath to lose its integrity, but enough to keep our sodium potassium pump slightly dysregulated and throw off the electrical system of the brain…. Americans drink soft drinks that are often loaded with more sodium and which further unbalance the mineral stores." Caffeine is a weak diuretic that causes calcium loss via the kidneys." "For anyone over age 40, soft drinks can be especially hazardous because the kidneys are less able to excrete excess phosphorus, causing depletion of vital calcium." "Cola drinks can interact adversely with antacids, possibly causing constipation, calcium loss, hypertension, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and kidney damage." Phosphorus is found in most foods but soda pops, diet pops… contain especially high amounts. The ideal dietary phosphorus-calcium ratio is about 1:1. "Tooth loss, periodontal disease, and gingivitis can be problems, especially with a high phosphorus intake, particularly from soft drinks. All kinds of bone problems can occur with prolonged calcium deficiency, which causes a decrease in bone mass. Rickets in children, osteomalacia (decreased bone calcium) in adults, and osteoporosis (porous and fragile bones) can occur when calcium is withdrawn from bones faster than it is deposited. Fractures are more common with osteoporosis "High dietary phosphorus, as is found in a diet with meats, soft drinks, and other convenience foods, can readily affect calcium metabolism. Potential calcium deficiency symptoms may be more likely when the phosphorus intake is very high. A low calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in the diet increases the incidence of hypertension and the risk of colon-rectal cancer." "Sodium benzoate Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative (microbial control) in foods, including soft drinks, fruit juices, margarine, confections, pickles, and jams. Sodium preservatives add sodium to the diet and reduce the availability of potassium. http://www.newstarget.com/004416.html
Heart Attacks, Sickness
Prov 16:25 KJV) There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
(2 Cor 1:4 KJV) Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
I made a study for years of the reasons many people get heart attacks .. it is often a family disease, meaning related family bad habits.. such as the lack of physical exercise, how one handles the stressful situations, how well you sleep included.. and the type of food eaten and how it is prepared... steamed food is advisable and often thus too.. The quality of sleep is more important than the Quantity too. Heart stress and food digestion are also related, related even to cancer, having heart attacks now as well.
Gum disease
Risks of heart attack the number one killer of persons is directly also related to bacteria in gum plaque and not merely to one's smoking or drinking alcohol habits for a start.. This Bacteria that live in the sub-gingival plaques can increase the risk of heart attack for all people.
A recent Medical study describes the association between heart disease and gum disease to be at least as strong as the linkage of heart disease to cholesterol, body weight, or smoking. In fact, research suggests that gum disease may be a more serious risk factor for heart disease than hypertension, smoking, cholesterol, gender and age. So Good dental hygiene could save your life save you from a heart attack .
Because your mouth is a dark, wet, and warm place that makes it a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. If left to fester, these bacteria can invade your gum tissue, make it into your bloodstream and cause inflammation. So if you’ve been lax about keeping your teeth and gums clean, you could be inviting cardiovascular disaster – including a heart attack or stroke. Periodontal disease is painless and affects 87% of the population, most of its victims are unaware.
Science has recently found a direct connection between gum disease and inflammation of the arteries, blood clots, hemorrhages, strokes and heart attacks. Add to this that over half of all American men have some form of gum disease and you have the ingredients for an epidemic. Despite this connection, conventional medicine has completely ignored oral health in their heart recommendations.
-A major study by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found that men with severe periodontal bone loss had 150% greater risk of heart disease.
- The third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, meanwhile, found that those with severe periodontal disease were nine times more likely to have had a heart attack.
- An even larger study, the Arteriosclerosis Risk in Communities study, reports that patients with gum disease have a 1.5 fold increased rate of heart disease. Recent medical studies indicate that the most common strain of bacteria dental plaque may cause blood clots. When blood clots escape into the bloodstream, there is a relation to increased risk of heart attacks and other heart illnesses.
In studies conducted in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, and Germany, researchers found that people with advanced gum disease also had a 25% to 100% increased risk of suffering from a heart attack than those without advanced gum disease. By comparison, those who smoke have a 60% increased risk of suffering from a heart attack than those who do not. In one study, those with severe gum disease were almost 10 times more likely to have coronary artery disease than their peers with healthy gums
Some pharmaceuticals increase your risk of gum disease. Diuretics reduce your production of saliva, which increases plaque buildup. Calcium channel blockers such as Procardia and Cardizem can enlarge your gums. This makes it more difficult for you to clean your teeth and gums effectively. Ironically, these are the very drugs that you may be taking to treat your heart disease!The “statin” cholesterol drugs are the worst in this regard. They block the best treatment for gum disease: Coenzyme Q10.
The latest research, which is published in the current issue of Journal of Periodontology, say that people with periodontal disease who have suffered from an acute myocardial infarction or heart attack are also the ones whose total number of periodontal bacteria in sub gingival plaques were higher than the rest of the participants of the study. Researchers had looked into the gum state of 150 participants who had been suffering from periodontal disease.
In another study, which is also published in the same journal, researchers have reported the DNA strains of the periodontal bacteria in the arteries of the patients. Researchers report that this is due to the fact that a periodontal infection can cause inflammation of the gums that cause opening of pores in the blood vessels of the area around the infection. This makes it easy for the bacteria to travel to other parts of the body by the bloodstream and succeed in causing health problems away from the place of infection.
Reference: American Academy of Periodontology, News release, June 2005There have been many other similar collaborating medical studies too.. and why the poor people suffer the most.. it is they cannot afford regular dental cleaning and the costs of dentists.Teeth help: Medical professionals often recommend a warm saltwater gargle or rinse to soothe a sore throat and keep your mouth and gums healthy – especially for a toothache or after a tooth extraction, dental abscess, mouth sores or periodontal treatment. Mix 1 part salt and 2 parts baking soda in a plastic container. Use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of this mixture in 1 cup warm water.This will make you feel better and will remove gastric acids which could cause tooth decay. You can brush your teeth and rinse your mouth regularly with baking soda, salt, and water to help keep it clean and prevent infection. As a temporary remedy for a toothache before going to the dentist, rinse your mouth with a mixture of 4 ounces warm water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, and 1 tablespoon salt.Sleep assessment should be part of medical care: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 20:08:13 EDT CBC News People should have their sleep assessed as a standard part of their medical care, doctors propose. Monday's issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine is devoted to studies of sleep and health, such as the causes and repercussions of sleep disorders. "The theme that emerges throughout this issue is that sleep serves as an indicator of health and quality of life," guest editors Dr. Phyllis Zee and Fred Turek of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago wrote. How lack of sleep may affect the immune system is one of the new research topics explored in the issue. Chronic sleeplessness may harm the immune system, since lack of sleep is linked to an increase in cytokine molecules that control immune response. The resulting inflammation and changes in blood chemistry may be behind a variety of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and neurological diseases. "The foundations of good health are good diet, good exercise and good sleep, but two out of three doesn't get you there," said Dr. Anne Calhoun, a neurology professor at the University of North Carolina. The immune system also appears to play a role in the disorder narcolepsy — a sudden and uncontrollable urge to sleep. One study on more than 1,400 middle-aged adults over four years found those with sleep apnea, in which the airway becomes repeatedly blocked and sleep is interrupted, were twice as likely to develop depression. Physicians treating people for depression should address poor sleep habits, Zee said. A French study of nearly 600 people found a higher rate of sleep problems and daytime sleepiness among allergy sufferers compared with a controlled group of people of the same age and sex who lived in the same area. "The results show a significant impact of allergic rhinitis on all dimensions of sleep quality and, consequently, a lower quality of life as reflected by more somnolence [sleepiness], daytime fatigue and sleepiness, and impaired memory, mood and sexuality," Dr. Damien Léger of Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris and colleagues wrote. Other studies in the issue concluded: Fewer hours of sleep may contribute to poor health in young adults, according to an international survey of more than 17,000 university students. People living in rural areas who sleep fewer hours tend to have a higher average body mass index. Men with diabetes and men with short or poor-quality sleep tended to have less control of their blood-sugar levels.
Yes sleep disorder can cause heart sickness
(Eph 4:26 KJV) Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
(Eph 4:27 KJV) Neither give place to the devil. 28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."Heart attacks linked to nine risk factors: study - Washington, August 31 A large international study led by a Canadian has linked more than 90 per cent of heart attacks to nine easy-to-measure risk factors common to essentially every region and every ethnic group in the world, a media report has said. The study conducted under Salim Yusuf, Director of the Population Health Research Instiute at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada) found that leading risk factors for heart attack were abnormal cholesterol, current smoking, abdominal obesity, depression and stress, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to the study preventive factors were eating fruits and vegetables daily, regular exercise and moderate alcohol consumption. "The risk factors are the same all over the planet," said Jean-Pierre Bassand, President of the European Society of Cardiology. "Political action is desperately needed" in all countries to devise plans geared towards prevention, he said. The findings, said The Wall Street Journal, add to the evidence of the rising global burden of cardiovascular disease, particularly in developing countries, where it is supplanting infectious diseases as the most important cause of death. -Depression and stress, which were determined from several different questionnaires used in the study of 15,152 patients from 52 countries, accounted for a 2.5-fold risk in a person's risk of a heart attack. - Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables was associated with a 30 per cent reduction of an individual's risk of a heart attack while regular exercise lowered risk by 14 per cent."Now we already all should know that unresolved stress, smoking, alcohol, bad drugs, inadequate physical exercises, over weight, and poor eating habits do cause heart attacks that kill people..But the doctors are right eating not enough vegetables and too much red meat can cause a heart attack, death ...It is also now very undeniable we are all also a by product as well as what we eat.. and even a Potassium deficiency.. causes of which are many.. including a medicinal side effect, and the consumption of salt, soft drinks.. If Mother Nature was to deprive you of potassium completely, hard scientific evidence proves you would be dead in less than three weeks. Some Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency: Bad circulation, bluish tint to skin, Chronic-Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, earaches, edema, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, intestinal pain, muscle weakness, oppressive breathing, pain in the eyes, prolapsed uterus, swollen glands, tissue anemia, and water retention.
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a serious, chronic condition that causes a deficiency in the heart’s ability to pump oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. Like Congestive Heart Failure, Left-VentricleHeart Failure occurs when the heart’s left ventricle cannot pump blood efficiently from the heart to the rest of the body. Right-Ventricle Heart Failure occurs when the heart’s right ventricle is not pumping blood efficiently. This usually results after Left-Ventricle Heart Failure. Right-Ventricle Heart Failure causes swelling in the veins and in the legs and ankles. The words "heart failure" sound alarming, but the name is not meant to indicate that your heart has suddenly stopped working. However, what is meant instead is that your heart is not pumping as well as it should to deliver oxygen-rich blood to your body's cells. So Congestive Heart Failure happens when the heart's weak pumping action causes a buildup of fluid called congestion in your lungs and other body tissues. The most frequent underlying cause of Congestive Heart Disease is hypertension or in other words high blood pressure. The incidence of high blood pressure can more than double the risk of contracting Congestive Heart Failure.
Another risk factor of Congestive Heart Failure is diabetes mellitus. Diabetics have a very high likelihood of developing Congestive Heart Disease.
In addition, the following forms of cardiac disease can lead to Congestive Heart Failure:
valve disease myocardial infarction rheumatic heart disease certain other types of congenital conditionsIn most instances, Congestive Heart Failure develops slowly. It may be years before any symptoms are noticeable. After symptoms become noticeable, the symptoms will tend to get worse with time. The slow onset and progression of Congestive Heart Failure is caused by the heart's efforts to compensate for its weakening condition. The heart compensates for its weak state by enlarging and by working harder to pump faster.
Consider the following symptoms associated with Congestive Heart Failure:
fatigue edema (fluid accumulation) persistent coughing dyspnea (shortness of breath) orthopnea (cardiac asthma)Consider the following list of medication available for Congestive Heart Failure treatment:
Diuretics ACE inhibitors Nitrates Digoxin Potassium Aspirin Calcium antagonists Coumadin (Warfarin) Beta-blockers Magnesium
DiabetesDiabetes is a “silent killer” and in the early stages of the disease, patients often have no symptoms. Four of five people with diabetes will die of heart attack or stroke. Millions of persons have diabetes, and some people do not even know it.. diabetes is not to be taken lightly for it has serious personal side effects. Diabetes is influenced by genes, food we eat, exercise as well. "The individuals with pre-diabetes have a one and one-half fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease as compared to people with normal blood glucose and that individuals with diabetes have a two to four-fold increased cardiovascular risk. Some 65 percent of those with type 2 diabetes succumb to cardiovascular disease. " The People with diabetes must closely manage their blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, or face a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, say three leading health organizations.Remember you can test the personal effect of a meal on you by testing your blood sugar levels on to two hours after eating the meal..http://www.nohypehealth.org/locarb.html Good and bad Foods, carbohydratesThese sites are provided for informational purposes only. The information here is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, and should not replace the care and attention of qualified medical personnel. Use the information on these pages at your own risk, and, as with any information pertaining to health, nutrition, mental health, or fitness, consult your physician before making any changes that might affect your overall health.